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EmComm is more than just Radio
As HAM's when we talk about Emergency Communications the conversation usually is focused on radio gear, power supplies or operating methods. It is my contention that these things are only a part of the story. After all you can't be useful to others if you have no food or water. If we have learned nothing else this year it should be that supply chains can be disrupted. The complex nature of our just in time delivery system can leave us vulnerable to shortages when the system breaks down. When those shortages impact food deliveries empty shelves will be a major problem for everyone. Keeping a station on the air will not be a priority if you are scrambling to find your next meal.

If food delivery is disrupted the immediate concerns of food security will obviously impact, everyone. Naturally then it makes sense to provide for your own food security, as well as for loved ones. Doing that requires thinking ahead and taking steps to stockpile enough food to sustain yourself and others through a crisis. The following video offers some ideas about how to maintain a reliable supply of food for just such times.

I encourage everyone to check out the video, but also to take action now to ensure your own food security whileConcerns for the welfare of family and friends will be the top priority

it is still possible to do so. Heart  In other words, consider buying more beans instead of beams.  Big Grin Blush Wink  Starving in a cold dark shack is generally a bad idea.


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