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GBARC Net Log Spreadsheet
I have written a simple spreadsheet to assist net controllers in logging check-ins to the club nets. All you have to do is enter a callsign suffix (e.g. KOT) and the spreadsheet will automatically add the prefix (VE3, VA3 etc), name and QTH. Then simply copy the log entries and paste them into your net report here on the forum.

I wrote this spreadsheet  using LibreOffice and saved it as a Microsoft Excel file. I am not a Microsoft product user so I have not tested it in that environment. If anybody would prefer the .ods original file I can upload that too. I hope this will be useful and encourage more net controllers to come forward. Some may find it a useful tool for those "senior moments" when you can't remember whether somebody is a VE3 or VA3 and you didn't hear their callsign clearly on the radio, or you get temporarily confused about the person's name. It happens!

N.B. The spreadsheet is available as an attachment to this post.

UPDATE TO ATTACHMENT: Rob VE3RWY advised me that the attached file was not compatible with older versions of Microsoft Excel. The file has now been edited and uploaded again. If you downloaded the earlier version you may wish to erase it and download the revised file now attached to this post. Either version of the file will function correctly if opened with LibreOffice.

LibreOffice ODS spreadsheet attached as a ZIP file.

Attached Files
.xlsx   GBARCnetLog.xlsx (Size: 9.7 KB / Downloads: 1)
Database updated 13 Jan 2021
NB: If a callsign is not in the database the spreadsheet will return an incorrect result.
The Open Document version and the Excel version are now the same so only the Excel version will be updated here.

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