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Field Day 2024
Dear GBARC, well another summer field day challenge is fast approaching. At the club meeting April 23 we resolved three things: 1) Doug VE3DGY volunteered to be the FD coordinator this year, 2) we agreed that the field day team has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the club, 3) we agreed to hold the event at a local conservation area rather than a more public place or somewhere deep in the woods. Two spots were suggested, a)Marvin is looking at the Rotary Campground in Paisley, here is his report:

The Rotary club owns and operators the "Seasonal
Rotary Campground", Which is currently open. I spoke to the manager and
she said she would have no problem if we wanted to setup Field Day and
operate in the camp ground on the Weekend of June 22-23.  She said she
thought our Field Day activities would be of great interest to others in
the camp ground. However, she likely thinks we'd be paying the day rate
for our sites.

Normally there are lots of empty spaces in the campground toward the
back, so it would be easy for those with trailers to setup and operate.
Assuming we could get permission to operate on those sites without
paying the day rate.

I will be speaking to another member of the Paisley Rotary, who I know
personally, and discuss needs of our group more specifically. My pitch
will be that we're practicing emergency communications along with
thousands of other HAM's across North America and see if he'll let us
use some part of the site for free.

I will double check to see if all sites have hydro. There are trees
along the river which are tall enough for stringing up wires and the
site is pretty level so would also accommodate the tower mounted beam.

The Rotary also operates a building known as "The Palace". This is close
to the ball diamonds on the south side. This building is available for
rent and has indoor washrooms. It is a large open space where operators
could setup. However there are only one of two trees in that area, and
none very near the palace which would make slinging up a wire antenna
more challenging. One reason to operate in or near the palace would be
to have washrooms near at hand.

There are some reference photos in on the following webpage.

b) Doug was to look into the Grey Sauble conservation area just north of Inglis Falls outside Owen Sound, I did stop by there end of April and made application. The lady said we could use the space but they would have to confer about overnight stay of the trailers. I haven't heard back from them.

As official pooh bah for this event I am opening up the forum for comments on the location. Currently I'm favouring Paisley, it's a drive for those of us in Owen Sound, but it gives the guys in Port Elgin a break. Please post your opinions.

Lastly Tom VA3TS needed someone to pick up the antenna tower, not sure if Dave(IWI) or someone agreed to help with that. Let us know.

PPS: There's been some changes to the regs, I'll go over them and post the key points.
Doug McDougall Smile
Yes I will transport the club's tower and Yagi to wherever it's needed.

Re hydro at Paisley camp sites: Remember, Class A club stations must use non-commercial power.  If we want to use commercial power, ARRL has a special class for that: "Class-A-Commercial" (see attached, Rule 4.1)

My Honda generator will be available if needed.


Attached Files
.pdf   Field-Day-Rules.pdf (Size: 95.59 KB / Downloads: 0)
Dave VE3WI kindly summarize the contest rules, they are:
Sat 22 Jun - Sun 23 Jun
Normal: 1800 UTC (2 PM) Saturday: 1800 UTC (2 PM) Saturday - 1800 UTC (2 PM) Sunday
(If site setup does not start before 1800 UTC Saturday: can extend ops to 2100 (5 PM) UTC Sunday
Site setup can not start earlier than 0000 UTC (8 PM) Friday
Category = number of transmitters capable of simultaneous transmission NOT INCLUDING GOTA & satellite stations
Class = A (club)
Class A rules:
- may not be a regular station location
- may not use any permanent structure erected specifically for FD
- all equipment including antennas must be within a maximum 1000-foot circle
- must use non-commercial power (there is a separate class for Class-A-Commercial)
Example: 3A = Club event with 3 stations (plus GOTA & satellite if used)
EXCHANGE: Category + Class + Section  Example: 3A ONS
- A Class 2A or higher site may also have one GOTA station
GOTA rules:
- GOTA transmitter is not included in # of transmitters for determining Category
- must use different callsign from the main stations
- exchange must be the same as the main stations
- contacts are added to main station contacts for site totals
- Class A sites may also operate one station on bands above 50 MHz
- VHF/UHF transmitter is not included in # of transmitters for determining Category
- must use same callsign and exchange as the main stations
- contacts are added to main station contacts for site totals
- contacts may use phone, CW or digital modes
- stations may be worked once per band per mode
- Fully automated contacts are prohibited.  All contacts must include contemporaneous direct initiation by both operators making a contact.
- for any mode, only one signal may be transmitted on a band at a time (i.e. 20m SSB + 20m CW is OK, two 20m SSB is not OK) Exception: GOTA station may operate in parallel with main stations)
- cross band contacts are not permitted - except satellite contacts
- repeater contacts are not permitted

Also, here is a summary of the  bonus point schedule, many of which we can apply for:
2024 FD Bonus Schedule

Location to be published early this week.
Doug McDougall Smile
Hello Everyone,

We are planning to have a short monthly meeting at field day rather than our regular Tuesday meeting.  We have done this in previous years and it seemed to work well.  If you have any new business to discuss let me know and I will add it to the agenda.

There has been some discussion about having a pot luck supper on Saturday instead of ordering pizza.  Everyone will need to know prior to next weekend so we can bring something.  Can we please get some feedback in the forum here to help us decide?  
Would you prefer pot luck or pizza?

I would prefer pot luck, not that there is anything wrong with pizza, but we have had it several times and a change would be nice.

Here are some field day details on our website
So I have tallied up all of the votes returned and the official results show that we WILL be having a Pot Luck supper this year.  If you wish to participate, please bring a food item(s) to share. Please see the website for more details.  The recommendation is that if your call sign suffix begins with an A to M bring a meal item and if your suffix begins with an N to Z bring a dessert item.  Everyone should bring their own drinks.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!
  • Will your participate in Field Day 2024?  - YES
  • Will your participation include actually operating the stations? - YES
  • Will you be available to site setup / preparation? - YES
  • Will you be bringing an RV, Trailer or tent? - NO
  • What radio(s) will you bring for your station, including a windows computer with N1MM+ installed and correctly set up? -NO
  • What station accessories such as a swr/power meter, desk mic, voice keyer will you bring? - Router, Winkeyer, CW paddles, ext speaker, assorted patch cords.
  • What antenna including feedlines will you bring?- T2FD, 100' RG8X, Hexbeam if requested.
  • Will you bring a generator? - NO
  • Will you be attending dinner on Saturday? - YES, Whether this is a catered meal or pot luck will be finalized later.
  • Will you be available to help dismantle and clear the site at the end of the event? - YES

See you all on FD,

Just a reminder:

When setting up N1MM for Field Day, make sure 

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73, Adam ve3fp

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