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Icom 7300
(2021-03-06, 19:56:58)VE3WI Dave Wrote: IC-7300 week at GBARC, I presume?

Modern rigs are typically specified for 13.8 ± 15% VDC supply, i.e. 11.7 - 15.8 V.  But, I've read many forum posts where owners of various brands were reporting various kinds of misbehaviours when the supply voltage is low. 

The IC-7300 CW splatter in the video is especially worrisome.  I wonder what happens on SSB?  

Portable ops on an SLA battery would be problematic due to the rapid drop in voltage with discharge.  A LiFePO4 would be much better.  You can find lots of data showing how the LiFePO4 holds its voltage nearly constant up to very deep discharge. 

Another solution would be a DC booster like the MFJ-4416.  Here's a link to a review by Phil Salas AD5X that was published in QST:

But, if anyone intends to "bin" their IC-7300, they can give it to me - I promise to supply it with enough voltage :-)

Dave, VE3WI

In the past my IC-7000 would be fine to ~10VDC on SSB but I haven't done any operating on CW on batteries. I imagine on CW it would probably pull the voltage down below the cut-off point. I think Icom manual said 10.5 vdc for minimum operating voltage. I will have to try it next time I go portable.
Here is an Amazon link for voltage regulator more affordable than MFJ for $40 CAD. As long you don't have to carry all that portable stuff on a hiking trip  Cry then might be better to just go with a QRP rig that operates between 8 - 14vdc. Idea Few of them out there.
For another $25  you can add this multimeter.
73, Adam ve3fp

Messages In This Thread
Icom 7300 - by VA3KOT John - 2021-03-06, 16:48:30
RE: Icom 7300 - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-03-06, 19:56:58
RE: Icom 7300 - by Adam_VE3FP - 2021-03-07, 10:26:17
RE: Icom 7300 - by VA3KOT John - 2021-03-07, 08:29:29
RE: Icom 7300 - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-03-07, 20:04:29
RE: Icom 7300 - by Adam_VE3FP - 2021-03-07, 22:15:24

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