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POTA Activation at Lion's Head Provincial Park
I haven't been active in POTA for a couple of weeks; I've been busy with other projects. So, on Monday 13th November I made the trip up to Lion's Head to activate the provincial park (VE-0271). I have activated it once before, about a year ago, but strangely nobody else has done an activation there.

My radio for this trip was an old Hendriks PFR-3; a 5 watt QRP radio built from a kit. I wasn't sure if it was up for the job so I also brought along my 100 watt Yaesu FT-891. I needn't have been concerned, the Hendriks PFR-3 did a splendid job! The antenna was a 17ft whip mounted on my truck, using the truck chassis as a counterpoise.

** I am very grateful to Bobby VE3PAV for coming along to provide enthusiastic encouragement - much appreciated Bobby! **
[Image: Lions-Head-PP.jpg]

Now that the peak season for hiking the Bruce Trail out to the famous lookout is over, there was plenty of parking available. I registered online with the authority and was pleased to find that parking was free, although still restricted to a maximum 4-hour window.

I had pre-registered my activation with POTA so when I called CQ my signal was picked up by the Reverse Beacon Network and posted to the POTA spots page. Then the usual pile-up began. It didn't seem to matter that I was putting out a tiny signal from a DIY kit radio into a simple whip antenna. Signal reports were good; I even logged a DX contact with G4ELZ in England.

After just 10 minutes I logged my 10th QSO which validated the activation under POTA rules. The hunters kept calling so I carried on until 20 QSOs were in the log. This was intended to be a hit and run activation because my time was limited, so when there was a brief lull in the pile-up I called QRT and packed my gear away. Total time on the air was just 23 minutes and there was a bonus. The Bruce Trail parking lot inside the park is (of course) directly on the main Bruce Trail (POTA reference: VE-5628), but not only that, it sits right inside the Niagara Escarpment (POTA reference: VE-0063) so I earned credit for 3 activations (known in POTA as a 3-fer).

POTA is an immense amount of radio fun; I just wish more club members would get involved so we could get a GBARC POTA team going. How about it - interested?

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