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Commentary for Canadian Radio Amateurs
Smile Maybe think of the yearly subscription as a support for amateur radio in Canada, the fact that there is a magazine is just a bonus. I believe one can opt to not receive a printed copy and get a small break on the price.

And the second thing is the break in price for GBARC membership. This also gives us insurance when we are out and about as a group, not something that every club has.

Your words about lack of participation rings true. The solution is two fold, new members are vital to the existence of the club and for that matter amateur radio. (Thanks to Frank VA3GUF for being the course co-ordinator).
The second thing are nets. This club, at one time ran a net on 3.783 every Sunday morning at 9:30 am and another Tuesdays at 7pm on VE3OSR. Nets bring the group together, it is the glue that holds a club together.

Its also an excellent way to determine emergency preparedness. If one cannot check into the net, then one is not emergency prepared.

There are some 50 club members, so it isn't necessary for a few to do everything. Keep the tasks small and spread the work around.

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