2021-05-09, 20:20:53
It goes without saying, but I'm saying it anyway, antenna's are at the centre of HAM radio. The well worn phrase, "a good radio with a poor antenna is a poor radio". . Start a discussion with a group of HAM's about antenna's and everyone has an opinion and generally a favorite antenna. One antenna that has stirred controversy is the "tactical Abbree antenna. It's a very large folding VHF/UHF antenna which is styled on folding military antenna's, hence their designation as it being a tactical antenna. The antenna will be of little interest to most, aside from those looking to get more range from their HT. The question to answer is, does this antenna actually work or is it a gimmick? This video should be of interest to anyone who might want to find out. Even if you never want to use one, it's an interesting bit of antenna testing if you like that kind of thing. But then again, it might inspire you to dust off your HT and have a little fun. Enjoy!