Basic Qualification Question Bank for Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Examinations 12 June, 2014

Conductors, Insulators


B-005-002-001 Name three good electrical conductors.
A Copper, gold, mica
B Gold, silver, aluminum
C Gold, silver, wood
D Copper, aluminum, paper

B-005-002-002 Name four good electrical insulators.
A Glass, air, plastic, porcelain
B Plastic, rubber, wood, carbon
C Paper, glass, air, aluminum
D Glass, wood, copper, porcelain

B-005-002-004 What is the best conductor among the following materials?
A copper
B carbon
C silicon
D aluminium

B-005-002-005 Which type of material listed will most readily allow an electric current to flow?
A a conductor
B an insulator
C a semiconductor
D a dielectric

B-005-002-006 A length of metal is connected in a circuit and is found to conduct electricity very well. It would be best described as having a:
A low resistance
B high resistance
C high wattage
D low wattage



B-004-006-001 How do you find a resistor's tolerance rating?
A By using Thevenin's theorem for resistors
B By reading its Baudot code
C By using a voltmeter
D By reading the resistor's colour code

B-004-006-002 What do the first three-colour bands on a resistor indicate?
A The resistance tolerance in percent
B The value of the resistor in ohms
C The resistance material
D The power rating in watts

B-004-006-003 What would the fourth colour band on a 47 ohm resistor indicate?
A The value of the resistor in ohms
B The power rating in watts
C The resistance material
D The resistance tolerance in percent

B-004-006-004 What are the possible values of a 100 ohm resistor with a 10% tolerance?
A 90 to 100 ohms
B 10 to 100 ohms
C 80 to 120 ohms
D 90 to 110 ohms

B-004-006-005 How do you find a resistor's value?
A By using the resistor's colour code
B By using a voltmeter
C By using Thevenin's theorem for resistors
D By using the Baudot code

B-004-006-006 A club project requires that a resistive voltage divider provide a very accurate and predictable ratio. Out of the list below, which resistor tolerance would you select?
A 10%
B 20%
C 0.1%
D 5%

B-004-006-007 You need a current limiting resistor for a light-emitting diode(LE(D). The actual resistance is not critical at all. Out of the list below, which resistor tolerance would you select?
A 10%
B 20%
C 0.1%
D 5%

B-004-006-008 If a carbon resistor's temperature is increased, what will happen to the resistance?
A It will increase by 20% for every 10 degrees centigrade
B It will change depending on the resistor's temperature coefficient rating
C It will stay the same
D It will become time dependent

B-004-006-009 A gold tolerance band on a resistor indicates the tolerance is:
A 20%
B 10%
C 1%
D 5%

B-004-006-010 Which colour band would differentiate a 120-ohm from a 1200-ohm resistor?
A Fourth band
B Third band
C First band
D Second band

B-004-006-011 Given that red=2, violet=7 and yellow=4, what is the nominal value of a resistor whose colour code reads "red", "violet" and "yellow"?
A 72 kilohms
B 27 megohms
C 270 kilohms
D 274 ohms

B-005-002-003 Why do resistors sometimes get hot when in use?
A Hotter circuit components nearby heat them up
B They absorb magnetic energy which makes them hot
C Some electrical energy passing through them is lost as heat
D Their reactance makes them heat up

B-005-002-007 The letter "R" is the symbol for:
A reactance
B resistance
C impedance
D reluctance

B-005-002-008 The reciprocal of resistance is:
A reluctance
B permeability
C conductance
D reactance

B-005-002-010 The resistance of a conductor changes with:
A current
B humidity
C temperature
D voltage

B-005-002-011 The most common material used to make a resistor is:
A carbon
B gold
C mica
D lead
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 The Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club