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Double Extended Zepp Antenna
For 3783 kHz: EDZ length calculates out to 316' 8".  We have 70' x 130' lots here, so I'd need some really cooperative neighbors :-)

I haven't heard anyone on that VE3KCY 50.170 MHz net (or anyone else on 6m for that matter) with my 80m inverted-V + tuner.  I wonder if an EDZ would work better for 6m.  Only ~24', I could manage one that long.    Maybe even add a reflector for some more gain (just found an article by Cebik about that very idea: 

Dave, VE3WI

Messages In This Thread
Double Extended Zepp Antenna - by Tom VA3TS - 2021-01-19, 15:20:15
RE: Double Extended Zepp Antenna - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-01-19, 21:27:13

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