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  Net Report 27 April 2022
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2022-04-27, 19:31:04 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - Replies (1)

Topic: Happy 230th birthday Samuel Morse.
What is a "Bel"? Would you consider buying an antenna with a gain of 1 Bel? (Trick question; antenna gain should be stated in dBi - i.e. relative to an isotropic antenna with unity gain).

Traffic (VA3KOT): Simplex Saturday April 30th, 12:00-1:00pm

VA3KOT John Owen Sound VHF
KO4DXQ Bob Tennessee
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound
VE3MIO Maureen Wiarton
VE3WI Dave Port Elgin
VE3RWY Rob Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug Annan
VE3VCG Marvin Paisley
VA3EAC Janet Paisley
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay

VA3KOT John Owen Sound HF/3777khZ
VE3VCG Marvin Paisley
VE3FJN Colin Hamilton
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay
VE3RWY Rob Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug Annan

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  Simplex Saturday April 30th
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2022-04-27, 15:21:29 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - Replies (1)

Simplex Saturday
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 30, 2022

GBARC will be holding its first Simplex Saturday this Saturday, April 30th 2022.
1. To test VHF communications readiness in an emergency if our repeaters become unavailable
2. Well, alright, to have a bit of radio fun

Frequency: 146.520 MHz, no tone. Yes, this is the simplex calling frequency. Hopefully other hams monitoring the frequency will check-in. We will QSY if asked to do so.

This will be an informal directed net. NCS will be John VA3KOT who will be operating portable using 50 watts into a 2m omnidirectional collinear antenna.

Short notice? Yes, emergencies tend to happen that way!
Please join us.

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  GBARC Net Report - 20APR2022
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2022-04-21, 07:19:45 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard

Topic for discussion -
1. Digital Radio
   - C4FM, CW, DMR, DStar, FT8, JS8Call, FT4, echolink etc
   - Hotspots, repeaters, WiresX
   - Do you use any digital technology?


2. If you don't like the topic or don't have a comment then OPEN MIC
    - You have the air time, tell us something interesting (doesn't have to be amateur radio related)


VE3GIO Larry
VE3MIO Maureen
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3BBN Peter
VE3FP Adam

HF – 3.775 MHz

VE3GIO Larry
VE3FJN Colin
VE3BQM Bernie

Please consider being a GBARC Net Controller or submit ideas for topics via this forum.

Thanks to all, 73

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2022-04-20, 13:47:06 - Forum: Upcoming Events - Replies (1)

Dayton Hamvention is definitely happening this year, 20-22 May at Greene Co. Fairgrounds, Xenia OH.


I have decided not to go, so I have two tickets that I don't need.  They are free to any GBARC member.

Dave, VE3WI

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  Basic with honours qual and the use of amplifiers
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2022-04-18, 15:10:38 - Forum: Operating Help - Replies (4)

There is little that causes more confusion than ISED's rules regarding amplifiers and the basic qualification with honours.

Actually the confusion comes from the use of different ways we use to describe the same maximum power. Referring to RBR-4 below lets look at section 10.1 (b).

10.1(b)i says 560w peak, 10.1(b)ii says 190w carrier...these are in reality the same power output. To measure PEP output one would need to look at the signal on an oscilloscope or equivalent, across a 50 ohm load. This will require an instrument that can withstand a signal of approx 475 v p-p. Luckily we can also use a simple rf wattmeter and using our radios tune function, set the transmitter(exciter) drive to produce a 190watt power level on a wattmeter installed at the output of the amplifier, again into a 50 ohm load.

BE AWARE ---those with the basic and honours qualification are not in compliance with the regulations if you set the amplifier output to 560 watts using a wattmeter into a 50 ohm load.

10.1(a) is indeed an alternative, however few are capable of performing the measurement, it can be dangerous due to the power involved and would likely require the defeating of a safety interloc.

RBR-4 — Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service

10. Restrictions on Capacity and Power Output
The transmitting power of an amplifier installed at an amateur station shall not be capable of exceeding by more than 3 dB the transmitting power limits described in this section.

10.1 Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification
The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification is limited to a maximum transmitting power of:
(a) where expressed as direct-current input power, 250 W to the anode or collector circuit of the transmitter stage that supplies radio frequency energy to the antenna; or
(b) where expressed as radio frequency output power measured across an impedance-matched load,
(i) 560 W peak envelope power for transmitters that produce any type of single sideband emission, or
(ii) 190 W carrier power for transmitters that produce any other type of emission.

The next bit of english which causes confusion is as follows.

Frequently asked questions

1.I am the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate. May I install and use a RF/Linear Power Amplifier with the operation of my station?
As per section 10.0 of the document RBR-4: Standards for the operation of radio stations in the Amateur Radio Service, the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate may install and operate transmitter equipment capable of producing an RF output of no more than twice (3dB) that authorized by their certificate . (Regardless, the operator MAY NOT exceed the maximum RF output levels authorized by their certificate).

This does NOT mean you can now set your amplifier to 380 watts rf output or 560 x 2 = 1120 watts and still be compliant. This part means you cannot USE an amplifier which can do this. You are limited to a amplifier that can output 380 watts max but you are still limited to 190 watts max actual power output according to your qualification.

You will find that few amplifiers meet this requirement. Even an Ameritron ALS-600 still can put out 600 watts which is 220 watts higher than your qualification permits. Any amplifier which was built from a kit which includes ALL heathkit devices are not allowed either as you are limited to "commercially made" equipment.

So whats the solution

Study for and obtain your advanced qualification

Want to run 200 watts....buy a 200 watt transceiver such as the Kenwood TS480HX, among others are good examles of rigs the basic with honours ham can use.

etc etc   the following is included just for completeness

RIC-3 — Information on the Amateur Radio Service

4.5 Privileges and restrictions
Privileges and restrictions can be found in the Radiocommunication Regulations and in RBR-4. A brief summary follows.
4.5.1 Basic Qualification
The following privileges and restrictions are applicable to the Basic Qualification:
-access to all amateur bands above 30 MHz
-use a maximum of 250 watts DC transmitter input power
-build and operate all station equipment, except for “home-made” transmitters (“build” in the context of the Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification is limited to the assembly of commercially available transmitter kits of professional design)
-re-programming of radio equipment to operate in the amateur bands if this can be done by a computer program (note that no physical modifications to the circuitry of the radio are permitted)
-operation of cross-band repeaters
-operation through a repeater established by an amateur with the Advanced Qualification
-no remote control of fixed stations permitted regardless of medium used for control (“remote control” is the ability to indirectly manipulate the technical parameters (i.e. bandwidth, emission type, output power, etc.) of a radio by means of some intermediate medium; operation through a repeater is not considered to be remote control)
In addition to the above-mentioned privileges and restrictions, the Basic Qualification with Honours (i.e. a score of 80% or above) also allows access to all amateur bands below 30 MHz.

How do you know what qualification a ham has....

That's easy, go to this ISED website and type in that persons callsign, when the page returns click on their callsign, their qualification will be displayed.


Of Course, you can ask questions to ISED yourself, here is their email address in Sudbury


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  APRS Voice Alert
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2022-04-18, 09:08:31 - Forum: VHF Digital - No Replies

For those of us (VA3TS, VE3FP, myself, others?) that run APRS on our mobile rigs, do you operate setup for voice alert?  I have been operating for APRS voice alert for a couple of years, and I think due to the lack of radio capability in our area, I have not heard anyone. Not that we would be able to talk 2m simplex, but I am simply curious if others have voice alert active while mobile.

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  New Addition
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2022-04-15, 09:40:44 - Forum: CW - No Replies

New CW mini contest will be added to the popular CWT and SST weekly contests. 
The new weekly MST (Medium Speed Test) 20 - 25 wpm starting May 2nd with the same rules as CWT's except the exchange will be Name & Serial NR. 
This mini Test should be fun if you find SST slow and CWT fast, MST should fill the gap. 

For more info check outh https://internationalcwcouncil.org/mst-contest/ 

Hope to hear you on the new MST.

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  Net Report 13 April 2022
Posted by: Guest - 2022-04-14, 08:38:11 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - Replies (1)

Weekly Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Net
Wednesday 13 April 2022 @1900 EDST

Net controller Marvin VE3VCG, QTH Paisley
Note: Due to changes to the net controller schedule created some confusion as to the scheduled net control operator for the GBARC Club net for this date. The location of the published schedule was taken off the website and moved to the newsletter. However because the newsletter for April is not yet available, the net controller rotation schedule was also not available. When there was apparently no net control operator on the air at 19:00 local, Marvin VE3CVG signed on as the net controller for this weeks club net.

Topic: “On air amateur operator etiquette.”
The topic was suggested by Larry VE3QIO

VE3GIO Larry
KO4DXQ Bob (Tennessee)

2 meters
VA3EAC Janet
VE3FGG James
VE3OZW Richard

80 meters
VE3GIO Larry
VE3FGG James
VE3OZW Richard
VE3FJN Collin

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Wink Net Report 6 April 2022
Posted by: Guest - 2022-04-11, 15:23:41 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
Network meeting Log
17:30 Eastern Daylight Savings Time
6 April 2022

Net Controller VE3VCG Marvin
Topic Parks on the Air (POTA) past activation's, planned activation's, favorite activation's or general interest in POTA if any.

Smile EchoLink
VE3MIO Maureen
VE3BQM Bernie ( confirming Echo Link Operation)
KO4DXQ Robert (Tennessee)
VE3GIO Larry

Smile 2 Meters
VA3EAC Janet

Smile  80 Meters
VE3GIO Larry
VE3KOT Bernie
VE3FJN Colin
VE3OZW Richard

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  Hamshack Hotline (HH) is a FREE dedicated voip telecom service
Posted by: Rob_Walker - 2022-04-08, 18:03:30 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - Replies (2)

Hamshack Hotline (HH) is a FREE dedicated voip telecom service for the Ham Radio community.  Typically, phones are established in hamshacks, EOCs, Clubs & club members, ARES, and other Ham related areas and functions.  It is not the intention of HH to replace traffic carried over radio in an emergency or other tactical operation, but rather to augment it, by offloading managerial tactical operations and providing a full duplex path for such communications when spectrum is occupied, conditions diminished, or otherwise unavailable.  HH also supports FAXing of information (with appropriate equipment) which allows tactical offices to share documents & data between tactical locations.  In a non-tactical use, HH is an effective resource for off-air troubleshooting when you need to coordinate a troubleshoot of a radio circuit off-air and between multiple SMEs.  In addition to all this, conference bridges on the HH network allow large groups of Hams to coordinate & meet in real time anywhere in the world.

Getting on board HH is easy!  Just acquire a supported SIP capable phone (our network prefers to register hardware phones first), and open a ticket once you have your phone.  If you have one of the phones on HH Supported Endpoints, then also include a picture of the Phone’s MAC address for super easy provisioning.  Before joining HH, please read and understand our HH Covenant If you have any questions, our FAQ’s in knowledge base area on our help desk may help, if not – feel free to open a ticket on our help desk.


Cisco SPA 303 IP phones are available from Al Dee (VA3DZZ) for $35 plus shipping.  Theses are not Power Over Ethernet phones so a power cord will be required for an additional $15.  Al can be contacted at adee41@gmail.com or 519-829-9696.

[Image: data_sheet_c78-601648-2.jpg]

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