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  New Antenna Tower
Posted by: ryan_va3ryc - 2023-06-24, 13:05:51 - Forum: Antennas - No Replies

Hi Everyone,

I am Ryan, VA3RYC. I am new to the group, and new to the area. I just purchased a home in Flesherton, and I'm looking to put up a tower for Starlink and Amateur antennas. This will be my first tower, and I was going to see if anyone in the area had some experience to share. 

I talked to the municipality, and I have it in writing that I do not need a building permit, and I plan to stay under 15m so I fall under ISED and not the land use authority. So I am close to ready for a tower. 

My ideal location is right next to the house, so that brings up a few questions. First off, does anyone feel strongly about concrete vs house-attached. Second, does that affect how I ground the tower (I normally would cadweld a new ground rod around and bond the tower with a clamp, but I am unsure being close to the house if I would need to tie it to the house ground too?). 

I also know that if I use concrete I probably need to deal with the leverage effect and make it the same depth as the foundation (which would be obnoxious and heavy) or I need to make a flex joint (which I have not done with concrete before). 

I'm also planning a hinge base, possibly a Wade: https://wadeantenna.com/product/golden-n...e-up-base/ because I can get a good deal on it. 

Any advice would be appreciated!


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  Net Report 21 Jun 23
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-21, 21:16:02 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

NCS VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake

Open Mic

KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3FP Adam - West Grey
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley

HF – 3.783 MHz
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3FP Adam - West Grey
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

Field day this weekend

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  WSJT and N1MM+
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-15, 18:33:02 - Forum: Field Day - Replies (1)

Doug VE3DGY and I have our stations set up to operate FT8 on fieldday. Since the log of choice is N1MM+, the authors have made it possible to operate FT8 and then log contacts to N1MM+. So this evening Doug and I tried a test contact to see if it was working fine and we are happy to report that the contact was made and the N1MM+ log was updated with Call, Section and class. Here are a few pictures.

This shows the IC7300, a laptop ro operate the software and a 32" TV used as a monitor


This shows the laptop screen with WSJT running on the left with the WSJT Decode list over the N1MM+ program.


On the larger screen, this is the N1MM+ log entry showing the VE3DGY contact


This shows the N1MM+ score summary


This shows the WSJT contest log..a good double check that it went in ok


Finally, the N1MM+ Visible Dupesheet showing the 20m ONS digital contact made..the blue dot.


All in all, I'm happy to see this working... it should make for a welcome addition to field day. This should allow the bands to be better utilized. So if 80m is flaky for SSB, then FT8 may still keep us making points... 73

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  Net report June 14
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2023-06-14, 19:56:05 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Topic: Internet - routers- providers- tips

Clear your DNS cache

The DNS cache is a digital log your browser uses as a shortcut to quickly load web pages you’ve visited before. But your cache can create technical issues if there’s a glitch or online malware has inserted uninvited URLs into your cache.

Here’s how to clear your cache on different devices:


Go to the Command Prompt by doing one of these things:

Option 1: Type “cmd” into the search bar

Option 2: Find the Command Prompt shortcut in the Windows System folder

Option 3: Type “cmd” into the Run window.

Once you’re in the Command Prompt, type in “ipconfig /flushdns.” Hit Enter to flush the cache.


Run the Terminal app. You can find it one of these ways:

Option 1: Open Terminal in the Utilities folder.

Option 2: Search “Terminal” using the Spotlight function.

In the Terminal app, enter the command to flush your cache. The command you’ll type can be slightly different depending on your Mac operating system (OS):

Yosemite and after: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Yosemite 10.10–10.10.3: sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache

Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Snow Leopard: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

You’ll be prompted to enter in the administrator password for your account. Then your cache is flushed—and hopefully any glitches with it.

On an iPhone or Apple device, there are two easy ways to clear your DNS cache:

Option 1: Switch on and then switch off Airplane Mode.

Option 2: Restart your device.

For Android devices, here’s how you clear your DNS cache:

Step 1: Type “chrome://net-internals/#dns” into the URL bar in Chrome.

Step 2: Tap the DNS menu.

Step 3: Click Clear Host Cache.

After you’ve cleared your cache, test your connection to see if it’s back online.

Net Controller  Ve3bqm Bernie

KO4DXQ Bob Koscinski
VA3MFO James Clayton
VE3RQY Greg 0
VA3TS Tom 0
VE3FP Adam 0
VE3PAV Bobby 0
VE3DGY Doug 0

VA3MFO James Clayton
VA3TS Tom 0
VE3DGY Doug 0
VE3DDU Ray Kasenurm
VE3RQY Greg 0
VE3FP Adam 0
VA3GLJ Gregory Jones

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Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-06-14, 07:53:38 - Forum: Field Day - No Replies

New version of N1MM has been posted adding separate logging capability for GOTA station.

Version 1.0.9889(June 13, 2023)
FDGOTA: Add new contest for FD GOTA station with new points scoring. QSO's from the main FD station using the FD contest are ignored. (Coded by K3CT)

Please test this prior to FD.

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  VE3OST Repeater
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-11, 10:05:58 - Forum: Repeaters VE3OSR and VE3GBT - Replies (1)

Thanks to Bobby for getting the new motorola and dropping it off here yesterday. I checked it out, the only thing I changed was the callsign from VE3GBT to VE3OST. I left the need for a tone OFF so it can be accessed without one. It is easily changed if needed.

A little history.
Originally VE3OST was part of our linked repeater and had it's home at the qth to Tom TVA. For various reasons that didn't work out ie:the link wasn't working, the coverage wasn't as expected and the antenna at Tom's was bent during a windstorm...it is still functional but looks funny lol..... then came covid and all efforts went out the window. On top of that the original machine was the old MSF5000, an arm stretcher to be sure, that finally met its maker earlier this year.

At the same time, I had made up a portable repeater for the club and picked a repeater pair that the old Goring repeater used 147.15+. In retrospect this wasn't a good choice as the cans that Frank has have a hard time tuning up that high... but we persevered and it was used with varying degrees of success at Blue Mountain and the BPMR.

So along came this MTR2000 which Randy was taking to Dayton so the executive made a good choice to get that. This repeater is not so large that it can't be easily moved around, so it could be the clubs new(er) portable machine for events and such. It also has the means for a 12vdc input but that is something for the repeater group (committee) to sort out.
So I have this repeater here, between Bernie and Frank, who wants it at their qth?
So if it works out that the club wants to keep the VE3OST call and freq pair, then the question remains, what about the portable one that Frank has?

My suggestion is that it gets reprogrammed to serve as a backup repeater in the event OSR or GBT or OST is not available. Easily done to have all these frequencies programmed to the portable unit and then select whichever pair is needed at the time. This portable could also be a digipeater for VARA vhf as an option. Plus any other ideas others may have.

But this is up to the repeater group so I leave it in your hands to decide.
73 Tom

.pdf   portrptr001.pdf (Size: 1.02 MB / Downloads: 6)

NOTE: The schematic attached is slightly different than the actual. The schematic is for my own hamgadgets and the clubs setup does not have a db25 connector or timer cct. It was Rev1, my unit is Rev2....

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  All You Ever Wanted To Know About GPS
Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2023-06-10, 17:40:01 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

This isn't news, but a good post on Reddit giving a brief history of GPS, and a bunch of interesting comments.


Dave, VE3WI

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Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-08, 12:32:57 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

From Bob KO4DXQ
I would like to recommend the science/tech net out of Toronto, Ont. It can be found on Saturdays 2000hrs EST 0001 GMT on Echolink nodes 355800 (Do drop in) or 69556 (Ham/ Anzel)

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  Net Report 07JUN2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-06-07, 19:46:44 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Mildmay

We need your help by submitting ideas for topics via this forum.  This is a net for all of us.  Help out your fellow club members and net controllers by submitting topics for future nets.  Reply to this thread with any suggestions.

Consider being a GBARC Net Controller (NC).  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.  The only scary part is if your pen runs out of ink while the calls are coming in!  The more Net Controllers available, the less work for everyone.  Currently, we have 4 NC's so each of us has to cover 1 night every 4 weeks.  Imagine if we had more and doubled the number to 8.

Topic for discussion -

1 Open Mic 


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay

HF – 3.786 MHz

VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3IXA Brad - Bass Lake

Thanks to all, 73

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Wink Net Report May 31 2023
Posted by: MD7323 - 2023-06-05, 17:12:53 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club Net Report
Wednesday May 31 2023

Net Controller: Marvin VE3VCG
Topic: Field Day/Open Mic

Note: Marvin substituted for Bernie who encountered a technical issue which prevented him transmitting on two meters. However he was able to join the net on 80 meters.

KG4DXQ Bob in Tennessee

2 Meters:

80 Meters / 73 Round
VE3BQM Bernie

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