Hello All,
Doug has done a rough calculation and advised that as of Thursday Jan 16th 8 operators should be expected at the Ferndale site on Saturday the 25th. I am hoping for good weather and passable roads, however recommend we have a fallback plan in case of Alien Invasion or heavy snow fall and closed roads etc. If Alien's are the problem, you're on your own, if however roads are closed or travel is unsafe owning to bad weather, I suggest that plan B is to operate from home and then combine logs later before submission.
Rules and Routers:
I have downloaded, printed and am carefully reviewing the WFD rules. I will bring a copy to Ferndale for reference during the event.
If we log using N1MM then the club computer needs to be set up as the master. We will also need a router to allow any other computer using N1MM to connect to the master. I don't have such a portable router, but think it's a good idea for the club to have one in our Field Day equipment list.
WFD rules You can get a copy of the WFD rules using this link.
If you look at the last page there is a list of various multipliers. One of these is to contact a satellite using FM which might be a fun exercise if it's not to cold. I don't have enough info on doing this to know if this is a good idea or not.
Winlink and Digital Modes:
I will be bringing my FT-891 and my Chameleon inverted V (tactical) Delta Loop for Winlink and Digital modes. FT8 is not permitted because it does not allow for a the full exchange of contact info. JS8Call and PSK... modes are fine. I am working to create a list of other Winlink stations who will respond to my Winlink email contact from WFD.
There are no points for contacting municipal officials or releasing a press release, but I'm doing that anyway. I have invited both Krista Miller and Ray Lux from Bruce County. Krista has declined because she will be out of town, and I've had no response from Ray as yet.
David VE3WI:
David as declared his intention to operate from home for WFD. I'm looking at the rules to try and work out how to include his log into the main club log. At this moment I'm not sure how to do that.
Jan is making Chili for the event and Bobby is bringing desert. I'm not sure if others are bringing additional food.
I understand that Greg is bringing two folding tables. Jan and I will be bringing one of possibly 2 folding tables.
I'm working on an equipment check list.
I have some thoughts about operating on alternative power but will share these ideas in follow up post.