Thank you for joining our club or renewing your existing annual membership.

Webpage usage, terms and conditions

There has been some issues lately with chrome browsers not being able to use this page. If you cannot get this page to work and cannot use another browser, then contact the club Here for assistance.
Our Club Insurance One of the key benefits of our club is our insurance coverage, protecting members and their equipment while at club activities. Our policy is provided to us by our national voice, the Radio Amateurs of Canada RAC.

We use interac e-transfer to receive funds, just follow the instructions below, click continue when complete. All required fields must be completed.


Clicking "Continue", will send your responses to the Club Treasurer who will reply with payment details.


required field

If you prefer to mail in your dues, just print the pdf
Current Club Membership Dues

$45 Full Member (NEW)

$45 Full Member (Renewal) without RAC membership

$30 Full Member (Renewal) with RAC membership

$20 Associate

A FULL member is any licensed amateur radio operator. To be a full member you must have a callsign.

Associate member is any un-licensed person who wishes to join as a non-voting member or has not yet obtained a callsign.
Select New, Renewal or Associate Membership

Fill out the fields in this area
Callsign 4 to 8 characters
FIRST and LASTNAME 6 to 30 characters
MAILING ADDRESS 15 to 60 characters
POSTAL CODE 6 to 7 characters
PHONE NUMBER 8 to 15 characters
EMAIL ADDRESS 10 to 25 characters, check for extra blank spaces at the end of your address
when this area is complete, go to step 3


Check this box if you are...

when this area is complete, go to step 4
if not, go to step 4


Please go to the RAC website
 Click HERE
This will open in another tab
login and go to "My Account"  and record your member# and expiry date.

Enter your details below

Enter your RAC membership # and expiry date ONLY if you are a RAC Member
if you are NOT a RAC member, uncheck the box

That's it, click  "Continue" , the treasurer will receive a notification, and will respond with further instructions.
A confirmation email will also be sent to the email address you specify