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My Field Day excuses !!!
Well,  It was fun,    but somewhat fewer Q,s  than I had hoped for...     Spent a lot of time looking for new section/mults rather than
max Q's...     80M    33 CW,    4 digi    37 
                     40M    25 CW,  16 digi    41                                 (   51 sections,   37 states,     4 countries..   )
                     20M    52 CW,    6 digi    58
                     15M      7 CW,                  7                   
                                          Total  HF   143
                                    Satellite  (SSB)     2

Had a bug in the system when I fired up this morning !!    It appeared at first I had a major SWR problem  with the 40M antenna..
Wasted nearly an hour inspecting  and testing,,  eventually finding an  earwig jamming the meter movement inside the SWR bridge...

Now ,  on to the log filing...........................................................

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