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Spring / Summer backyard tower project
I think this is where my inexperience got the best of me because I was thinking backwards trying to tune this.  The manual clearly states, trimming the spokes raises the resonant frequency.  Since I have no resonance in the 20M band, and I discovered 1.29 @ 13.306, I should be able to raise this to 14.150 MHz by trimming the radials for the 20M band.  There are four 15" spokes.

I read on eHam, plus I may have heard from Tom or John, I can get pretty close to the resonance I want by laying this on the ground on an angle.  It would save my wife and myself wrestling this up and down every time I make a change.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Spring / Summer backyard tower project - by Rob_Walker - 2020-08-05, 07:41:58

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