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  Amateur Radio Weekly 02DEC2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-12-02, 08:31:46 - Forum: Radio News - Replies (2)

Top links

European Space Agency GEO satellite opportunity
Footprint could cover portions of Canada and USA.

AllScan: Web based AllStarLink management console
Provides favorites management features, AllStarLink stats integration, and connection monitoring and control functions.

NASA highlights Ham Radio on ISS
NASA promotes the efforts of ARISS and STEM.

Promising news for the Amateur Radio 23cm microwave allocation
It looked as if the decades old allocation might be lost altogether.

HamSCI announces publication of latest peer-reviewed paper
Provides recommendations for Amateur Radio - professional science collaborations in the future.

Made in Vermont: W1SFR
His side hustle is key for the community.

Fire damaged Nikola Tesla's last remaining laboratory
Crowdfounders previously raised over $1 million to save.
Business Insider

Making math easy for Ham Radio experimenters
There is a tool that can level the playing field – it's called the spreadsheet.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Winlink on iPhone/iPad
RadioMail is a new client app for the iPhone and iPad.

Canadian Basic Qualifications question bank
This test bank has 971 questions.


Can you do 160 Meters on two Wolf River Coils?
Let's find out.
Ham Radio Tube

The Magic Carpet rides again! This time on 80 Meters
KZ9V shares with us how he modified his 40 through 10 meter end fed half wave antenna.

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  RAC Canada Winter Contest 2023: December 30
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-12-01, 16:51:12 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

[Image: 3948c6e2-1b12-ac16-6283-54427256b38e.png]
RAC Canada Winter Contest 2023 Rules: December 30
https://www.rac.ca/rac-canada-winter-contest-2023/Le français suit l'anglais.
Sam Ferris, VE5SF – RAC Canada Winter Contest Manager
In December each year, Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) sponsors the Canada Winter Contest. Amateurs all over the world are invited to participate. 

Contest Period: 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC on December 30, 2023. 
Bands and Modes: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres, CW and phone (SSB, FM, AM, etc.) 
Suggested frequencies: CW – 25 kHz up from the band edge and for SSB – 1850, 3775, 7075*, 7225, 14175, 21250 and 28500 kHz. Check for CW activity on the half-hour. 
*Note: For 7075 kHz please watch for conflicts in the band plan where there are overlaps with other modes of operation.
Exchange: Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory. VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number. 
QSOs: Contacts with stations in Canada or VEØs are worth 10 points. Contacts with stations outside Canada are worth 2 points. Contacts with RAC official stations are worth 20 points. 
You may work any station once on each of the two modes, on each of the eight contest bands. It is prohibited to make CW contacts in the conventional phone sub-bands and phone contacts in the conventional CW sub-bands. Contacts or soliciting QSOs through a repeater during the contest period is not allowed. 
Contacts in the RAC Canada Contests also count towards the RAC Canadian Portable Operations Challenge Award. Please see page 62 for information.
Multipliers: Thirteen in total, Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories. Each multiplier may be counted once on each mode on each of the eight contest bands.
The multipliers, with their postal abbreviations and prefixes are: Nova Scotia [NS] (VE1, VA1, CY9, CYØ); Quebec [QC] (VE2, VA2); Ontario [ON] (VE3, VA3); Manitoba [MB] (VE4, VA4); Saskatchewan [SK] (VE5, VA5); Alberta [AB] (VE6, VA6); British Columbia [BC] (VE7, VA7); Northwest Territories [NT] (VE8); New Brunswick [NB] (VE9); Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] (VO1, VO2); Nunavut [NU] (VYØ); Yukon [YT] (VY1); and Prince Edward Island [PE] (VY2). 
Certain special Canadian prefixes in use at the time of the contest may also apply; however, there may be no more than 13 multipliers on each band/mode. Please use the multiplier abbreviations, in square brackets, noted above.
Note: in the event a station is unable to make a contact with a Canadian station, there will be granted a multiplier count of 1 to facilitate the proper calculation of the final score since a multiplier of zero (0) would not create a valid calculation of a final score.
Final Score: The total QSO from all bands multiplied by the total number of multipliers from all bands. 
Special thanks to our sponsors for their support of the RAC contests.


[Image: 72fbd073-5602-2e89-4d7e-f2d00834484d.jpg]

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  Friends of Gbarc net Nov 30 2023
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2023-12-01, 08:09:15 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Nov 30, topic Interesting Reads or Xmas decorating
VE3BQM Bernie Net controller
VE3VCG Marvin
VA3EAC Janet
VA3MFO James
VE3OZW Richard
VA3MFO James
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3OZW Richard
VE3REK Darren
VE3FV John Samuel

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Smile GBARC 2M net 22Nov 2023 VE3OSR&VE3GBT
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2023-11-25, 11:49:02 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Time - 7:30 local(Eastern standard time)
Frequencies (VE3OSR) 146.940 (VE3 GBT) 146.730 (UHF linked)

VE3 RQY Greg(Brooke - suburb of Owen Sound, ON)
Topic: Anything, and/or - radio(s) you usually use, antenna(s), tower, Nets you like or prefer/participate in, Etc. ,
            Weather report from any stations(( distant from Grey-Bruce Counties.
Echo Link 
VE3DDU - Ray -  Nottawa, ON
KO4DXQ - Bob, Soddy Daisy, Tennessee
VE3GIO - Larry, Woodstock, ON
               Owen Sound (VE3OSR)                                                                          Paisley(VE3GBT
VE3BQM - Bernie                                                                               VE3VCG - Marvin
VA3TS - Tom                                                                                     VA3EAC - Janet
VA3DNY - Dan                                                                                 VE3OZW - Richard
VE3WI - Dave                                                                                       VA3MFO - Jim
VE3DGY - Doug                                                                                                         
              HF - VE3GIO - VA3MFO - VE3VCG - VE3DDU - VE3OZW - VE3WI - VE3DNY - VE3IXA Brad(Guelph, ON)

Plenty of different radios out there - Icom 7610', 7300,706 2300H,  - Yaesu FT8800, 2980(vhf), Ft991, FT450D,70B(vhf),857D, FT920 - Kenwood 570D, TM281,TS4800SP,  Apache Labs Annan 7000,1000 and some others I was unable to write down. 
Various antennas - dipoles, Yagis, end feds ,verticals, inverted 'V', beams -  E.G.-LarsonD70, Chameleon Impaste2 -   MFJ tuners, auto tuners and a 1010Amp.

We wished Bob KO4DXQ a Happy American Thanksgiving and thank him for his usual update on the weather over in Tennessee.

Thanks to y'all for participating.
73 and hear from you next week! Smile


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  Amateur Radio Weekly 25NOV2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-11-25, 09:08:42 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

Top links

Scientists uncover aurora-like radio emission above a sunspot
These sunspot aurora emissions occur at frequencies ranging from hundreds of thousands of kHz to roughly 1 million kHz.
New Jersey Institute of Technology

SKYWARN Recognition Day is ready to go
The 2023 SKYWARN Recognition Day is December 2 from 0000z to 2400z.

Will AI help us have more fun with Amateur Radio?
Your personal agent could monitor your club's 2-meter repeater and notify you when your friends are on the air.

Amateur Radio accounts for 17% of Icom's business
Icom released a document titled Medium Term Business Plan 2026.

What's up with NVIS?
I was amazed that I sent and received a 59 signal report from an antenna that was only about 6 feet off the ground.

Cubesats: How an accidental standard launched a new space age
NASA was initially reluctant to embrace the small form factor.
Aviation Week

Cheap & cheerful telescopic SPOTA antenna
This is a handy standby antenna, or for holiday activations, but bring your tuner along.

NASA launches Spot the Station app
Notifications each time the station passes over your location.
Amateur Radio Daily


K9DP Broadcast Interference Filter 2.0
Field tested with a Xiegu G90.

How to build a mini HF loading coil
No need for a tuner.
Mr MuDs Radio Time VA5MuD

The OMs on QRZ said this won't work
You can't make QSOs with a wire that low to the ground. Boy-howdy were they wrong.

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 25, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-11-25, 09:06:28 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 now in session
The World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) located in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, bringing governments together for negotiations on the allocation of
radio-frequency spectrum will take place from 20 November to 15 December.
Overall, 4,000 participants are expected for WRC-23, including delegates
from ITU Member States and ITU Radiocommunication Sector Members representing international
organizations, equipment manufacturers, network operators and industry forums attending as
-- Full article on RAC website



2. Florida hams make contact via a 10m repeater in Switzerland

On Oct 23rd at 1500z using a FLEX-6400 at 75 W and the C32XR beam at
108 feet that he maintains for the Tampa Amateur Radio Club, Lu W4LT heard
an ID . "It was HB9HD in Switzerland! He gave the repeater a kerchunk."
He was able to contact a Swiss ham, Rene, HB3XVR, on the repeater's
70-centimeter link.

On October 31, around 1500z, he tried the repeater once more. "I found the
repeater full quieting, even stronger than it was on October 23, it was
clean and easy to copy!

Lu called CQ several times on the repeater. and received no callers, but
finally, received a signal that was fading up and down. He called again
and was able to work David, WA3LXD, over the HB9HD repeater. After
a little while, his signal settled down, and David asked me what my QTH
was, and I told him I was in Tampa. He laughed and said we worked each
other 'the hard way,' because he was in Ocala, about 100 miles to my

As Solar Cycle 25 continues to rise toward its peak, amateurs can expect to
encounter more exciting propagation, especially on the 10- and 6-meter
bands.  In this case, the signals traveled roughly 9,800 miles round trip.

-- full article on arrl newsletter

3.  TAPR holding on-line Digital Communications Conference

on December 9, 2023, from 1700 to 2230 UTC (1200 to 1730 EST.
Log in details for the conference will be available at https://tapr.org
prior to December 9.
TAPR is an international amateur radio organization that was founded
in Tucson, Arizona, in 1981 by a group of amateurs interested in developing
a terminal node controller (TNC) for amateur use.
Presentations during the conference will soon be listed on their website.
-- see   https://tapr.org for information

4.  Ham Radio Workbench "on the air" for 200th show.

The Ham Radio Workbench podcast is fast approaching its 200th show and it's
going to celebrate on December 3rd with a big HRWBOTA (pronounced:
her-wuh-bow-tuh)  It's short for Ham Radio Workbenches on the air. The
hosts are marking the occasion with a four-hour activation on HF, DMR
and AllStar that allows listeners to make contacts with each of the
presenters and to score points. Be listening between 1800UTC and 2200UTC. If you
work at least two hosts, you get a certificate of participation. There
are bigger certificates too. See details on the website h r w b o t a dot com

-- amateur radio newsline (Friday Nov 24th edition)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 18NOV2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-11-18, 11:00:57 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

op links

FCC drops symbol rate for HF
Instead, the Commission establishes a 2.8 kHz bandwidth limitation in the applicable Amateur Radio bands.
Amateur Radio Daily

Self-spotting SOTA and POTA over HF.

DITs and DAHs from Alcatraz
I will activate with morse code in the shadows of Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed Harris.

A spectral look at the KH1's sidetone
I don't particularly care for the KH1's sidetone for two reasons.

Automating NOAA APT and Meteor M2 LRPT reception with SatDump
SatDump is a popular program used to receive and decode various forms of weather satellites.

How to improve Ham Radio station grounds
Station grounding has the most misconceptions.

Antenna goes up for student-run Ham Radio station at University of Scranton
The new antenna was installed to help students learn more about radio waves.

Fort Baker on the air
This location offers spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the city of San Francisco.


Converting a CB to 10 meter AM

Trailer: My Radio My Life
The film revisits the golden era of radio in India, including Ham Radio operators.
Timecap Documentaries

Stealth HOA antenna system
The ultimate (resonant on 8 bands) stealth HOA antenna system.

Portable with the new FX-4CR transceiver
Results and experience out of the box and on the air with the FX-4CR.
Coastal Waves & Wires

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 18, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-11-18, 10:49:19 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Surrey ARC Nov-Dec "The Communicator", now available

This issue includes:
   The Orca DX and Contest Club
   Fuses and the ‘crowbar’ circuit
   A Yaesu FT-857D off-grid portable kit
   Antenna adventures
   ARDF World Championships—Team Canada




2. New SMS Gateway Revives Text Messaging via APRS

With SMSGTE shutting down services due to increased spam and regulations
requirements, the world of ham radio lost its interface to SMS text messaging
via APRS. Recently, NA7Q has stepped in with an updated solution to
reintroduce the ability for hams to send SMS text messages through APRS.

While the service has yet to be assigned an official name, details on
how to get
started may be viewed at http://theconnectdesk.com/SMS/.

-- NA7Q      http://theconnectdesk.com/SMS/

Bruce Kelley 192

3.  Alternative to Eliminating "Leap Seconds"

The ITU's World Radiocommunications Conference opens on November 20th in
Dubai with an ambitious agenda that includes discussion of a US timekeeper's
proposal to address the planned elimination of "leap seconds" starting in 2035.
Leap seconds were originally implemented to synchronise the Earth's irregular
rotation with the ultra precise method of atomic timekeeping. It is this form of
timekeeping that is reflected in UTC, the very time standard that radio amateurs,
scientists and many others depend upon worldwide.
An alternate timekeeping method to be discussed in Dubai suggests that "leap minutes"
be used instead, every 50 years or so, as needed, to align clocks more closely with
the variable movement of the Earth. This alternative form of time adjustment is a
concept from Judah Levine of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
in the United States.
It is unclear what kind of reception this new controversial remedy may
ultimately receive by from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures itself. We
will know, of course, in due time.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline

4.  Event Celebrates First Transatlantic Amateur Contact

The Swiss Air Force Museum HAM Radio Club will be on the air with callsign
HB8DELOY to celebrate the first transatlantic contact between two hams
On 27 November 1923, at 9.30pm EST, two-way short-wave radio contact took
place for the first time between radio amateurs on either side of the
ocean, between Hartford, Connecticut, USA and Nice, in the south of France.
The special event operation will run through the end of December this year.

-- Swiss Air Force Museum HAM Radio Club

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  POTA Activation at Hibou Conservation Area
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2023-11-16, 19:30:34 - Forum: Field Portable & Remote Operations - No Replies

I took advantage of the fine weather this afternoon and slipped out to Hibou Conservation Area just outside Owen Sound for another quick POTA activation. POTA's rules state that an activator must be within 100ft of a designated trail to claim an activation. So I carefully selected my position in the park (POTA # VE-5651) so that I was well within 100 feet of County Road 15 which is also part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail (POTA # VE-6003) making my operation today a "2-fer".

I brought my FT-891 along for this activation. Antenna was a 20m End-Fed Half-Wave suspended vertically from a wooden support kindly provided by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (a tree). I started calling CQ and was immediately hit with a pile-up that lasted for a half hour. Activity finally subsided after 34 minutes with 36 QSOs in the log. It took a mere 8 minutes to log the required 10 to validate the activation - a new record for me. The only DX today was in Peurto Rico.

Dan VA3DNY and Bobby VE3PAV have come forward to express their interest in getting involved with a club POTA activity. If we can get another couple of people interested I will register the club callsign so that GBARC can earn credit for POTA activations and hunting (hunting means having QSOs with activators - even from your home shack). I am a CW op, Dan and Bobby are primarily SSB ops so the team would welcome somebody who can do FT8, then we will have all the available modes covered.

I will shortly announce the first GBARC team activation to be held at Hibou CA. Everyone is welcome to come along even if you just want to observe.

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  FCC Removes the Symbol Rate for Data on Amateur Bands
Posted by: ryan_va3ryc - 2023-11-15, 12:09:18 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies



73, VA3RYC

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