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  WTWW off the Air
Posted by: Guest - 2022-11-13, 09:37:34 - Forum: Radio News - Replies (3)

I haven't been a shortwave listener for years. But I am aware that WTWW was a legendary shortwave transmitter. In this video the station is remembered and memorialized by someone who was a real fan and a genuine radio enthusiast.

55 years ago shortwave radio kept me company while doing homework in the wee hours of the morning while I was in college. Hearing stations from thousands of miles away offering news and views that were not local was a wonderful experience that expanded my world view. It made me aware that there were other people living, laughing and loving somewhere over the horizon.

For me radio offered a unique way to gain some understanding how we are all different and yet the same. It was and is a kind of electronic magic carpet that offered a limited but important cross cultural experience that was also a kind of time machine. Radio signals were not restricted by time zones or boundaries on map. They could leap over oceans and ignore mountain ranges carrying with them a limited but valuable connection to others and transcending the limiting factors that isolate and separate.

The very non-technical human aspect of radio which I think is to often not given its proper due. There is no formula to calculate how these boxes called radios resonate on such a powerful emotional level. This video really does express the emotional potency radio can and does have in the lives of millions, or to this author.

If you like me have a connection to shortwave listening you will appreciate the sentiments expressed in the video, enjoy

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  Circuit simulation
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2022-11-10, 11:59:58 - Forum: Software - Replies (1)

Interested in electronics, circuit building, don't have any parts, try this, design your circuits on screen and then try them out with the simulator.

Free, currently updated and has a library of parts from Analog Devices ....tip---on win10 run it as an "administrator"


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Big Grin GBARC Net Report November 9, 2020
Posted by: Guest - 2022-11-10, 08:04:34 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Net Report
November 9, 2022 9:30 (17:30) EST
Net Controller VE3VCG Marvin in Paisley

Topic: What attracted you to HAM radio? Were you more interested in the electronics and the technical side of radio operation, or communicating with other operators, or both?

The 2 meter portion of the net was conducted on VE3YOS because the UHF link between the club repeaters VE3OST in Owen Sound and VE3GBT in Paisley had not yet been restored. Bernie VE3BQM reported that repairs to the repeater have been completed and he is waiting for a date when he can have access to the repeater site to reinstall the repeater and reestablish the link.

Richard VE3OSW, monitored VE3OSR for Echolink or other check-in’s

Participants: 2 Meters
K04DXQ (Bob via Echo Link from Tennessee)
VA3EAC Janet / absentee check-in via VE3VCG
VE3WI David
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard

Participants 80 Meters
VE3FJN Colin
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard

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  scammers using gmail
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2022-11-08, 10:12:58 - Forum: Opinion - No Replies

Fed up with scam/spam/phisting emails from people using gmail, report them here


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  Net report for Oct. 26 VE3RQY
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2022-11-06, 09:19:42 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net on temporary VE3YOS 146.64 - tone -156.7 negative offset. VE3OSR link to VE3GBT being repaired. 
Topic: Good of the Club - Open mic suggestions, reminiscences, etc.

Check ins to VHF;
VA3MFO - Jim
VE3PCP - Rob
VO1IDX - Chris - Portugal Cove NFLD. Via remote from Rob  VE3PCP
VE3VCG - Marvin
VA3KOT - John
VE3IXR - Ron
VE3OZW - Richard
VE3BQM - Bernie
VE3WI - Dave
VA3TS - Tom

Echo Link (received just prior to net start on VE3OSR);
VY2NX - Bob - PEI
KO4DXQ - Bob - Soggy Daisy Tennessee

HF 3.783 MHZ -  73 round
VO1IDX ( remote from Rob - VE3PCP).

THANKS to all participants -  73! Big Grin

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  Light, Portable, Powerful, Solar Panels
Posted by: Guest - 2022-11-03, 09:23:19 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

Those who know me know that I am a long time follower of OH8STN. He is the real deal when it comes to lightweight, off-grid, man (person) portable operating. Located in the north of Scandinavia he is confronted with very challenging operating conditions yet, does portable activation's in all seasons, even the depth of the sub-arctic winters. He buys and field tests gear so as to provide real world results for his followers. Which is to say, what he offers are not arm chair gear reviews.

My purpose in sharing this video is because it features a relatively new and important solar panel technology. When operating portable and off-grid power is naturally the single most important aspect for any station. Having more power available from solar proves the operator with options that would otherwise not be possible. The powerful, lightweight solar panels featured in this video are real game changes for potable operators. When combined with lightweight, LiFePo batteries these panels make possible a practical, portable and capable field station which can operate virtually anywhere under the most demanding conditions.

Even if you have no personal interest in operation in this fashion I can still recommend watching the video. Information is power and so knowing what technology is available is a least enlightening. I believe that it is important that we each consider how important it might be to be on the air during a real emergency. Traditionally that means having either a generator or just a battery with companion AC/DC charger. However, conditions in the world are rapidly changing with regard to fuel making the use of a generator for backup power uncertain. For me the ultimate solution for backup power is a decent solar panel, a point which OH8STN (Julian) makes very well with his demonstrations.

While Julian is showing state-of-the-art solar technology for portable operating this is only one approach to power as station off-grid. Even a simple rigid 40 watt solar panel from Canadian Tire of other such outlet, with a cheap charge controller and 12 volt SLA battery will keep a modest station on the air during a blackout. For a fixed station such an arrangement, while not ideal is better than nothing. Solar is not a panacea, just another way to power a station in a pinch. If fuel is in short supply, as happens during prolonged blackouts like in Texas of California, solar can save the day. Likewise when it is -40C and the generator will just not turn over, solar has no moving parts and does not require a pull starter to get going. Even on overcast days, solar still produces power.

If nothing else, I hope this video will inspire you to think about backup power. Enjoy

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2022-11-02, 21:35:34 - Forum: Operating Help - No Replies

I ran into a problem trying to get my IC-7300 to talk to the log program Amateur Contact Log.  I read all the help information on the log publisher's website (https://www.n3fjp.com/aclog.html), and also referred to the setup info in the book Radio Today Guide to the IC-7300 by Andrew Barron ZL3DW, but no joy.  After much random fiddling with settings, I got it to work.  The key change for me was to set "CI-V USB Echo Back" to ON.

Afterwards (of course) I found a detailed description of how the PC interface of the IC-7300 works, and what all the settings do.  It would have helped me, & also is an interesting read and useful reference for any IC-7300 user.  Nice work by Ian, G3NRW.  Here's the link:


Dave, VE3WI

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  Gbarc net report November 02 2022
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2022-11-02, 19:36:33 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Gbarc net report , VA3YOS 146.64- Tone 156.7

Topic: Open Mike 
VE3BQM Bernie - Host
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3WI Dave
VA3MFO James
VE3OZW Richard
VA3EAC Janet

HF 73 round
VA3MFO James
VE3FJN Colin
VE3WI Dave
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3OZW Richard

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Thumbs Up GBARC Net Report October 19, 2022
Posted by: Guest - 2022-10-20, 09:33:46 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Net Report
Wednesday October 19:30 EDT
Net Controller: Marvin VE3VCG (replacing Richard VE3OSR on this date)
Topic: Prior Knowledge of VA3YOS

The link between our club repeaters VE3OSR and VE3GBT was not functional on this date. The non-functional link caused Marvin to shift the club network to the repeater VA3YOS. VA3YOS is not a club repeater. William (Bill) Walpole is not a GBARC club member. Marvin, in his capacity as net controller, asked Bill for permission to use the repeater for the club net in advance.

VA3YOS is located at a site east of Owen Sound and has an estimated elevation of 440 meters. This height provides the repeater with an excellent coverage and a large footprint. Moving the 2 meter GBARC net to VA3YOS offered a good opportunity to test it has a backup repeater to the club repeaters and note the coverage area. There were good signal reporters from all 2 meter stations. VA3YOS does not have Echolink service and so there were no Echolink participants during the live net. However John VA3KOT monitored and logged participants on the club repeater VE3OSR and reported those stations to net control. Those stations have been included in this report.

Participants in the 2 meter portion of the GBARC net were asked to discuss their prior knowledge or use of the repeater VE3YOS.

2 Meter Net Log:
VA3EAC Janet Paisley
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound
VE3KOT John Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug Owen Sound
VE3JMD Jim Port Elgin
VE3PCP Rob Inverhuron
VA3MFO Jim Mount Forrest
VA3TS Tom Shallow Lake
VA3FYB Eric Owen Sound

Participants via VE3OSR
Ko4DXQ Bob Tennessee via Echolink on VE3OSR
VA3MIO Maureen Wiarton – via VE3OSR

80 Meter Net Log
VA3MFO Jim Mount Forrest
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3FJN Colin Hamilton
VE3RQY Rob W Owen Sound

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  GBARC regular meet Oct 25
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2022-10-17, 19:33:34 - Forum: Announcements, Ideas, Suggestions, Feedback - No Replies

For our next meeting on tuesday 25 oct at M'Wikwedong Centre on 3rd ave west, we will use the north lot for parking and enter via the north side doors. 
The door will be open at 630. upon entering please sign in to the GBARC form and sanitize hands and wear a mask. We will be using the Resource room which is in the south hallway past the kitchen on the left (second room). Masks can be taken off during the meeting. 
See you all there.
Greg VE3RQY Rolleyes

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