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  Amateur Radio Weekly 13APR2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-13, 09:28:16 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

[Image: arw-header-700.gif]

Issue 327 April 13th, 2024

Top links

Utah students use Ham Radio to connect with astronaut during eclipse
A Utah school district participated in an international program that helps students connect with astronauts using Amateur Radio.
Desert News

The Zombie Apocalypse
Exploring the feasibility for radio communication during an actual SHTF situation.

USB-C charger for the MD-(UV)380/RT3(S)/GD-77
Using a 2S 2A USB-C charger PCB.

Simple guide to meteor scatter MSK144 contacts
If you are using FT-8 you are already half way there.

International Ham Radio events calendar
Add your event.
QSO Today

Lightning scatter at 144 MHz
Making use of the short scatter signals from lightning strikes.

Building HamClock on an old Raspberry Pi
This is a great addition to any Ham shack.

Comparing prices of two 20AH LiFePO4 batteries: $60 vs. $265
The $60 battery delivers the goods.

Crystal substitute using si5351
An inexpensive substitute for the 1647kHz LSB crystal.
Owen Duffy


A novice's guide to radio astronomy
SDR all the way.
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers

DIY spark gap transmitter
Assembly and analysis of a DIY spark gap transmitter.
Baltic Lab

Hamvention bound
For the first time, I'll be driving up for Hamvention in May. I'm attending as a member of the press and my current thinkinig is to attempt a number of short-form audio interviews with interesting orgs, Hams, vendors, etc., which will be posted both here in the newsletter and on the daily site. I'm also having stickers made up, so hunt me down if you'd like one. Hope to see you there!

[Image: spacer.gif]

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 13, 2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-13, 07:55:11 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.    Active Hurricane Season Predicted for 2024

Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers predict an active Atlantic hurricane
season (June 1 to November 30) in their initial 2024 forecast.
The CSU team predicts 23 named storms during the Atlantic hurricane season. Of those,
researchers forecast that 11 will become hurricanes and five will reach major hurricane strength,
with sustained winds of 111 mph or greater. The prediction is above the 30-year average for
hurricanes and storms and is above the total of 20 storms, seven hurricanes, and three
Category 3 or higher hurricanes in 2023.
The team predicts that 2024 hurricane activity will be about 170% of the average season from
1991 - 2020. By comparison, 2023's hurricane activity was about 120% of the average season.
The report also includes the probability of major hurricanes making landfall, including a 62%
probability for the entire US coastline. The average landfall from 1880 - 2020 was 43%.
-- full article in arrl newsletter (April 11th issue)


2.      HMCS Haida Special Event "Trillium Venture" May 03-05th

All ham operators are invited to participate on site if local, or on the air.

Comms will start 21:00z May 3rd, and cease at 21:00z May 5th.
-- Website: https://hamiltonarc.com/events/Haida/index.html
-- via Ontars.com

3.    Ontario QSO Party Next Weekend (April 20-21)

Join us Saturday 1800z to Sunday 0500z and Sunday 1200z to 1800z.  There will also be stations operating in the Nebraska QSO Party Saturday
from 11:00z to 01:00z Sunday, and the Michigan QSO Party Saturday from 16:00z to 04:00z Sunday, and the Quebec QSO Party Sunday from
12:00z to 20:00z. 
Contacts in all four parties count for the State QSO Party Challenge.
For rules and classes of operation see http://www.va3cco.com/oqp
-- Contest Club Ontario


4.  Ohio NVIS Day 2024

Ohio NVIS Day takes place April 27th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern. The purpose of NVIS day is to construct and try various antenna ideas,
all working as NVIS (Near Vertical Incident Skywave) antennas. These antennas are low to the ground and provide coverage generally within a
400 mile radius - extremely important for regional HF communications in an emergency.
Additional details can be viewed on the Ohio Section ARES website.
-- Ohio Section ARES    https://arrl-ohio.org/SEC/nvis_day.html

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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Thumbs Up Operation Trillium Venture
Posted by: MD7323 - 2024-04-11, 13:25:01 - Forum: Community Service - No Replies

[Image: WD.0503-WD-Military7.jpg?quality=90&stri...jY7Hmq0xyw]
Reservists from the 31st Canadian Brigade Group take part in Exercise Arrowhead Response in Woodstock in 2019. Photo by Postmedia files /jpg, WD

Sun Times Article

President's Message To All Members of GBARC:

Recently I was contacted by John, VE3JHD, First Chairperson of the Hamilton Amateur Radio Club, to help recruit HAM Radio, volunteers for a Military Training Exercise called Trillium Venture. The event, conducted by the 31st Canadian Brigade Group, and will take place on May 3, 4, 5, 2024, in Huron and Bruce Counties

I was advised that this exercise will involve amateur radio operators in some capacity. I am attaching an article from the recent Owen Sound Sun Times


The article provides more information about the scale and scope of the exercise this large multi-county exercise.

I have been in contact with the commander of the unit and asked specifically where HAM operators would be deployed and what function we'll serve. I also asked how many operators would be needed. My email was forwarded to someone in the unit who will be "tracking down" that information for me. Once I know more I will share with others.

I encourage member of GBARC to consider stepping forward as a volunteer to help with this very large exercise, if asked by the organizers to do so. This is a practical real world demonstration of what emergency communications would look like and so excellent practice. This is a good opportunity to test your gear and yourself, and to be ambassadors for amateur radio.

If you wish to volunteer please email me at //ve3vcg@winlink.org  When using this address please use it exactly as written and include the // You may also send email to my gmail account mdoublester@gmail.com


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Big Grin GBARC netlog April 10, 2024
Posted by: MD7323 - 2024-04-10, 19:33:15 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC Net Report April 10, 2024
Net Control Janet VA3EAC
Topic: How do you balance life and radio?

Echo Link
VA3RAC Kevin

2 Meters
Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie

VE3VCG Marvin
VE3OZW Richard

80 Meters
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard
VA3RCA Kevin

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  World Amateur Radio Day
Posted by: Jan.Double - 2024-04-10, 10:52:36 - Forum: World Amateur Radio Day - No Replies

Smile HI !!   Marvin has indicated we will provide  refreshments which is true; however, if you have a preference of beverage other than tea, coffee or water you will please supply your own. Looking forward to seeing everyone and hopefully the weather is pleasant and we can make use of our deck as well. 73  Jan.

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Photo World Amateur Radio Day - Details
Posted by: MD7323 - 2024-04-08, 17:45:39 - Forum: World Amateur Radio Day - No Replies

Jan VA3EAC and Marvin VE3VCG are once again hosting the
GBARC World Amateur Radio Day event at our QTH.

Date: April 18, 2024
Time Noon - 8:00 PM local
Location 295 Balaklava St, Paisley (EN94ih)
Contact Marvin mdoublester@gmail.com (please send email if you plan to attend)
Phone Marvin 226-930-1373
Phone Jan 226-930 1272

Food and refreshments will be served. Big Grin Plant based fare will also be provided for those like Marvin who do not eat meat. Big Grin

Club IC-7300 and Computer will be in use. Our shack radio, Kenwood TS-480 SAT will be available, Various other radios and antenna's will be available. Phones and Digital modes will be used. If you want to do CW please bring a key as we don't have one. 

Click Map to enlarge

[Image: Map-location-of-Paisley.png]

Balaklava St is located at the South End of Paisley. The street is easy to find, a good landmark is the school cross walk. Turn right at the crosswalk if coming from the south on Bruce County 3. Turn Left if coming from the North. We are three houses in from the corner on the right.

Hope to see you at the event.

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 06, 2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-06, 11:08:08 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1       First winners of the RAC Canadian Century Award

This award replaces the Trans-Canada award and winners are required to have at least 100 contacts with Canadian amateurs spread across the
10 Provinces and in any of the three northern territories of Canada.  The first winner is Steven Hines, N2POJ of New York, the second winner
is Chris Basiallion, VE3CBK using QRP.  RAC plans to add endorsements for 200, 300 or more contacts.
-- The Canadian Amateur magazine and ham radio newsline

2.    Candidates prep for Germany's new entry level license

A new license class for Germany (Class N) entry level amateur license giving 10m/2m/70cm access becomes legal on June 24th, and several testing
sessions are scheduled for June 24th and 25th, and also at Ham Radio Friedrechshafen on June 29th. Welcome to  the new hams.
-- ham radio newsline (April 5th edition)



3   Extended hours for Voice of America Museum

If your Hamvention plans include a trip to the nearby VoA museum you'll be pleased to know that there will be extended hours this year.
Thursday and Friday's hours are 13:00 to 21:00, Saturday 12:00 to 21:00 and Sunday from noon to 17:00. Admission is $10.
WC8VOA will be on the air. visit wc8voa.org or voamuseum.org for details.
-- ham radio newsline (April 5th edition)

4.  Ham Radio's Many Roles During Solar Eclipse

In one of nature's most spectacular visual displays, on April 8, 2024, the sun will align with the moon and the Earth, casting a shadow that
will transit much of North America.

The first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico's Pacific coast, at around 11:07 a.m. PDT.
The shadow will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, at 5:16 p.m. NDT.

Ham radio will be there - operators will participate in scientific experiments, serve local communities that will be overrun with hundreds of thousands of
visitors, and provide a valuable tool for communicating if the mobile phone networks become overloaded.

The total solar eclipse will be the last of its kind for more than two decades in the contiguous U.S. The next total solar eclipse on U.S. soil won't
occur until March 30, 2033, and it will be viewable only n Alaska.
-- arrl news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 06APR2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-06, 06:31:41 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

[Image: arw-header-700.gif]

Issue 326 April 6th, 2024
Top links

HamSCI solar eclipse events
Monday: Solar Eclipse QSO Party and Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge.

ROC-HAM Solar Eclipse QSO Party
Monday: W2E special event takes place over HF.

How to DX the 2024 solar eclipse
DXing the mediumwaves promises to be an exciting event on April 8.
SWLing Post

Get involved using LoRa APRS on 433 MHz.

Performance of trees as radio antennas
Conventional whip antennas compared with the performance of Hybrid Electromagnetic Antenna Couplers (HEMAC) in conjunction with jungle trees as antennas.
United States Army Electronics Command

Ham mobile install–A few suggestions for dealing with noise issues
RF signals can emanate from your vehicle ignition system, fuel pump, fans, electric motors, onboard computers, and many other sources.

Spain opens up the 40 MHz (8m) Amateur Radio band
Spain is the first big country to allow Radio Amateurs access to the 8m band.

Eavesdropping on security camera via unintentional RF emissions
Eavesdrop and wirelessly recover images from security cameras via RF unintentionally leaking from the camera electronics.


Icom IC-7300 twins for DX hunting
The poor man's 7610.

What is the bandwidth of a CW signal?
Morse code signal is primarily dependent upon the keying speed (words per minute) and the rise/fall time of the RF envelope.

Activating five new POTA parks in a day
Joe and I hit the road to activate five newly added Parks on the Air entities in Central Wisconsin.

Hamvention bound

For the first time, I'll be driving up for Hamvention in May. I'm attending as a member of the press and my current thinkinig is to attempt a number of short-form audio interviews with interesting orgs, Hams, vendors, etc., which will be posted both here in the newsletter and on the daily site. I'm also having stickers made up, so hunt me down if you'd like one. Hope to see you there!

[Image: spacer.gif]

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by K4HCK.
Do you have an interesting item to share? Email us!

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  Net Report April 3rd
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2024-04-04, 07:40:22 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Controller VE3BQM Bernie
Topic: Eclipse April 8th, or Artificial intelligence with Ham Radio.

VA3RCA Kevin
VE3GIO Larry W
VA3HYM Paul and New in training for her license Natalie Grade 8th
VE3OZW Richard
VE3VCG Marvin
va3sgz Sheldon
VE3WI David Leslie
VA3EAC Janet
VE3DNY William
VE3DGY Douglas

HF 3.783
VA3MFO James
VE3IDS Donald B
VA3MPM Michael
VE3GIO Larry W
VA3RCA Kevin
VE3OZW Richard
VE3WI David Leslie
VE3VCG Marvin

Bernie Monderie

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  RM Noise
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-04, 07:23:28 - Forum: HF Digital - No Replies

Last night's topic for the Net was AI and Amateur Radio.  I was using and talked about a program called RM Noise which is an AI program to reduce the noise in a received signal.   The website and program download can be found here https://ournetplace.com/rm-noise/.

I am still playing with it, but WOW, it takes a signal and cleans it up.  My noise floor is typically S1 and I will attenuate it down to S0 to allow the AGC to do it's work better and pull the weak signals up.  When using RM Noise, it removes any SSB noise floor to absolutely zero.  It pulls weak stations in to the point where they are as strong as the strong station which I found this morning when listening to Terry NEJ check in with Gene IJD on ONTARS.  On my antenna Terry was very very weak and Gene is always strong, but with RM Noise selected, Terry was a strong as Gene and very easy to copy, with all noise dismissed.  Last night there was a storm along the US eastern seaboard and I could hear faint lightning crashes and see it on the waterfall.  I verified lighting via the usual websites, selected RM Noise and voila, all noise was gone.  

There is a slight .3s delay buffer as the program does it's thing with the server to clean up the audio, which is not overly extensive.  I will continue testing it out and I look forward to seeing this type of technology added to SDR radios up front.  The most difficult thing to get used to is the lack of noise when the voice transmissions stop.  I attach a video albeit not a stellar representation, and I will replace it with a better video when I have a better (worse) conditions.  The video link will expire on May 4 and by then I hope to have a better video on YouTube that will not expire.



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