2025-02-11, 12:43:50
Dear VE3OSR,
Some of you may have already received an email regarding the 2025 Commonwealth Contest, so apologies if some of this information is redundant.
This year, the 88th running of the Commonwealth Contest (formerly BERU) has a number of changes that have been made in order to boost participation in this, the longest running Amateur Radio contest. The first contest was in February, 1931 and has run each year with the exception of the war years of 1940 to 1946.
The RSGB has recruited national radio organizations to assist in promoting the contest and for IARU region 2, this has fallen to Radio Amateurs of Canada. A brainstorming session was held earlier this month with the various contest clubs of Canada and a number of actions are taking place.
There will be a dedicated page on rac.ca - this is currently under development.
CCO will do the following:
1). Certificates from CCO will be awarded in the following categories:
First time participant
Operator under the age of 21
For a total number of QSOs of 88 or more (to celebrate the 88th year).
2). For CCO members who participate in the sCCOre award, there will be an additional 25% bonus on your earned sCCOre points for this contest.
The RSGB has included two major changes in the rules for 2025.
1). Contacts within the same continent count for 5 points but contacts in other continents count for 10 points.
2). The UK countries now count as separate bonus areas, i.e. GM, GW, GI, GD, G, GJ, GU. The first 3 QSOs with a bonus area count for 20 points .
The complete set of rules are here: https://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2025/rcwc.shtml
I hope to see a lot of you in the contest - lets show just how many VE3 stations we can get on the air!
Tony, Ve3rz
President, Contest Club Ontario.
Some of you may have already received an email regarding the 2025 Commonwealth Contest, so apologies if some of this information is redundant.
This year, the 88th running of the Commonwealth Contest (formerly BERU) has a number of changes that have been made in order to boost participation in this, the longest running Amateur Radio contest. The first contest was in February, 1931 and has run each year with the exception of the war years of 1940 to 1946.
The RSGB has recruited national radio organizations to assist in promoting the contest and for IARU region 2, this has fallen to Radio Amateurs of Canada. A brainstorming session was held earlier this month with the various contest clubs of Canada and a number of actions are taking place.
There will be a dedicated page on rac.ca - this is currently under development.
CCO will do the following:
1). Certificates from CCO will be awarded in the following categories:
First time participant
Operator under the age of 21
For a total number of QSOs of 88 or more (to celebrate the 88th year).
2). For CCO members who participate in the sCCOre award, there will be an additional 25% bonus on your earned sCCOre points for this contest.
The RSGB has included two major changes in the rules for 2025.
1). Contacts within the same continent count for 5 points but contacts in other continents count for 10 points.
2). The UK countries now count as separate bonus areas, i.e. GM, GW, GI, GD, G, GJ, GU. The first 3 QSOs with a bonus area count for 20 points .
The complete set of rules are here: https://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2025/rcwc.shtml
I hope to see a lot of you in the contest - lets show just how many VE3 stations we can get on the air!
Tony, Ve3rz
President, Contest Club Ontario.