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New NVIS Ideas
I've seen designs for a couple of cloud-burner NVIS antennas, basically 2 el. vertical Yagis (dipoles with reflectors directly underneath). 
  • One was a full size 40m dipole at 35' el. with a 5% longer reflector at 7'.  Author claimed good results for nearby contacts during Field Day. 
  • The other was a short centre-loaded 80m dipole with four 10' sections and two 70 uH loading coils.  It was located at 12' el. with a 5% longer reflector at 2'.  Author also claimed good performance.
A balun works better if you wind a single layer on some kind of form (non metallic), rather than just a random coil.  Tom VA3TS used a plastic coffee jar (Folgers I think) as a coil form.


A crossed dipole inverted-v is a simple, easy to erect antenna for portable ops.  The antennas are also the guys.  They don't interact when they are at 90°, and they can be fed by a single feedline.  80m/40m is pretty big, but an antenna for 40m/20m or higher bands is very manageable. 

The 4' stackable mil surplus fibreglass poles are great.  I bought a bunch from Bob Morton (Maple Leaf Comm) but I don't think he has any more.  Princess Auto used to have some but maybe Bobby bought them all :-)  If we can ever get back to Dayton, there's always lots of both the fibreglass & aluminum versions in the fleamarket. 

(Hint: much less risk of failure at the joints if you glue hardwood dowels into the male ends and tighten hose clamps around the female ends after assembly.  I had 8 of them assembled like this holding up an inverted-v for two years.)

Dave, VE3WI

Messages In This Thread
New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2020-11-13, 16:39:53
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by ve3pav - 2020-11-14, 11:05:16
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2020-11-14, 16:37:49
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by ve3pav - 2020-11-14, 18:46:22
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2020-11-14, 19:35:44
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by ve3pav - 2020-11-14, 19:39:10
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2020-11-14, 19:47:06
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VE3WI Dave - 2020-11-15, 15:02:35
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2020-11-15, 16:30:44
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VE3BYD_Patrick - 2021-06-17, 17:39:08
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VA3KOT John - 2021-06-17, 18:07:45
RE: New NVIS Ideas - by VE3BYD_Patrick - 2021-06-17, 18:13:57

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