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Yet Another Online Ham Conference
QRP Amateur Radio Club International's "Four Days in May" is being offered online this year.  Details below.
Dave, VE3WI

Come one! Come All! Virtual FDIM is Saturday May 22, 2021

It's time to register for FDIM 2021, you do not want to miss out on our first ever virtual FDIM.

Registration Link is found by going to on the front page.

The line up this year includes:

[i]Jerry Wolczanski KI4IO - Making an Antenna Coupler
Dr. Jack Purdum W8TEE - How to Select a Microcontroller for a QRP Project
Dave Benson K1SWL - Anatomy of a Transceiver; Building a Better Mousetrap
Han Summers G0UPL - Reach for the Skies: Extreme QRP at 35,000 Feet
Dino Papas KL0S - Bench Setup Using Inexpensive Test Equipment
Tim Snodgrass KC0DN - Breaking Free of the Sunspot Cycle
Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE - sBITX - An Open Source SDR that YOU can hack!

We will also have evening sessions with the authors, and vendors.

Registration is $10.00, then one week before the event you will receive a link to the event
and a link to a PDF of the Proceedings Book. Please register as soon as you can so we
have some idea of headcount. Also, registrants will be eligible to win fabulous and
certainly valuable door prizes, like always! You do not need to be present to win but
you DO need to be registered.

Printed copies of the Proceedings Book will be sold through the QRP-ARCI Toystore
for $15 a copy. If you can not attend, the book is a great way to catch up on the
presentations from this Virtual FDIM. Book sales to US Customers Only, DX customers
purchase through the Toy Store after 5/20/21.

David W. Cripe, NM0S  -  President QRP-ARCI

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