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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Jul 13, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Advance Notice of Basic Amateur Radio Exam Update

Working with the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) plans to update the Basic Amateur Exam
questions and answers in early 2025. An advance copy, in PDF format, will be posted in the coming months on ISED's Downloads page so that instructors and
examiners can update their material before the transition. After this update, ISED will perform a similar review of the Advanced Amateur Exam, with new exams expected after 2025.  The existing Basic Question Bank will be used until the new bank is implemented sometime in 2025.

RAC’s Examination Standards Committee is now working on recommendations for updates to the Advanced Question Bank.

-- Dave Goodwin, VE3KG, Regulatory Affairs Officer
regulatory @


2. 14th annual - Junk-in-the-Trunk - Barrie ARC Hamfest

Sponsor:     Barrie Amateur radio Club
Date:           Sunday, July 28, 2024
Location:     410 St. Vincent Street - Barrie Legion #147
                   Overflow parking at the Tims plaza across from Legion or Medical building plaza
Times:        Outdoor Vendors 7:30,  General Public 8:30
Cost:         General Public - FREE - FREE - FREE
                  *** Donations to the Legion would be gratefully accepted
Vendors     $10 per space - $10 for any extra spaces
Talk-in:       147.000+ Tone 156.7 VE3RAG repeater
Description:    Profits will be split and donated to the Barrie Legion

-- RAC Event Calendar


3.  ARRL Developing Performance Analysis Program for NTS

The National Traffic System (NTS) will soon be evaluated with new tools to help improve system performance. The ARRL is developing a web-based Performance Analysis Tool (PAT) to ultimately improve speed and accuracy of the traffic system. Additional training materials will also be developed to improve NTS  performance. Once the new tools are complete, the ARRL will hold a test exercise to measure their effectiveness.

-- ARRL NTS Letter

4.  The July-August 2024 SARC Communicator now available

With another big Summer issue. The July-August 2024 Communicator, digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications is now available for viewing or download.  We bring you 120+ pages of Amateur Radio content from the Southwest corner of Canada and elsewhere. With less fluff and ads than other Amateur Radio publications, you will find Amateur Radio related articles, projects, profiles, news, tips and how-to's for all levels of the hobby.

You can download it as a .PDF file:
or read it on-line:

-- Surray Amateur Radio Communications

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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