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OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It.
It pays to be ready. Before moving to Owen Sound I spent several years working with Dufferin ARES. Dufferin ARES was formerly a very large group and was well connected with the County. Dufferin County provided a retired ambulance which was converted into an emergency communications vehicle equipped with three fixed VHF/UHF stations, another three VHF/UHF portable go-kits, one HF station and three computer stations. We conducted frequent exercises to ensure we were ready when called.

Images show the Dufferin ARES Communications Vehicle exterior, and the interior being filmed by CTV Barrie who broadcast a feature on ARES including interviews with several of us.


The deadly 1985 Dufferin F5 tornado resulted in an ARES callout. There was one more callout during a storm a few years later but then years passed by with no further action. We became a little complacent and our numbers declined but we kept up our exercises - just in case.

Then one day "just-in-case" actually happened. In November 2015 a freak windstorm blew down the county communications tower at Melancthon Fire Hall. ARES was activated and five of us responded immediately.
Grey County ARES is a part of Owen Sound's emergency action plan. We may never be called upon, but one day the call may come. We must be ready.

Messages In This Thread
RE: OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It. - by VA3KOT John - 2020-10-15, 10:54:46
RE: OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It. - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-04-09, 12:37:10
RE: OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It. - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-04-10, 08:21:19
RE: OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It. - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-04-10, 14:54:59
ARES Grey Website - by Tom VA3TS - 2021-04-10, 16:49:27
RE: ARES Grey Website - by Adam_VE3FP - 2021-04-10, 18:23:47
RE: OPINION: ARES is Dead; Let's Bury It. - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-04-11, 10:42:35

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