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Camping and POTA VE0204
Another fun camping trip came to an end at Emily Provincial Park. Between enjoying the park trails and some fun on the water, I did little POTA operating in the evenings on 40, 30 and 20 meters CW and SSB. Bands usually started to fade after 0200z and QRN was taking over.
My setup was mainly the same as usual, IC-7000 w/LDG tuner, T2FD antenna and N1mm for logging running abt 100 watts. At the beginning of the Late Shift (POTA 0000z - 0400z) pile ups started like I was a rare DX station but managed to get through most. Maybe some got tired of waiting and moved on. I had some difficulties logging using flash light as only light source because forgot to bring a pwr supply for my overhead LED lights but got through all of that and ended up with over 500 QSOs for the week. 
If you have never done POTA as an Activator or Hunter, should give it a try. It's all fun and number of hunters and activators is growing.
Check out the

[Image: 20220915-115115.jpg]
Sad day. Leaving.
[Image: 20220913-152956.jpg]
Munchkin wants to help making QSOs.
[Image: 20220913-133041.jpg]
First and only catch of this camping trip.

[Image: 20220913-133028.jpg]
Not big enough!
73, Adam ve3fp
Well done Adam; 500 QSOs is quite an achievement. I have never done a late shift activation; I'll have to give it a try. I've also never done an SSB activation (always 100% CW) but I'm not tempted by that. I don't even take a microphone on most trips.
My total QSO were 518 over period of 6 days mostly evenings with exception when it rained twice. No time for radio throughout the day. I thought I would give the Hunters few contacts on Phone as well. I was at a bit of a disadvantage this time, I have LED strips mounted in the ceiling tent frame but I couldn't find the PS to power them till the last day when the XYL found the PS. I was using a flashlight and had to fumble with laptop keyboard. 

The bands worked were 20, 30 & 40m and usually started to fade or became noisy after 0200Z. It was still fun. 

Even added VE3OZW to my log. Thanks Richard.
I think I'm all done for camping for this year. 
73, Adam ve3fp

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