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Attached is the logsheet for this weekends Simulated Emergency Test (SET).  Use this document or one formated similarly in an EXCEL type document for logging of contact made during the SET.  As indicated in the GBARC newletter, this weekends SET is set up like a contest for those interested in participating from the comfort of their QTH or off grid location.  The contest point structure is as follows;

1 point for each contact to NET control.

1 point for each contact on 2 meters off the mobile repeater frequency. No points for GBARC OSR or Paisley repeater frequency contact.

5 points for both operators of a HF message relay to another operator, relayed to NET control.

Additional 5 points for HF relay message originator. Maximum HF message relay points is 100 for relay operator and 200 for relay message originator.

2 points for both operators of a 2Meter message relay received at NET control.

Double points for operating off grid.

OCTOBER 30th, SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST from 9am to 12 noon
Mobile repeater frequency 147.105+ MHz with a tone of 97.4
Frank Gufler VA3-GUF is net control.

Alternate frequencies in use for integrated Grey and BRUCE county SET
• 09am – 10am / HF phone @                                    3.800MHz
• 10am – 11am / JS8call @                                        3.578MHz
• 11am – 12pm(Noon) / 2 meter simplex @        146.520MHz

Marvin Double as Net Control on alternates

Have fun this weekend.  It should be a blast.


Frank Gufler


Attached Files
.docx   - LOGSHEET SET 20211030.docx (Size: 6.29 KB / Downloads: 12)
For those of you that have already seen this post, please note a correction has been made to the tone of the mobile repeater to our standard repeater tone of 97.4.

Sorry for any confusion this may be causing.




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