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Richard VE3OZW
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Richard VE3OZW
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  Commentary for Canadian Radio Amateurs
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2019-07-27, 08:49:04 - Forum: Opinion - Replies (4)

A significant number of licensed Canadian amateur radio operators do not support their national amateur radio society: Radio Amateurs of Canada Typically support is by membership, but may also include volunteering time to perform the various functions required to run a large, non-profit organization. It has been demonstrated repeatedly, that a small percentage of people are doing most of the work in modern volunteer organizations.

Some thoughts concerning volunteerism
-Volunteerism is down in many sectors including service clubs, meal delivery programs, church groups, volunteer firefighters radio clubs, etc. etc.
-The population is aging and our current volunteers are retiring; Younger folks have so many distractions and things they can do today. We now live in a world with 200 plus TV channels! The spirit of volunteerism seems to be decreasing in the western world.
-There is some evidence that people who donate their cash to charities also tend to participate in groups, associations and organizations. Is this a characteristic or trait?
-People volunteer for causes they believe in. What do people believe in now? Is our culture too self-absorbed, individualistic and focused on our own personal agendas and pleasure?
-Economics. Are young to middle aged people less able to volunteer and contribute because they are spending more of their time working?

RAC Membership
If you haven't, please consider joining RAC. I joined out of respect to the many RAC volunteers who have devoted their personal time and continue to toil to keep amateur radio viable in Canada. We cannot take our currently allocated radio frequency bands for granted. There are groups who for profit, want to apply technologies which will consume or interfere with the radio frequency bands we enjoy. Canadian amateur radio needs a strong, united voice to survive into the future. Apathy and lack of awareness may significantly decrease the rights and privileges we enjoy as radio amateurs today. The least we can do is support our national amateur radio society. It would be even better if more of us contributed by volunteering our personal time towards our wonderful radio hobby and serving RAC

Todd, VE7BPO

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  Six Meters from Grid EN95?
Posted by: Guest - 2019-07-10, 21:57:32 - Forum: HF Digital - No Replies

Good Evening,
I actively chase grid squares toward the various VUCC awards with one of them being Six Meters. I would like to know if anybody onboard can work Six Meters OR knows somebody in grid EN95 that can? FT8 is the most likely mode with band conditions as poor as they are. I can be reached at k8six at comcast dot net for direct communication.
Appreciate any help and 73 de Al, K8SIX

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