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  Tower, Beam, and rotor available but must be taken down
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2023-10-27, 18:22:48 - Forum: Antennas - Replies (3)

Hi Folks

If you would like a tri band 10-15-20 beam , 3 section of tower and Hy-Gain rotor and control box.
The widow of a past VE3TTV Henry would like to have it gone. 
Its located near Kelso Beach Owen Sound.
If interested a 50/50 split donation to the club and widow would be appreciated.

Other Equipment may be available.

Please contact Bernie VE3BQM via Text at 519.270.1330.


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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 21, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-21, 10:44:36 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricanes Tammy and Norma

In an e-mail sent on the morning of Friday, October 20, 2023, HWN Net
Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, wrote:
This morning, we have 2 Hurricanes threatening landfall.
In the Atlantic, we have Tammy which strengthened into a Cat 1 Hurricane
In the Eastern Pacific, we have Hurricane Norma. Once a Cat 4 Hurricane,
it is now a Cat 3 storm, threatening Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of
Baja California.
On Saturday, we will activate on 14.325 MHz (USB) at 8:00 AM EDT (1200 UTC)
and remain active until no longer required. If propagation dictates, we
will utilize
operations on 7.268.00 MHz (LSB)
-- arrl news



2.  Amateur Radio Supports 2023 Chicago Marathon

On October 8, 2023, more than 140 amateur radio operators from five
Midwest states
assisted 2,000 volunteer medical personnel at the Bank of America
Chicago Marathon.
This is the 15th consecutive year that amateur radio operators have
helped coordinate
medical responses and arrange for medical resupplies.
About 49,000 runners entered this year’s event.
The event uses six main repeater channels and deploys four temporary
New this year was official use of the Automatic Packet Reporting System
(APRS) after
organizers trialed the system at their other events, including the Bank
of America
Shamrock Shuffle and the Chicago 13.1. APRS radios were deployed to amateur
communication teams in Chicago’s Grant Park after the race was finished.
A total of 30 radio operators worked in various capacities before and
after the race.
Also, there were 100 ham radio operators stationed at each of the 20
course medical
tents and the medical hub. In Forward Command, 10 amateur radio
operators served
as net controls, traffic handlers, logging specialists, and expediters.
-- full article at arrl news

3.  A POTA Book for Park Activators and Hunters

The Parks on the Air book gives you a look at the setups and processes
of 14 operators
from a variety of skill levels and backgrounds and offers advice and
motivation for taking
your radio out to a park. Each chapter includes a detailed gear list so
you can see exactly
what your fellow operators are using, whether they’re leaders of the
pack or folks just getting
started with Parks on the Air. Setups cover satellite operating, QRP,
urban backpack
portable, activating tailgate-style, wire antennas for POTA, and more.
The Parks on the Air Book may be purchased from the ARRL Store


4.  Using Amateur Radio to Play Chess

Playing chess using amateur radio? The concept may have begun in 1912
when a group
of college students from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) wanted
to challenge
chess players at The Ohio State University (OSU). Though the official
origin is still being
debated, clippings from a 1912 issue of The Case Tech, one of CWRU's
former student
newspapers, reveal that the challenge was made when the CWRU Wireless
Club procured
a Morse code transceiver.
Nowadays, chess moves are relayed over the air by voice using EchoLink
through a
Cleveland, Ohio, repeater with algebraic chess notation relayed by
voice. In the future,
each chess team will determine what method works best for them based on
skill level and
HAMCHESS is a great way to reenergize amateur radio clubs and involve
other college
organizations. In 1945, the United States and the USSR squared off in a
radio chess
tournament using CW. In the 1980s, Chess and Amateur Radio
International, a club with
more than 200 members, used 20-meter SSB in a match between five US
players and five
players in Oceania, a geographical region spanning the Eastern and
Western hemispheres.
-- full story at arrl news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 21OCT2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-21, 06:56:17 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

Top links

US Congressional Amateur Radio advocate not seeking reelection
Rep. Debbie Lesko recently introduced legislation to remove FCC symbol rate limit.
ABC 15

Revision of the RST standard for signal reporting
The time has arrived to adopt a new signal reporting system.

Meadow Day Experiment
Working Amateur Radio Operators using broadband Internet connectivity via Starlink.

ARDC seeking committee members for 2024
ARDCs mission is to support, promote, and enhance communication science and technology, promote Amateur Radio, scientific research, education, development, open access, and more.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
Live analog TV within voice bandwidth.

Signals – Museum of Information Explosion
New museum aims to foster appreciation for communication technology.

Using a municipal flagpole for an antenna
My municipal flagpole antenna was doing fine business.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Madeira HF beacon CS3B destroyed in wildfire
The CS3B was part of the International Beacon Project.


Ham Radio saves stranded motorist in New Jersey
There was no cell service to dispatch emergency services during Tropical Storm Ophelia.

My Simple HF Ham Radio antenna and shack apartment setup
How I setup a 10m dipole, an MFJ BigStick and a shack with limited space, to produce the results I was looking for.

2 meter band tape antenna is lightweight, portable
Duct tape, copper foil tape, and a way to connect to it can make for an amazing J-pole antenna.
Ham Radio Rookie

How to POTA and SOTA on VHF with a Technician License
Bring a chair, relax, enjoy the views, and most important have fun.

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  Gbarc net Oct 18
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2023-10-19, 07:49:34 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Oct 18, 2023
Topic: Car installation Trick or treat install.
Gbarc Anniversary  

VE3BQM Bernie Controller 
VA3MFO James
VE3OZW Richard

VA3MFO James
VE3OZW Richard

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  Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill: “Get Ready to Shakeout” – Thursday, October 19
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-18, 18:40:49 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

[Image: d8c69d7e-59cc-aee2-a927-48ebbbd801ba.png]

“Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill: “Get Ready to Shakeout” – Thursday, October 19
For immediate release:
This year's International ShakeOut Day is Thursday, October 19, when millions of people worldwide will participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home! At 10:19 am (local time) on 10/19, you can join millions of people across the world practising earthquake safety.

Attention all Canadian Amateurs:
We would like to invite you to participate in the Great Shakeout on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10:19 local time. The Great Shakeout is the world's biggest annual earthquake drill, aimed at providing accurate ground truth in the event of a disaster.
In North America, it is sponsored by the United States Geological Survey and Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc. (Winlink Global Radio Email). You can find more information on their websites, as well as on the FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) website and the RATPAC (Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee) website.
The primary objectives of the drill are as follows:
1) Send a Winlink DYFI report to the USGS and tactical address, QUAKE-23, within one hour of the earthquake at 10:19 your local time. However, it is acceptable to send your DYFI report later in the day as long as the time of the report is stated as 10:19. We have coordinated the Exercise ID 2023SHAKEOUT with USGS to make Shakeout reports easy to identify, so please use it!
2) Use RF if possible, but Telnet is also acceptable.
The ground truth reports will be mapped in the Winlink GIS software to produce a visual report, as seen in 2022.
Canada has experienced its fair share of extreme weather events, wildfires, flooding, and man-made emergency situations in 2022 and 2023. As a result, Radio Amateurs of Canada conducted a two-part annual Simulated Exercise on October 14 and 16 to test the skills of Amateur Radio operators in the event of an emergency or during a solar eclipse.
By participating in the Great ShakeOut, you will help professional services better understand the benefits of using Amateur Radio and our dedicated operators. Whether you are new to Winlink or have been using it for years, this straightforward drill will have a significant impact on promoting Amateur Radio in North America and the world.
Please support the Great ShakeOut by visiting the RAC website for more information.

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 14, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-14, 12:27:50 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1. Volunteer Opportunities with RAC

RAC continues to provide many programs and services to its members and
strives to adapt to meet today’s requirements, but we need your help to
do so. Please take a look at the following opportunities and consider
joining the RAC Volunteer Team. Contact information for each volunteer
position is provided below but please contact Alan Griffin at
marcom@rac.ca if you need assistance.

1) Information Technology (IT) and Website Management
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the RAC website and
with the Membership System.
Please contact RAC’s Chief Information Technology Officer Jeff Dale,
VA3ISP at cito@rac.ca for more information.

2) RAC Field Organization
National Advisory Committee and Sectional Council Positions
The following positions are full-time volunteer positions starting in
January 2023 with a term of two year. Applicants must be members of
Radio Amateurs of Canada.
Please provide a cover letter and resume to Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT,
Community Services Officer at community@rac.ca.

National Advisory Committee
Deputy Community Services Officer
National AuxComm Coordinator
National Community and Youth Coordinator
National Radio Traffic and Bulletin Coordinator
National Training Coordinator
National CanWarn Coordinator
Section Manager for the Territories

Sectional Council
The following positions are effective February 1. For information on any
of these positions or the application process, please email

Deputy Section Manager
Sectional ACS Coordinator
Sectional Community and Youth Coordinator
Sectional Radio and Traffic Coordinator
Sectional Training Officer
Sectional CanWarn Coordinator
ACS Group Coordinator
ACS Rapid Response Team Leader
ACS Provincial Response Team Coordinator

-- RAC website



2. Jamboree-on-the-Air is on October 20 - 22, 2023

Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA), the largest Scouting event in the world, takes
place on the third weekend of October (10/20 - 10/22).

This annual global operating event allows Scouts to use amateur radio to
connect with hams around the world. The event is supported by many local
amateur radio clubs and individual operators. JOTA starts Friday and ends
Sunday, but there are no official hours of operation, so you have the
whole weekend to make JOTA contacts.

More information about JOTA may be found on the Scouting website, at

-- arrl news


The World Radiosport Team Championship competition to be held in England
in 2026 has announced some changes being made to the selection criteria
which the organising committee believes will make the qualification
process fairer. The announcement by event vice chair Lee Volante GØMTN,
writing in the WRTC2026 groups.io email-list, comes as the first of
several qualifying events takes place this month.

Two new sub-groups will be created in the qualification area comprising
Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. This will allow contesters to
compete more directly against other local operators for qualification |
points. Competitors in the United States call areas of 1, 2, 3 and 7
are also seeing changes which the committee believes will better
accommodate propagation differences in the region. For qualification
scoring among Western US operators, Nevada, Utah and Arizona will now
be grouped into one sub-area with Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and Wyoming into another. The northeastern US call areas will be
grouped into three sub-areas for scoring purposes. The states of
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode
Island will be in one sub-group; New York, New Jersey and the
United Nations call of 4U1UN will be in a second sub-group and the
third group will comprise Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and
Washington, D.C. There will also be more sub-areas for Alaska
and Canada.

The 15 qualifying events are taking place between October 2023
and March 2025. Competitors can submit scores from as many as
eight qualifying events.

-- Jeremy Boot G4NJH (Amateur radio Newsline)

4. Web based antenna designer and calculator

Rob (DM1CM) has created a website for all of us who find trying to
understand EZNEC, 4NEC2 and similar packages too hard. Rob says that
while the site is simplified and concentrates on common wire antennas,
it is still fairly accurate as behind the screen he is using antenna
modelling software. As the work is not done on your local PC some
operations can take a little while to complete but be patient and
it will get there.

As well as supplying dimensions for you to build one of the four
"standard" antennas (Linked Dipole, End-Fed-half-wave, Delta Loop
or Half Square (more to be added)), it also shows you the
propagation pattern, VSWR charts, antenna current diagram and the
smith chart for the chosen antenna.
Check out the site at www.sota-antennas.com.

-- Amateur Radio Daily

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats
or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 14OCT2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-14, 06:25:04 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

Top links

Web based antenna designer and calculator
Tools enabling design and modelling of simple wire antennas for portable use on HF.
Sota Antennas

CBC stops broadcasting official time signal
For more than 80 years the beeps and tones of the time signal have connected Canadians.

Migrating the shack PC to Debian Linux
I am very happy with the performance of applications.

A comprehensive Elecraft KX2 field kit
A kit that gives lots of options for antenna deployments.

Put up a dipole for 10m, a very active band
A little dipole for 10m is not too much of a challenge.
Marxy's Musing on Technology

72 hours of emergency power on a budget
An American made solar briefcase which fits the bill.

FT-891 as an emergency CB
Spectral output of the FT-891 operated on the CB band is quite clean.

QRP Contact from Australia to Spain with video from both sides
Originating from a portable SOTA activation.
SolderSmoke Daily News

ARRL launches NTS newsletter
The NTS Letter is a monthly digest of all things related to the ARRL National Traffic System.


GNU Radio tutorials for 2023
Tutorial by Daniel Estévez on getting started with GNU Radio Companion, gqrx, and rtl-sdr dongles.

How to turn a cheap extension cord into the ultimate 10 meter vertical
Recycling unused extension cords for antenna builds.

Demonstrating the FM capture effect
Why aircraft still use AM.
Tall Paul Tech

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 07OCT2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-07, 14:01:22 - Forum: Radio News - Replies (1)

It this is of interest to anyone (likes and views), I will post it weekly too.

Richard VE3OZW


Introduction to HF packeteering in the modern age
A brief overview of the current state of packet radio on the HF bands.

Discovery Dish pre-launch
A lightweight dish and feed for L-Band weather satellites and hydrogen line reception.

Double the Hamstick dipoles, double the fun
It's well secured to the chimney in a way that won't damage anything or anyone during the worst of Chicagoland weather.

Building a DIY end-fed halfwave matching unit on an RCA connector
I stick with the 49:1 windings on the transformer and a 100pF capacitor shunted to ground.

Amazing what you can build from your junk box
I did not order anything from Amazon, instead looking in my parts drawer.

Hot Iron Newsletter
A highly technical quarterly newsletter for Hams.

Counterpoise testing
Testing changes to the radials on a Hamstick system.

Space junk crackdown intensifies as FCC gives first-ever fine to Dish
The U.S. government is cracking down on potentially hazardous trash disposal — in space.
Washington Post


A fully-automatic RotoBug by WB9LPU
A system in which both dots and dashes are made by the same oscillating pendulum.
Antique Wireless Museum

Sci-Fi short film DUST
After repairing his Ham radio using parts found in the forest, a recluse radio operator receives a distress call from a stranded Soviet cosmonaut in orbit.

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 7, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-07, 13:54:12 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada 
with this week's bulletin.


1. Comment Deadline on Proposed 60 Meter U.S. Band Changes (U.S.A.)

A public period is open until October 30, 2023 for radio amateurs to comment 
on proposed changes to the 60 Meter band. ARRL is asking all U.S. radio amateurs 
to join it in urging the FCC to continue the existing use of the band. ARRL 
is encouraging expressions of support to the FCC for the current 100 watt 
ERP power limit (instead of reducing the power limit to 15 watts EIRP) and 
continuing secondary access to the current channels. 

ARRL will continue to advocate to maintain the 100-watt limit for 60 meters, 
continued authorization for the four channels outside the WRC allocation that 
are being used today, and adoption of the new 15 kHz allocation with the same 
100-watt power limit. 

In the NPRM, the FCC recognizes that Canada adopted rules equivalent to those 
proposed by the ARRL.

-- see arrl news for full article



2. A Raspberry Pi 5 is Better Than Two Pi 4s

What’s as fast as two Raspberry Pi 4s? The brand-new Raspberry Pi 5, that’s what. 
And for only a $5 upcharge, it’s going to be the new go-to board from the British 
House of Fruity Single-Board Computers. But aside from the brute speed, it also 
has a number of cool features that will make using the board easier for a number 
of projects, and it’s going to be on sale in October. Raspberry Pi sent us one 
for review, and if you were just about to pick up a Pi 4 for a project that needs 
the speed, we’d say that you might wait a couple weeks until the Raspberry Pi 5 
goes on sale.

– Hackaday https://hackaday.com/2023/09/28/a-raspbe...two-pi-4s/

3. MMDVM-Based Projects to Merge Into One Open-Source Project

Funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), Jonathan Naylor 
(G4KLX) has been hired as a full-time software developer. Jonathan is a pioneer of
digital voice software, developing software for D-STAR, DMR, System Fusion, M17, 
NXDN, P.25, and POCSAG.

With a full-time software developer dedicated to the MMDVM project, many important 
tasks can be carried out.

Work has started on the software upgrades to MMDVM, and many of the long-term bugs 
in the software have been fixed. Regarding their progress toward improving MMDVMHost, 
they have added support for AX.25, and they now provide full support for 
amateur-driven M17 digital voice protocol.

Work is currently underway to develop 9600, 19200, and 38400 baud packet modes that 
support narrow bandwidth using a modulation (4FSK) similar to Digital Mobile Radio 
(DMR). The packet modes include support for IL2P, which is a new link layer protocol 
with integral forward error correction (FEC).

To learn more about the MMDVM project, visit mmdvm-project.org.

-- ARDC (Amateur Radio Digital Communications)

4. Hot Iron Newsletter for Amateur Radio Operators

Frank (W4NPN) along with Peter (G6NGR) produce the quarterly amateur radio newsletter 
"Hot Iron". Each issue is full of technical projects and commentary from antennas to 
transmitters to power supplies.

Going on 10+ years, each newsletter is available in PDF format.

-- https://www.w4npn.net/hot-iron-directory/

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 30, 2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-09-30, 15:16:02 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1. Update on Phishing attempts using RAC email addresses.

There have been several recent reports from RAC members of phishing
attempts by someone
purporting to be from Radio Amateurs of Canada.
Phishing attempts use publicly available information to fake legitimacy.
In some cases they use
the names and contact information of RAC officials to gain your trust.
For example, this week’s phishing attempt falsely states that it
originates from “Phil A McBride”
and this is not the case.
It also uses the fake heading “Radio Amateurs of Canada Closing Special
Report ’23” to encourage
users to open the document by clicking on a link.      **Please do not!**

To date, there have been no direct successful attacks on the RAC
computer system. Unfortunately
attempts to defraud people through email messages are a part of the
world we live in today.
We will continue to take measures to ensure that our computer system is
as safe as possible and that
our members are provided with information.
Radio Amateurs of Canada is continuing to increase our cybersecurity. We
do not keep any financial
information and only widely available personal information (such as
name, call sign and dates relating
to current membership) is available in our system so our risks are
considerably less than compared to
commercial systems. For more information please see our Privacy Policy
and Cybersecurity webpage.

We continue to stay abreast of any changes in cyberthreats and their
responses. We are also planning
on making available to members the use of security systems you may
already be aware of in other
systems – such as providing for the use of complex passwords as well as
Two-Factor Authentication
to log in to our website. We will provide additional information on
security updates as they are made.
In closing, any email claiming to have your @myrac.ca address and
password is a scam and should be
deleted. Radio Amateurs of Canada will never ask people to download
files from a third-party site in
their email communication. Always check to see if the sender of a
suspicious email has an @rac.ca
email address as all RAC officials use @rac as their domain.
If you are concerned or suspicious always contact the RAC office before
opening any files in an
email message that appears to come from RAC.
Alan Griffin, RAC MarCom Director
-- RAC bulletin



2.  Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP) ( October 14, 2023 )

The SEQP is a typical ham radio contest for those who wish to makes
tens, hundreds or even
thousands of CW, SSB and digital mode QSOs on 160-6 meters during the
2023 and 2024
solar eclipses.  Each QSO will become one of millions of data points
which will help researchers
answer science questions about ionospheric variability. Please
pre-register if you will take part.
Pre-register form:  https://hamsci.org/contest-info#PreRegis
SEQP FAQs  http://hamsci.org/seqp-faqs
SEQP Rules  https://hamsci.org/seqp-rules
-- HamSci.org

3.  Join us for the 1st Ever Wisconsin POTA Campout!

Parks on the Air and camping is a great combination and if you love both
of those activities,
I invite you to attend our first ever Wisconsin POTA campout on October
13-15, 2023 at the
Clear Lake campground in the Northern Highlands American Legion State
Forest (POTA K-7260).
Your hosts, Michael KB9VBR, Travis W9HDG, and Joe KD9CJX have been
getting together
for an autumn campout for a few years. Parks on the Air has been always
been a highlight of these
adventures. This year we are opening up our campout to the greater POTA
community. This event
will be part social activity and part Parks on the Air activation. You
can activate as little or as much
as you want, in whatever mode you choose. The sky is the limit. Learn
new skills, see now other
hams operate, and learn how to deal with interference when a bunch of
hams get on the air at the
same time. That’s always part of the fun. The weekend is guaranteed to
be a blast.
Camp the entire weekend or just come out for the day/evening. We’d love
to have you either way.
The campground is located off of State Hwy 47 between Woodruff and Lake
Tomahawk Wisconsin
-- Amateur Radio Daily News

4.  New LoRA Distance Record: 830 Miles!

The LoRa radio communication system is useful for low-bandwidth
communication, and as many
readers will be aware its special skill lies in delivering long range.
For most of us that range tops
out at a few miles, but pushing the limits of what is possible for LoRa
has resulted in some significant
records falling. Most recently this has reached an impressive distance
of 1336 kilometres.
The record in question was set from near the Portuguese coast, from
where LoRa beacons on a
fishing boat and its buoys were able to open up a gateway on the Spanish
Canary islands. The
conductive surface of the sea makes an excellent aid to propagation, and
from amateur radio
experience we’d guess that tropospheric conditions aided by the summer
weather would have
something to do with it too.
via Blog – Hackaday

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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