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Commentary for Canadian Radio Amateurs
This year, for the first time, I joined RAC.

Historically, I have found RAC to be very expensive.  And having received my first RAC magazine, I do find it to be less then wanting.  But as a result of my experience on our executive, I understand fully the lack of participation and support.  My wife and I are now empty nester's mostly, thus freeing a little time and money.  In my first Presidents message I mentioned something to the effect of Stepping up because no one else was.  I don't know the answer as to how to get more more people, more actively involved.  It does seem to cost more to live every day, so it's hard to get more financial support for clubs in general. And, for my self personally, time is ever limited.  Working construction and agricultural in the warmer seasons, doesn't leave much other time.  I also have other interests other then Ham Radio to compete with my little time.  In the colder periods I drive a snowplow, and as such, one tries not to ever turn down a shift.  One just can't count on the weather.  Just ask a farmer. . . . . . . .  So I don't know what the answer is.  Happy to take suggestions.

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