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Best HF openings this of solar cycle 25
Well, if you missed doing any HF operating this past weekend November 26 & 27 then you probably missed awesome band conditions. 

I worked the CWWWcw part time and covered all bands 160 though 10m. 15 meters was exceptionally good as well as 10. Only ran S&P because there was very little room to find a spot. CW covered bottom 100kc and some beyond on each band. Using N1MM for logging set to 30wpm worked flawlessly.  

I worked call signs never heard before, others were South Africa, Greenland, Ukraine, Malta, most of South America and Europe. Also heard New Zealand, Australia and Japan but did not make any contacts. Most of the contacts were made using the offset dipole and the TH6 beam used occasionally, mainly 15m. 
Here are my results and hope these conditions keep improving. Great to see more and more ham ops using CW.  Big Grin
[Image: CQWW2022.png]

Hope to catch you on Canada Winter Contest
73, Adam ve3fp

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