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Smile Net Report December 29, 2021
Posted by: Guest - 2022-01-10, 17:44:03 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC Club Weekly Net Report
December 29, 2021

Net Control Marvin VE3VCG

Question for the net: “On what date, year and month, as PC-DOS released?” Answer: August, 1981

Topic for discussion: Comet Leonard (The Christmas Comet), and/or any other celestial event participants wish to mention or discuss.

Check-in’s 2 meters
KO4DXQ / Robert / Tennessee via Echolink
9Z4DX / Bertrand / Trinidad & Tobago via Echolink
VE3EAC Janet
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard
VE3WI David
VE3MIO Maureen

Check-in’s 80 meters
VEBQM Bernie
VA3FJN Colin
VE3OZW Richard

This was the last GBARC net for 2021

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  Net report for December 22, 2021
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2022-01-10, 14:53:28 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Topic Xmas Tradition
2 MT net Host VE3BQM Bernie

Callsign Given Names
VE3MIO Maureen
VE3EFQ Bradley Paul
VE3FP Adam
VE3WI Dave
VE3OZW Richard
VE3FGG James
VA3MFO James
9Z4DX Bertrand
VE3FAS Philip John

HF 73 round

VE3FGG James
VA3MFO James
VE3FP Adam
VE3OZW Richard
VE3FJN Colin
VE3WI Dave

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  Net Report 4 Jan 2022
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2022-01-10, 14:26:43 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

NCS 4 JAN 22  What did you get from Santa for the shack

VE3DGY Douglas
VE3VCG Marvin
VA3EAC Janet
VE3FP Adam
VE3WI David
VE3RWY Robert
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard
VE3FGG James
VE3GDZ Bruce
VA3MFO James
VE3GIO Larry W

VE3GIO Larry W
VA3MFO James
VE3DGY Douglas
VE3RWY Robert
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3FP Adam
VE3OZW Richard

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Video Portable Winlink
Posted by: Guest - 2022-01-03, 14:07:30 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

One of my objectives in the new year is to get out and operate in the field more often. I now have a new Xiegu X-90 which I'm anxious to try out for off-grid comms. One of my inspirations for such activities is Julian OH8STN in Finland. He is one very experienced operator with lots of field experience. He has my admiration and I've learned a ton from watching his videos. Doing field operations while producing good video content requires multiple skills and a real dedication to the hobby. However, Julian is very focused on the application of these skills to practicing and promoting fully off-grid communications.  

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  Propagations Conditions: Experts Disagree
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2022-01-02, 12:10:07 - Forum: Operating Help - Replies (2)

Looking at the GBARC Propagation page this morning I noted a disagreement between 2 of the sources of propagation forecasting (see image). RIgreference.com forecasts any band above 60m as "Poor". Hamqsl.com claims "Good" conditions on 20m and 30m. Both can't be right. The best way of finding real world band conditions is to get on the air and make QSOs!
[Image: Band-Condx-Contradiction.png]

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  EZNEC Antenna Modelling
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2022-01-01, 14:38:33 - Forum: Antennas - Replies (1)

The Pro version of antenna modeling software EZNEC is now FREE as of today 1st January 2022. I have been using the previously free demo version for quite a few years but today I downloaded and installed the Pro version.

It is a Windows program but it runs nicely under Wine on my Linux Mint PC. One big advantage of the Pro version is the restriction of only 20 segments is removed so more complicated antennas can be modeled.

It's worth a look for anybody who wants to evaluate their antennas. I use it principally to determine the radiation pattern of my antennas.

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Video Adam Savage and Cool wiring / soldering products
Posted by: Guest - 2021-12-28, 22:08:03 - Forum: Projects, Kits - Replies (1)

Some of us will remember Adam Savage, one of the co-hosts of the TV series Myth Busters. Adam has continued producing videos which he posts on youtube. Adam's content is a treasure trove or perhaps cornucopia of cool stuff from classic move props to DIY tips and tricks for "makers." In this video he introduce me to some very cool products that I've never seen before.

The first of these is a low temperature, all in one solder / heat shrink wiring connector. Adam's enthusiasm for these connectors is I think a good endorsement. I like it for all the same reasons and will likely go looking for a supplier. After all, who doesn't like things that actually work and make life easier?

The second product Adam introduces is a wiring labeling product. This involves small per-numbered pieces of tape in a dispenser. These are simply pulled off a roll and applied to any wires you wish to identify in your project. This would make it much easier to figure out which wire you are working with and would be especially useful in more complicated wiring schemes.

I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out Adam's video and possibly follow him on youtube. He has a lot of offer to those who love building things.

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Posted by: Ve3dgy - 2021-12-27, 21:55:05 - Forum: DX Hunting - No Replies

Finally hit 100 countries on my QRZ log.? Actually recorded over 110 but not everyone confirms on LoTW. I hit this target 75% via FT8, the signals travel so much further than phone. I’ve also found success using a doublet with a tuner, getting down to 1.0:1 SWR on the FT8 frequencies. Have had most success on 20M but 30 and 17M always seem to bring up outlying countries. Usually broadcasting at a full 100W to get to New Zealand, Japan and China. yes FT8 is supposed to be QRP but without a Yagi I think 100w is wise if your rig will handle the FT8 duty cycle (15sec) at full power.

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2021-12-26, 19:46:26 - Forum: Contesting - Replies (3)

WFD 2022 is just around the corner, 29-30 January. 

Same as last year, we can all identify as GBARC members and the WFD group will publish our aggregate score. Everyone has to identify the club the exact same way for this to work.  Last year we used GEORGIAN BAY ARC.

There have been a few rule changes. The official website is https://www.winterfieldday.com/

I downloaded the rules doc but found the fonts and layout very hard to read, so I washed it through a word processor (obviously I have too much time on my hands!)
I attached the laundered version, you may find it easier to follow.

I will be operating 1H again, on a generator.

Dave, VE3WI

.pdf   WFD2022RULES_edit.pdf (Size: 246.01 KB / Downloads: 3)

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  Introducing the Snowtenna
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2021-12-24, 13:27:18 - Forum: CW - No Replies

I stepped into the shack Christmas Eve morning to make some POTA contacts. I got 3 in the log on 40m but I noticed as I was keying I was getting loud key clicks coming out of the speaker. That's a sure sign of the dreaded RF in the shack. I moved up to 20m but I couldn't even tune up properly.

After some checking around I found the problem. My antenna wire terminates inside a shed after dropping vertically a few feet. It passes under the eaves of the shed where it was coming into contact with the snow on the shed roof. The wire is insulated but was making capacitive contact with the snow.

My shed roof was detuning the antenna and re-radiating my signal back into the shack. After moving the wire away from the snow the problem cleared and I was able to go on and make some more POTA contacts.

The old advice that your best antenna is the one you put up in the worst weather was proved once again.

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