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Carbon Fiber Masts - Good or Bad?
The fact that no antenna is perfect, I never worried about some loss. Now days lot of hams are using some form of weak signal digital communications so not so perfect antennas still perform quite well. My 160 meter offset dipole is strung out through several tree branches and I have no problem making contacts. Like John said earlier post, 59 vs 57 report is really not something to worry about but in poor conditions if signal drops 3 or 4 S-units then better antenna would help to pull in the weaker stations.

If I come across one of those carbon fiber masts for a decent price I will get one to use when camping and setup as vertical. I imagine carbon fiber poles are fairly expensive and other alternatives might be better. Until then tree branches will suffice for my installations.
73, Adam ve3fp

Messages In This Thread
Carbon Fiber Masts - Good or Bad? - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-04-30, 16:40:59
RE: Carbon Fiber Masts - Good or Bad? - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-05-02, 15:57:07
RE: Carbon Fiber Masts - Good or Bad? - by Adam_VE3FP - 2021-05-02, 13:49:19

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