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There appears to be conflict in calculating scores using N1MM logger. WFD went against the norm on the power multiplier of x1 vs x2 100w or less. Means that the scores will be inflated x2 if you claim power of 100 or less. 

I also found Ontario Section GTA would  not let me enter in to the log, it has been changed GH(Golden Horseshoe) effective Jan 1/2023. I hope log checker accept both.

Hope the guys get this sorted out soon. Lot of posts on forums.
73, Adam ve3fp
Well, I'll take the X2 if they give it to me Wink 

Did a little better this year - 115 total.  Target was to get over 100, but I took too many breaks though.
80m: 13
40m: 28
20m: 36
15m: 26
10m: 12

15m & 10m were fun, most of the contacts were on the other side of the continent.  I heard one KH6 on 10m but couldn't get thru the pileup.  Lots of European DX on 10 & 15 as well. 

Heard a couple of funny "get off my lawn" rants on 80m & 40m.  Someone dared to call CQ on 7200 & promptly got shouted down (7200 is a haven for ranters & ravers).  Someone tried to call CQ on 3880 and promptly got told they were trespassing in the "AM window".

Dave, VE3WI
Good for you Dave, it's a just a challenge like any other sport. We all can't be winners but have fun, compete with others or just yourself. I usually try to better than I did previously. I guess I will submit the score as calculated by the N1MM, I think the log checking software will correct it as needed. I see the scores submitted to are as N1MM reported. 
Here are my results. My operating time was 13h50m.
[Image: 2023-WFD-Scores.png]
As for the squawking on 40 & 80 phone portion of the band, don't bother me since I don't spend much time there. 
Next popular event will be Ontario QSO Party.
73, Adam ve3fp
Very impressive Adam!  I wish I could talk as fast as you can key Smile 
Dave, VE3WI

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