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Cyber Security and ACS amateur radio
Huh Angry Cry Sick

The video I'm sharing below highlights hacking or cyber "ransomware" attacks against various companies. I follow news about such attacks carefully and for a very specific reason. This reason should be abundantly obvious yet seems not to register with many.

Critical infrastructure is controlled by complex systems, many of which are accessible by Internet. The very same methods used to create ransomware attacks can also be used to attack, disable or damage those systems. Cyber security for these systems is being improved but there is an ongoing competition between hackers and security companies.

As radio operators, I believe we should take seriously the idea that the power grid, cell systems or the internet might be compromised either by criminal groups, or worse still, terrorists. Pure amateur based RF communications during emergencies may well be the only means of getting messages across any significant distance.

Join me as I work to build a team of amateurs in Bruce County ready and willing to provide emergency communication services for friends, family neighbors and, perhaps others when the need arises.


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