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Spring / Summer backyard tower project
It's been a while since I've posted any updates due mainly to problems with back-orders at Radio World.  After waiting more than two months for my Hy-Gain vertical, MFJ could not give Radio World an ETA.  MFJ, who I'm told is difficult to deal with at the best of times, ran everyone around in circles.  The antenna I was after was a special order item, however, at DX Engineering it is a regular stocked item so I had them deliver one in three days!  This is not my first involvement DX with but I find they are a first class operation.  I especially like their CFO Tim Duffy's close involvement with the customer.

Angelo Meffe, president of Radio World, really felt bad about my experience.  He was looking for some way to extend an olive branch so he  offered me a ZeroFive-Antennas 43GP (43' vertical) for cost with free shipping.  It was a deal I could not turn down so I intend to put this up in my back yard with an MFJ-998RT remote antenna tuner this fall.

It took me about 10 hours to assemble the Hy-Gain and get it temporarily mounted on the back of my wife's garden shed so I can tune it.  It is quite a struggle to balance it to get it up there, and only after its up there can I install the eight 72" radials at the bottom.

In order to tune it, I will have to remove the bottom radials and bring it down each time.  I have never tuned an antenna before so this will be quite interesting I'm sure.  I welcome any feedback.  It has been suggested to tune a little lower than where I would like to be because as I raise the antenna, the resonant frequency will increase.  This will be going on top of my 45' tower.

73s Rob VE3RWY

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RE: Spring / Summer backyard tower project - by Rob_Walker - 2020-07-26, 12:55:23

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