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The Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
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Guidelines for Club Mailings

It is your responsibility to provide full details about the mailing you wish to be sent out. You should be aware that not all subscribers are amateur radio operators and therefore may not be aware of the subject matter. Please provide explanatory material ie: explanations such as the who, what, why, when and where as well as website links.

Files cannot be sent as attachments in a mailing. The best I can do is make it available on the server and then provide a link to open it which can be included in the mailing. Otherwise, just send plain text and images in an email.

Mailings are to be spell and grammar checked

Images are to be size reduced to less than 100kb

Test all links

Share your copy with any stakeholders you have for their input

Decide if you want the mailing sent to Club Members only or ALL subscribers

Double check for errors  - it's embarrassing to send out a correction mailing.
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