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Winter Field Day 2025

[Image: wfd1.jpg]
Winter Field Day 2025
January 25th - 26th

This is what we had last year.  ...The date is January 25th this year but I'm not sure if the space has been booked. We needed tables last year. Use this thread to send updates or discuss this.


hi, the room is booked,just waiting from the township for a invoice, i'll give them a call on monday.
we will need some tables, we have the club's radio and laptop,

It seems we have low interest in the event this year. It takes time and energy to organize, my recommendation to the exec team is to cancel it if more folks don't express and interest in coming, it isn't the Exec team's job to coerce members to come.

So far the people I think will be coming are: Bobby, Marvin, Janet, Tom, Doug, maybe Dan. That's it. In my mind some others may be interested but are not willing to commit. Personally I don't like that stand back and  wait and see approach. Bobby has booked the space, he has the PC so will have to update N1MM, get the radio ready and set up. Currently we don't have enough folks to work a couple of radio shifts.

My suggestion: if you're interested in coming let us know in the forum. We always seem to have a good time at these events. Smile

Doug McDougall Smile

Note the change in time...9am to 5pm

Janet VA3EAC 
Marvin VE3VCG  Will bring folding table, chilli,
                      FT-891 antenna with computer for digital modes
                      also Chameleon 10-80 EFHF for club use.

Bernie VE3BQM
Bobby VE3PAV

Hi All

I'm hoping to build a 40 mtr full wave loop to test out, I will wrap it around the pavilion outside and use my IC7000. nice weather permitting 

I will also be around for operating the WFD station.



i'll be attending,i will bring dessert

I'm planning to attend this year.  I will bring some kind of snacks for us to munch on through the day. 

Bobby, have you confirmed that there is a power supply with the 7300 for us to use?  If not I can bring one.  Do we need any extension cords?


Hello All,
Doug has done a rough calculation and advised that as of Thursday Jan 16th 8 operators should be expected at the Ferndale site on Saturday the 25th. I am hoping for good weather and passable roads, however recommend we have a fallback plan in case of Alien Invasion or heavy snow fall and closed roads etc. If Alien's are the problem, you're on your own, if however roads are closed or travel is unsafe owning to bad weather, I suggest that plan B is to operate from home and then combine logs later before submission.

Rules and Routers:
I have downloaded, printed and am carefully reviewing the WFD rules. I will bring a copy to Ferndale for reference during the event. If we log using N1MM then the club computer needs to be set up as the master. We will also need a router to allow any other computer using N1MM to connect to the master. I don't have such a portable router, but think it's a good idea for the club to have one in our Field Day equipment list.

WFD rules You can get a copy of the WFD rules using this link. 

If you look at the last page there is a list of various multipliers. One of these is to contact a satellite using FM which might be a fun exercise if it's not to cold. I don't have enough info on doing this to know if this is a good idea or not. 

Winlink and Digital Modes:
I will be bringing my FT-891 and my Chameleon inverted V (tactical) Delta Loop for Winlink and Digital modes. FT8 is not permitted because it does not allow for a the full exchange of contact info. JS8Call and PSK... modes are fine. I am working to create a list of other Winlink stations who will respond to my Winlink email contact from WFD.

There are no points for contacting municipal officials or releasing a press release, but I'm doing that anyway. I have invited both Krista Miller and Ray Lux from Bruce County. Krista has declined because she will be out of town, and I've had no response from Ray as yet.

David VE3WI:
David as declared his intention to operate from home for WFD. I'm looking at the rules to try and work out how to include his log into the main club log. At this moment I'm not sure how to do that.

Jan is making Chili for the event and Bobby is bringing desert. I'm not sure if others are bringing additional food.

I understand that Greg is bringing two folding tables. Jan and I will be bringing one of possibly 2 folding tables.
I'm working on an equipment check list.  

I have some thoughts about operating on alternative power but will share these ideas in follow up post.

Sounds like plans are coming together nicely. I might be interpreting the rules incorrectly but I don't think that we can combine logs if the weather is bad and we all work from home. We can't use the same call sign unless we are together.  I guess there is a loophole that the area does not have to remain as long as we took shifts one at a time with no overlap I guess it could qualify.

Location Restraints: A multi-station WFD operation must ensure all stations operating under a single call sign are located in the same physical area. All station equipment, including antennas, feed lines, and accessories used, must be located within a circular area whose diameter does not exceed 1,000 feet (300m). This 1,000 ft area does not have to remain constant throughout the event1 .

Am I reading this right?
I'm hoping that the weather will be good, and am looking forward to seeing everyone there!

RE combining logs:

I read the WFD rules and didn't see that provision in there.  

For summer FD, during COVID the ARRL started calculating & publishing an aggregate club score for home stations of club members.  You just have to include the club name in the N1MM+ Station Information box.  WFD is a separate organization, not part of ARRL.

In any case, if everyone operating with separate callsigns just puts the club name in their N1MM+, then the info will be there if WFD publishes the club score.  The club name has to be exactly the same for everyone, e.g. GEORGIAN BAY ARC

Presumably there's a contact address for WFD on their website, if someone wants to find out the answer.

Hope everyone has a good time at Ferndale.  I will be operating 1H on generator power & will look for you on the air.

Dave, VE3WI

Here's a handy cheatsheet of US and Canadian Section abbreviations, copied from ARRL and massaged a bit.
Dave, VE3WI

Attached Files
.pdf sections.pdf Size: 73.63 KB  Downloads: 4

Good to see relatively good number of participants who will be attending WFD.

I am planning to attend as well providing weather conditions permitting.

Some thing I noticed in previous posts were:
  - N1MM software on all computers need to updated on Tuesday or shortly afterwards. Updates come out on every Tuesday.
     - update Latest Check Partial file(master.scp)
     - update latest country file(wl_cty.dat)
     - Call History file 
  - Club router (already programmed) used last FD should is in some ones possession. I left it to stay with the club radio. 
  - Contacts made from Ferdale location are the only ones can be submitted to WFD. 
  - Someone to volunteer to Copy WFD Special Bulletin. Will be posted on the WFD website prior to WFD.
      Suggestion: since WFD runs from 1600z(11:00amEST) to 2159z(04:59EST) some may want to operate for the remainder of the contest from home or other location. I would suggest we can combine all the points into one file and see how we do as a group but you should submit your contacts to WFD yourself.
I can look after combing those after the contest if N1MM generated adi file is sent to me. 

See  you Saturday.

73, Adam ve3fp

If you are looking for N1MM setup details, Adam has some instructions located on our Field day webpage

The reference to FD setup in Toms post is OK with one exception, 
Make sure you select WFD database which was used last year, located in Database directory. 
No need to create a new one, just select New File (File Menu).
Hope that helps.

73, Adam ve3fp

Marvin mentioned a router we had at last years summer field day.... who has the router? should be part of the club station ie: ic7300 (microphone) , laptop, power supply, router. If however, we have only one station, the router won't be  needed. Nevertheless, we should know where it is....

I hope the weather gives us a break by Saturday.

(2025-01-21, 11:41:31)Tom VA3TS Wrote:  Marvin mentioned a router we had at last years summer field day.... who has the router? should be part of the club station ie: ic7300 (microphone) , laptop, power supply, router. If however, we have only one station, the router won't be  needed. Nevertheless, we should know where it is....

I hope the weather gives us a break by Saturday.

i checked the case there's no router

Hoping we don't get snow bound and roads are not safe as there are a few of us coming from a longer distance . I will do a chilli as Marv said and maybe something else?. Don't forget to bring dishware and utensils. I am also guessing we all bring our own drinks.
Are there chairs at the center ?  I know we need to bring tables.

Hello All,
I am disappointed to say that Jan and I will not be at Winter Field Day on Saturday. I have been infected by a nasty bug which has knocked me down more effectively than if I went a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson. I waited until noon today (Wednesday) to make the call about coming to WFD or not. Regrettably the bug is hanging on and I am still very sick. I also have no voice above a gravely Baritone whisper, so not much use on phone. 

The trajectory of this infection is such that I know I will not be well by Saturday. Further on that point I may still be contagious. I will not be popular if I showed up sniffling, blowing a coughing. So Typhoid Marvin will stay home. If I can manage to stay upright on Saturday I may join David operating from home.

I have a list of potential Winlink contacts, will do JS8Call and potentially PSK?? Digital modes are great when you can't actually talk.

I had planned to bring my truck mounted portable mast and my Chameleon 10-80 EFHW. Obviously someone will have to bring another antenna to replace it. 

Jan will log me into the net tonight and do the talking for both of us.

Sorry about all this - I wish I could be there but I can't.


Since Marvin and Janet will not be attending, what are the groups thoughts on a meal, yes, no, maybe, bring your own????

Also, is there anyone bringing a station besides the club station that Bobby is bringing?????

I'm ok with bringing my own lunch. 
I will bring external speaker to use with the club radio and some Hustler antennas. I think the time frame we'll be operating only 20, 15 and 10 meters will likely usable.
See you all Saturday.

73, Adam ve3fp

Good evening everyone.
I decided to check the forums instead of just showing up for WFD 2025. Glad I did that now, as I have found some important info.
I am working until 2pm on Saturday, so as long as roads are open I plan to come to Ferndale for as long as I can. Probably won't be before 3pm.


Hi everyone,
I'm fine with bringing my own lunch.  I will also bring a heavy duty extension cord in case we need it.  Sorry to hear that Marvin and Janet will be unable to attend...hope you feel better soon Marvin.
I'm pretty sure that the router went to Marvin's QTH shortly after summer field day.  Will there be a second station at the event?  

GBARC Winter Field  Results
WFD wasn't very fruitful as you can see from the results submitted. 
We didn't spend a lot of time operating but a lot of "rag chewing" and munching on pastries.
Band conditions were not the most exciting, really had to dig through the QRN and our limited antennas played a part in not making many Qs. 
Club radio was the only one used but Bernie VE3BQM and Doug VE3DGY demonstrated their setups to all including some visitors that also showed up. 

Total Operating time was 2 hrs 15min

[Image: WFD25-Stats.png]    
[Image: WFD25-Summary.png]

Next major radio events are Ontario QSO Party and ARRL/RAC Field Day.

73, Adam ve3fp

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