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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 05, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  IARU Handles 1,000TH Request for Satellite Frequency

The International Amateur Radio Union, which coordinates radio frequencies used by ham radio satellites, announced that it recently processed request number 1,000 for a satellite frequency. The Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel has faced new challenges in recent years with the increasing popularity and growth of CubeSats. With less onerous costs to launch these small satellites, the focus has been on carefully managing the spectrum and ensuring minimal interference with terrestrial services. The IARU issued a statement saying: "As Earth's orbit becomes more crowded, the IARU's work in frequency coordination will remain critical for future missions."

-- AMSAT NEWS SERVICE (via Amateur Radio Newsline)


2.   York Region Amateur Radio Club Hamfest

Date:              Saturday, October 26, 2024
Location:        Aurora Legion - 105 Industrial Pkwy. North, Aurora.
Times:            Vendors: 07:30-08:45, Public at 09:00-12:30
Cost:               $10
Talk-in:            145.350- Tone 103.5 (VE3YRA)
Description:    YRARC Hamfest is back after a 4 year break due to covid!!
                       Join us for our 44th Annual Hamfest.
                       Snacks will be available for purchase.
-- RAC events


3.  RUSSIA, BELARUS, Again Eligible for CQ Contest Awards

Following meetings with contest directors and World Wide Radio Operators Foundation leadership, the organizers of CQ World Wide contests have restored eligibility for awards to qualifying amateurs from Russia and Belarus.
That policy change took effect during the weekend of the CQ World Wide RTTY contest, which took place on the 28th and 29th of September.

CQ World Wide Contest Director John Dorr, K1AR, announced on the contest blog that the elimination of those operators' eligibility for award plaques
-- a decision made two years ago -- was never formally incorporated into any contest rules; it was merely a policy statement. That policy is no
longer in effect, bringing the contests into alignment with so many other competitions around the world.  
-- amateur radio newsline

4.  Special Event Celebrates Sasquatch Awareness Day

The Radio Club of Tacoma is celebrating National Sasquatch Awareness Day with a series of special event callsigns that will be on the air October 16-21.
Callsigns include W7B, W7I, W7G, W7F, W7O, and W7T. QSL cards and certificates will be available.

Radio Club of Tacoma (W7DK) club members will be operating the BIGFOOT callsigns starting on October 16th at 0000 Zulu, and the special event will
end on October 21 at 2359 Zulu. Stations will be using CW, phone, FT8/FT4, RTTY and PSK modes, and will be operating on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters
at various times throughout each day.

-- Radio Club of Tacoma (via amateur radio daily news)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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