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Terry Fox Run
Hello everyone,

This years fundraiser by the Terry Fox Foundation takes place in Owen Sound on Sunday September 17th.  The GBARC club has been asked if we can help with communications again this year for the run.  The organizers truly appreciate the service that we provide for them on that day...and it is a great charity event.

Unfortunately we don't have a coordinator in place yet and at this point we don't have much time left to get organized.  I am hoping that we don't let them down this year.

Who would like to volunteer to bring a radio and help for this event?  My understanding is that it will only take part of the day and should be easy and fun to do.
Many of you have participated in prior years, so you will already know more than I do about how it works.

So far I am trying to make sure we have enough volunteers to make it happen.  Please let me know if you can help out...

Here is a link to our website for more information:

To Volunteer.... send email to ...indicate your preferred location. In the event of a duplicate request, Dan will pick the next closest one.

The Control Station is like our VHF net on Wednesdays, maybe even easier.

Be prepared to use either the VE3OSR repeater 146.940- T 97.4  or  146.52 simplex

If someone is coming by Paisley, could you pick up the clubs' signs (8) and the club banner from Marvin VE3VCG ?

For a map of the run route please go to
I will do the Jubilee Bridge location.  I will also pick the sign from Marvin.

Dave, VE3WI
Dave: if I recall correctly, there are 6 A-frame signs. Would you please bring them to the control station from where each volunteer can pick them up. If you meet other volunteers on Sunday morning you could also deliver the signs directly.

NB: I noticed in the past that these signs have a propensity to fall over in the wind. It would be a good idea to bring a weight or tent stakes of some kind if Sunday is a Windy day.
There are 8 signs as well as the club banner at Marvin's qth. He also has 2 FRS radios to provide communication between the control station and the event organizer (Adrienne)

If the control station would rather use 146.52 simplex, Frank GUF has a self standing ringo ranger 2 meter antenna.

Tom VA3TS has enough highly visible arrows to use with the club signs as an aid for run participants.

If I recall, Marvin also has some club brochure/handouts which would be good to have on-hand as well.

The Terry Fox webpage we have, will serve as our resource for future Terry Fox runs, to contain feedback, notes, lessons learned and any other  information to make organizing this event as easy as possible. If there are items which are not there now, please let me know so I can add them...
FB Tom. I have a tripod mounted 2m collinear antenna that I will bring. I will also be bringing an Icom 50W radio powered by battery as well as my oriental HT. I will set up my pop-up 10x10 shelter and bring a folding table that could be used for literature if needed. The control station  will be near (but not at) the bandstand. Learned that lesson last year!
I will bring everything Marvin gives me!
This year we are going to repeat the comms procedure that worked well last year. 
  • There will be a formal directed net for the event
  • Net control will be John VA3KOT
  • Net control will be active from 0930 until the end of the event
  • Primary comms channel will be VE3OSR
  • Secondary comms channel will be 146.520 simplex
  • All traffic on the primary channel must be conducted through net control
  • Keep traffic brief and precise, the channel may be needed for priority traffic
  • Informal, undirected traffic may use the secondary channel
  • All stations are requested to check-in to the net when in position on the course
  • Commencing 0945 the net will be open for formal traffic only on the primary channel
  • Every 15 minutes net control will call for a SITuation REPort (SITREP) from each station in turn
  • Please use tactical callsigns (location identifier e.g. "Jubilee")
  • Identify using regular callsigns as required by licence rules and regs.
  • Priority traffic may interrupt any other net traffic by calling "BREAK"
  • Stations may stand down at their discretion at the end of the event

Thanks for participating and have fun!
To Terry Fox Run radio participants,

For those of you that have a a mobile radio that has the capability of Cross Band Repeat, this is an excellent event where you can practice this.  This feature when used gives you the capability to operate outside the vehicle with a handy talkie.  Especially when you need to step away from the vehicle to attend to an emergency nearby.  For the first times with Cross Band Repeat, set up the radio so that it will operate on the UHF side with power equal to the handy talkie while the UHF side will operate at anything near 10 watts on the VHF side.  Try it out if you have not to see how well it works for you.

See you all in the morning at the event.



Grey County ACS/ARES CO-ordinator


Grey County ACS/ARES Co-ordinator
I would like to thank all of the volunteers that helped with the Terry Fox run today!

From my perspective as a walker in the event, it was very reassuring to go past each of the check points and see that you were there if needed.  It was the first time I was on the active participant side of an event like this, and I am sure that all of the other runners would feel the same as I did today.  Your time spent volunteering today was really appreciated!

Considering that we didn't really have a coordinator arranged for this year and things got left fairly late, I feel that today was a real success.  It was only possible because you are a great group of people who stepped up when asked and did an exceptional job as usual!!

Thank you so much!

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