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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for March 09, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.    Visiting Hams Get Expanded Priviledges Under New License System

Visitors from a list of countries no longer need to make a separate application for a licence; they need only append VK slash before their home callsign, and the permission lasts up to 365 days.

The Australian Media and Communications Authority has posted a list of countries with currently recognised foreign licence equivalents who may operate under Australian licence rules. The ACMA makes it clear, however, that hams seeking to relocate to Australia will still need to apply for a licence in VK and receive a new VK home call.
-- details:

-- Amateur Radio Newsline Friday Mar 8th Edition


2. Ontario QSO Party coming up April 20 and 21, 2024

This will be the 27th Ontario QSO Party. We share the weekend with Michigan and Quebec so turn on your HF radios and join in the fun. There will be some
rule changes this year, and the website will be updated shortly.  The OQP counts for the QSO Party Challenge Contest.  
-- see:   for details


3.  W8EDU in Cleveland, Ohio is excited to invite Amateurs to participate in the CHU Eclipse Data Collection Project!

Our goal is to study how the eclipse affects radio wave propagation, helping us understand the ionosphere’s recombination time. To achieve this, we need your
help recording Canada’s time standard station CHU for two weeks surrounding the April 8th eclipse. Anyone with a KiwiSDR or a rig capable of interfacing with
analysis/recording software like Fldigi is encouraged to join the effort!  This project has already garnered enthusiastic support from various communities, including the ARRL, the RAC, and the Ham Radio Citizen Science Investigation.  
To join us and contribute valuable data, simply visit our website and follow the instructions to set up your station and notify us about your participation.
Please reach out to if you have any questions or comments.
-- Case Western Reserve University  (full article on news)

4.  Scientists use whey protein sponges to extract gold from computer parts.

Scientists have discovered a food byproduct, whey protein, is capable of recovering gold from electronic waste, making the recycling process substantially more
efficient than it once was. With this byproduct, the energy cost of the entire recycling process can be 50 times lower than the value of the gold extracted from
electronic components. The team found they could extract around 450mg of gold from 20 motherboards using this method.

E-waste is quickly becoming one of the biggest untapped money-making industries in the world. Right now, e-waste startups are making $85,000 per day from recycling gold and copper from electronic waste. As this industry ramps up over the next few decades, recyclers will want more efficient ways to process electronic
waste.  This sponge technology provides them with just that.

-- By Aaron Klotz (Tom's - 31Jan2024 edition)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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