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Field Day Club Identification
Same as last FD & WFD, ARRL will sum individual member scores and publish an aggregate club score for this year's FD.  For this to work, everyone must state the exact same club name in the log they submit.  I believe we have been using GEORGIAN BAY ARC in the previous contests.  If wrong please let me know.

Gave my little Honda generator a test run yesterday.  I'll be a 1E station again, and trying to work a little harder at it this year :-)

Dave, VE3WI
 You are correct Dave. We/I used "Georgian Bay ARC" for club name in the past. I will also be 1E. Still have gas with stabilizer in my Generator from last year.  Might be a good time to test it out before FD. Also if you haven't used N1MM since last year or recently, you will need to update and test it. N1MM has weekly updates, usually on Tuesdays. Probably be best to update again just before FD and don't forget to update the wl_cty.dat and master.scp files from the Tools menu.

With any luck the Cycle 25 will bring more band openings. 15m and 10m have been opening up lately.
Looking forward to get some Qs on those bands.

FYI:  2020 Results are at
73, Adam ve3fp
website page
Thanks Adam.  I had to reinstall Windows on the shack PC so will be starting from scratch with N1MM+.

Great pics on the website, Tom.  The Cons Area was a very pleasant location.  Lots of memories - including Bernie's BBQ falling off the back of my trailer in downtown OS :-)

Maybe you could add a bit reminding members to use GEORGIAN BAY ARC in their logs so they all get counted in the score?

Dave, VE3WI

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