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Net Report 27 Jan 2021
Good net Tom.  Very pleasantly surprised by propagation last night - I was able to hear local hams on 80m, & be heard!  Last few nets I've heard no one in OS at all.   Frustrating when stations all over NA and even a few in Europe are booming in. 

In despair, I was thinking of trying a different antenna, maybe a sloper aimed at OS for a little more gain in that direction.  I attached a design for a short loaded 80m dipole that I could hang off my mast.  Maybe after FD...

Dave, VE3WI

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Messages In This Thread
Net Report 27 Jan 2021 - by Tom VA3TS - 2021-01-27, 20:35:51
RE: Net Report 27 Jan 2021 - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-01-28, 08:36:12
RE: Net Report 27 Jan 2021 - by VA3KOT John - 2021-01-28, 11:02:04
RE: Net Report 27 Jan 2021 - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-01-28, 13:57:48

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