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  Net Report 27 July 2022
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2022-07-27, 19:26:52 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

VA3KOT John Owen Sound NCS
Topic: Apart from GBARC nets, what other on-air activities do you get involved in?
KO4DXQ Bob Tennessee
VE3GIO Larry Woodstock
VA3MFO Jim Mount Forest
VE3FP Adam Elmwood
VE3IXR Ron Walkerton
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound
VE3MIO Maureen Wiarton
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug Annan
VE3RWY Rob Owen Sound
VA3CIC Jon Owen Sound
VE3PAV Bobby Lions Head
HF: 3783KHz
VE3GIO Larry Woodstock
VA3MFO Jim Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay
VE3IXR Ron Walkerton
VE3FP Adam Elmwood
VE3FJN Colin Hamilton

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  Lightning maps
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2022-07-24, 08:02:32 - Forum: Operating Help - Replies (1)

An interesting website


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  WW2 German Enigma machine challenge
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2022-07-21, 18:27:53 - Forum: CW - Replies (3)

This weekend, Saturday July 23, 2022 the Maritime Radio Historical Society will be sending encrypted message using the German Enigma machine. Code will be sent at 15wpm CW as well as RTTY in groups of 5 characters. 
For full details check out the following link https://www.radiomarine.org/mrhs-events

So let's see if anyone is up to the challenge. 

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  Gbarc net July 20
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2022-07-20, 19:58:13 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

VE3BQM Bernie NCS switch places with Marvin vcg
Open Mic, no HF net on 3783 due to Lightning static crash on band

VE3MIO Maureen
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3FP Adam
VA3EAC Janet
VE3OZW Richard

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  GBARC 2M net log report July 2 2022
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2022-07-20, 16:20:56 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC net report for 06 July 2022.

Time: 1930 EDT VE3OSR (146.94) and VE3 GBT (146.73) tone 97.4 Echo link 333014

Echo Link
KO4DXQ - Bob, Soggy Daisy, Tennessee
VE3GIO -  Larry, Woodstock
VE3PAV -  Bobby, Ferndale
N9AIM -   Bob, Indiana

VE3MIOMaureen, Wiarton
VA3MFO - Jim, Mount Forest
VE3WI  -   Dave, Port Elgin
VE3IXR -   Ron, Walkerton
VE3RWY - Rob, Owen Sound
VE3FGG -  Jamie, Palmerston
VE3FP  -   Adam, , Grey County
VE3BQM-  Bernie, Red Bay
HF on 3.783 MHZ Done with the assistance of Bernie for some relaying due to excessive noise at net controller's QTH. 
Thanks, Bernie!
VE3FJN - Colin, Hamilton
Field day suggestions
Antenna setups
Individual kits to build
Enclosed weatherproof structure for radio operations(trailer(s), large tent, etc.)
Socialize (chat, cook, sit)
Advanced planning( coordinate, assign duties(voluntarily) meet and greet.
Station 24 hours.
More stations(digital, CW, Phone)
More operators
Try a practice dry run setup prior to filed day(practice, scout antenna locations, etc.)
3 Stations max.
Contributions of Radios, laptops, etc.
Make a checklist for field day

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Wink GBARC Net log July 13 2022
Posted by: Guest - 2022-07-14, 10:35:19 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - Replies (2)

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Net Report
Wednesday July 13, 2022 7:30 EDT (19:30)
Net Controller: Marvin VE3VCG

Note: Bernie was away at his camp in Red Bay on this date and so unable to connect with the repeater in Owen Sound. Bernie requested another net controller take his turn in the normal rotation and Marvin volunteered to do so.

Topic: “What activities would you like to see GBARC do in the future”?
Participating Stations:

  • KO4DXQ Robert (Tennessee)
  • VA3PAV Bobby
  • VE3MIO Maureen
2 Meters
  • VA3EAC Janet
  • VE3XBO Bart
  • VE3RWY Rob
  • VE3WI Dave
  • VE3MFO Jim
  • VE3IXR Ron
  • VE3OZW Richard
  • VE3BQM Bernie
  • VE3FGG James

80 Meters
  • VE3BQM Bernie
  • VE3OZW Richard
  • VE3MFO Jim
  • VE3WI Dave
  • VE3IXR Ron
  • VE3RQY Rob
  • VE3FGG James
  • KE8VEY James (Ohio)

Responses from the group to this evenings question were varied these included the following ideas in no particular order:
  • Request to change the appearance of the website. The concern was that the black text on a blue background less readable
  • Find an indoor meeting space for winter months when meeting outdoors is not possible.
  • There should be an announcement for the Saturday breakfast meetup during the Wednesday evening net.
  • Doing a group field trip to the radio museum in Guelph.
  • Doing a show and tell during club meetings (this offers a general opportunity to share things which are not technical)
  • Making the tech talk a part of every club meeting agenda.
  • Doing a GBARC sponsored HAM FEST in or near Owen Sound.
  • On going Emergency Communications exercises monthly.
  • Adding a club news feature to every Wednesday evening club net

Added ideas not shared on the air
  • Creating a digital net to supplement the normal phones net.
  • Sending out a group email to all club members with updates and follow ups on specific topics of interest.

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2022-07-13, 08:02:01 - Forum: Software - No Replies

Raspberry Pis are in short supply.  If you want to learn to use the Raspbian OS, and maybe develop an app, there's a way you can work on it before you get an actual RPi. 

There is a version of the OS that can be installed on a PC or Mac.  It "... provides the Raspberry Pi OS desktop, as well as most of the recommended software that comes with Raspberry Pi OS, for any PC or Apple Mac computer ...".

It's a free download.  Here's the link:  https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ras...i-desktop/

Dave, VE3WI

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2022-07-09, 11:14:58 - Forum: Radio News - Replies (5)

In the July-August edition of the Surrey BC ARC newsletter, our President John VA3KOT explains why a battery gains weight when charged, and calculates how much.  John's article begins on page 57.  (That's p57 of 128, SARC goes all out with their newsletters!  Lots of good reading in them.).

If you find John's math scary, check out the chart on page 12 - that's REALLY scary!


Dave, VE3WI

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2022-07-08, 08:55:26 - Forum: Antennas - Replies (2)

Many of us are hooking up our nanoVNAs to everything and marveling at the neat coloured graphs we get.  In a thread on QRZ.com about using a nanoVNA, someone posted this very apt quote from Werner von Siemens (famous German electrical engineer and founder of Siemens Corp.):

"Messen ist Wissen, aber messen ohne Wissen ist kein Wissen" ("measurement is knowledge, but measurement without knowledge is not knowledge")

Dave, VE3WI

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  Net Report June 29
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2022-06-30, 07:05:07 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - South Bruce

Topic for discussion -
1. Did you participate in Field Day?  
2. Do you plan to attend Milton on July 9?


WH7Q Alan - Kailua Kona, HI
KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VE3IXR Ron - Walkerton
VE3FP Adam - West Grey
VA3KOT John - Owen Sound
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VE3RWY Rob - Owen Sound

HF – 3.775 MHz

VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VE3FGG Jamie - Palmertston
VE3RWY Rob - Owen Sound
VE3IXR Ron - Walkerton
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake

We need your help by submitting ideas for topics via this forum.

Please consider being a GBARC Net Controller.  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.

Thanks to all, 73

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