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  New Net Control Station
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2024-03-18, 22:28:52 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Thanks to Dan VA3DNY for volunteering as our latest net control station operator. With Dan we operate once each 7 weeks. Please join us, we are one station away from once every 2 months before your turn comes up.  ..73


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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for March 16, 2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-03-16, 08:29:32 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.    World Amateur Radio Day is April 18, 2024

Every year on April 18, Radio Amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves to commemorate the formation of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
on April 18, 1925.

The theme for this year’s W.A.R.D.  will be “‘A Century of Connections: Celebrating 100 years of Amateur Radio Innovation, Community and Advocacy”.

Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again holding a “Get on the Air on World Amateur Radio Day” special event in which we encourage as many Amateurs as
possible to contact as many RAC stations as possible.

RAC official stations will operate across Canada from 0000Z to 2359Z on April 18.  Those contacting one or more of these stations will be eligible for a commemorative certificate noting their participation in the event. Participants simply need to complete one or more contacts, on any band and mode, with RAC official stations to earn their certificates.  No logs need to be submitted; simply check back on the RAC website when instructed and enter your call sign to download your certificate.

—   Phil McBride, VA3QR, President, Radio Amateurs of Canada


2.      Hamfest and Flea Market Event

Sponsor:    The Iroquois Amateur Radio Club
Start date:    Saturday, April 6, 2024
Location:    The Royal Canadian Legion , 24 Dundas St, Iroquois, ON, K0E 1K0
Talk-in:    Iroquois repeater VE3IRO 145.290 (-) CTCSS 100.0 Hz
Times:    Vendors 08:00 am and public at 09:00 am.
Admission:     $5.00 which includes a ticket for a door prize.
Description:    It's the first Hamfest and Flea Market of the year in
Eastern Ontario.
         There will also be door prize draws from vendors and a 50/50 draw.
More info:    webpage https://IroquoisARC.ca
Email:    va3xar @ gmail.com
Webpage:    https://IroquoisARC.ca

-- RAC events

3   Solar Eclipse One Month Away
A total solar eclipse that will be seen across North America will occur on Monday, April 8th. It will be the last of its kind in North America for the next 20 years.
Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) has presentations for hams interested in participating on Wednesday, March 27 at 8;00 PM Eastern and that same day at 10:00 PM Eastern.  Both 30-minute presentations will be held on Zoom and they will feature HamSCI's Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science (FoEIS).  The presenters will take your questions during the presentations.
Presentation Link:
Learn about the many HamSCI's eclipse-focused operating events:
     -Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP)
     -Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge (GSSC)
     -Medium Wave Recording Event
     -Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) Event
     -Grape 1 Doppler Receiver Project
During the solar eclipse, John Landrigan, KA4RXP/MM, will be operating in the SEQP as a maritime mobile off the coast of Mazatlán, Mexico, at the beginning of
the total solar eclipse. Look for KA4RXP/MM around 14.265 MHz.
-- arrl news

4.  HamCation sets attendance record

 From February 9 to 11, 2024, the Orlando Amateur Radio Club hosted the 77th annual Orlando HamCation at the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando - an 87-acre lakefront fairground. HamCation enjoyed splendid weather throughout the weekend, with temperatures hovering around the mid-seventies and no rainfall.
This year’s attendance reached a record high of 25,321, making 2024 the largest attendance in HamCation history.

-- via Amateur Radio Daily:

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 16MAR2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-03-16, 08:26:23 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

[Image: arw-header-700.gif]

Issue 323 March 16th, 2024

Hamvention bound
For the first time, I'll be driving up for Hamvention in May. I'm attending as a member of the press and my current thinkinig is to attempt a number of short-form audio interviews with interesting orgs, Hams, vendors, etc., which will be posted both here in the newsletter and on the daily site. I'm also having stickers made up, so hunt me down if you'd like one. Hope to see you there!

Top links

2024 ARRL Field Day Theme: Be Radio Active
The theme encourages Radio Amateurs to take advantage of the peak of Solar Cycle 25.

Installing VARA on Debian 12 Linux
I thought it best to document it here, and maybe help another poor lost soul.
The Modern Ham

A cross-platform logging app with rig control, cluster, WSJT-X support, and more.

Girl Scouts gear up to talk to International Space Station
Here's how they'll do it.
The Sacramento Bee

My ATU is soooo good, it will give a perfect match on anything
Even without an antenna connected.

[url=https://t.e2ma.net/click/zdq38k/br83ri1c/bfbuoz]CATS APRS alternative featured on Hackaday

CATS uses raw FSK rather than the inefficient AFSK used by APRS.

Low band VHF tests in Western Australia
The frequencies were 30.8761 MHz , 36.6073 MHz, 39.1467 MHz and 40.6864 MHz.

How I do it: A complete POTA activation from start to finish
Watch me, in real time, as I deploy an end fed half wave antenna, set up my station on a picnic table, and do a QRP (5 watt) POTA activation on the 15 meter band.

Handmade QSLs from the 1930s
Hams would purchase post cards from the post office (only a penny each, including postage!) and create their own designs.

Source of major RFI identified
You may note that it is at least 5,9+10dB.
Johnsons Techworld

APRS RX comparison
Anytone 878 vs Yaesu FT-5DR.


Portable DIY adjustable 2m J-Pole
Peel and stick some metal tape on a strap, cut out a J-Pole pattern.

[Image: spacer.gif]

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by K4HCK.
Do you have an interesting item to share? Email us!

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  Net Report 13 March
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2024-03-13, 21:08:06 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Control
VA3TS - Tom

VE3DDU Ray - Nottawasaga
VA3RCA Kevin - Alliston
KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug - Anan
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke

HF – 3.783 MHz
VE3GIO - Larry
VE3FJN - Colin Hamilton
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3DGY Doug - Anan
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin

Your favourite hand held radio

A lively conversation was had, many points made, enjoyed by all.

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  New TX-500MP HF Man Pack from Lab599
Posted by: Kevin VA3RCA - 2024-03-13, 18:53:13 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

I really like the style of this new HF all mode field radio in the form factor of a Handie Talkie.
I mentioned it on the net tonight, and thought I'd share some info!
Check it out here:


Kevin VA3RCA

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  2024 QSO Party
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2024-03-09, 10:39:55 - Forum: Ontario QSO Party - Replies (3)

The 27th Annual Ontario QSO Party 2024
To be held on the third full weekend of April
1800Z April 20 to 0500Z April 21, 2024
and 1200Z to 1800Z April 21, 2024

Check back for further details

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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for March 09, 2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-03-09, 09:48:15 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.    Visiting Hams Get Expanded Priviledges Under New License System

Visitors from a list of countries no longer need to make a separate application for a licence; they need only append VK slash before their home callsign, and the permission lasts up to 365 days.

The Australian Media and Communications Authority has posted a list of countries with currently recognised foreign licence equivalents who may operate under Australian licence rules. The ACMA makes it clear, however, that hams seeking to relocate to Australia will still need to apply for a licence in VK and receive a new VK home call.
-- details: https://www.acma.gov.au/overseas-amateurs-visiting-australia

-- Amateur Radio Newsline Friday Mar 8th Edition


2. Ontario QSO Party coming up April 20 and 21, 2024

This will be the 27th Ontario QSO Party. We share the weekend with Michigan and Quebec so turn on your HF radios and join in the fun. There will be some
rule changes this year, and the website will be updated shortly.  The OQP counts for the QSO Party Challenge Contest.  
-- see:    http://www.va3cco.com/oqp   for details


3.  W8EDU in Cleveland, Ohio is excited to invite Amateurs to participate in the CHU Eclipse Data Collection Project!

Our goal is to study how the eclipse affects radio wave propagation, helping us understand the ionosphere’s recombination time. To achieve this, we need your
help recording Canada’s time standard station CHU for two weeks surrounding the April 8th eclipse. Anyone with a KiwiSDR or a rig capable of interfacing with
analysis/recording software like Fldigi is encouraged to join the effort!  This project has already garnered enthusiastic support from various communities, including the ARRL, the RAC, and the Ham Radio Citizen Science Investigation.  
To join us and contribute valuable data, simply visit our website and follow the instructions to set up your station and notify us about your participation.
see:   https://w8edu.wordpress.com/chu-eclipse-data-collection/
Please reach out to eclipse-research@case.edu if you have any questions or comments.
-- Case Western Reserve University  (full article on arrl.org news)

4.  Scientists use whey protein sponges to extract gold from computer parts.

Scientists have discovered a food byproduct, whey protein, is capable of recovering gold from electronic waste, making the recycling process substantially more
efficient than it once was. With this byproduct, the energy cost of the entire recycling process can be 50 times lower than the value of the gold extracted from
electronic components. The team found they could extract around 450mg of gold from 20 motherboards using this method.

E-waste is quickly becoming one of the biggest untapped money-making industries in the world. Right now, e-waste startups are making $85,000 per day from recycling gold and copper from electronic waste. As this industry ramps up over the next few decades, recyclers will want more efficient ways to process electronic
waste.  This sponge technology provides them with just that.

-- By Aaron Klotz (Tom's Hardware.com - 31Jan2024 edition)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 09MAR2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-03-09, 09:31:43 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

[Image: arw-header-700.gif]

Issue 322 March 9th, 2024

Top links

Bob Heil, K9EID, Silent Key
Heil was known as a mentor who enjoyed helping others find success in Ham Radio.

America's last Morse-Code station
The Radio Squirrels keep the tradition alive.
The Atlantic

EchoLink Web
An edition of EchoLink that runs entirely within a web browser.

At peace with Amateur Radio over Internet
Internet is so integral to the current generation that any communications technology that doesn’t incorporate Internet to some degree might be perceived as irrelevant.
Zero Retries

New Amateur Radio newsletter
An emphasis on radio experiments and the VHF bands.

First SOTA activation
My furthest contact was with Z36T in The Republic of North Macedonia at 1501 miles.

Restoring a mystery key
It didn't have any markings on it and the seller said he thinks it was home made.

Installing your Ham Radio mobile antenna on a vehicle
We will explore everything from the simplest configuration to the most complex.

Winlink wishlist
Have officially supported clients for Mac and Linux.


D75 versus FT5
Let's take a look at the Kenwood TH-D75 radio compared to the Yaesu FT5.

Hidden APRS Igate in your Yaesu mobile radio
Plug your radio into your PC or Raspberry Pi and install Ygate.

ARRL DX Contest from the nuclear bunker
We return to the nuclear bunker on the North York Moors UK.

[Image: spacer.gif]

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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by K4HCK.
Do you have an interesting item to share? Email us!

Thank you for reading.
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  Forum Additions
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2024-03-08, 20:56:35 - Forum: Webpage Updates - Replies (2)

I added sub forums to the GBARC forum to cover events like the QSO party or world amateur radio day. Now members can make post there to plan the vent ... and for the webpage I will just link to that forum page... if you have an idea for additional forums let me know

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  Net Report 06MAR2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-03-07, 07:51:42 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

HELP WANTED, please apply within!  Consider being a GBARC Net Controller (NC).  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.  The availability of extra Net Controllers means less work for everyone plus more variety.  It's a lot of fun and we are available to help anyone that is willing to step up and try.  

Topic for discussion -

1. Propagation.  Do you follow propagation?  What do you use?  VOACAP, MUF, Beacons, Spotting websites like dxsummit.fi, PSK reporter, hamclock, Simon's world map, geochron or something else...
2. Open Mic

I am going to leave this here from my last evening as Net Control as the topic popped up a few times during the net.  

Bernie mentioned the image for KM4ACK Build-a-pi contains HamClock and much more.  https://github.com/km4ack/pi-build

I have also used the HamPi OS image which contains HamClock and many other programs for the ham radio hobby.  https://sourceforge.net/projects/hampi/


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3DDU Ray - Nottawa
VA3RCA Kevin - Alliston
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin

HF – 3.783 MHz

VE3IJD Gene - Honey Harbour
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VA3RCA Kevin - Alliston
VE3DDU Ray - Nottawasaga
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound

Bonus question (for fun) - What is your favourite flavour of potato chip.

Sour Cream and onion - 2
BBQ - 1
Jalapeno - 1
Sour Cream and Bacon - 1
Plain - 1
Salt and Vinegar rippled (w/ dip) - 1
Rippled plain - 1

Non potato chip responses

Corn chips w/ hint of lime - 2
Veggie chips - 1
Curly chip - 1
Plantain chips - 1

Thanks to all, 73

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