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  N1MM+ tips
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-03, 22:24:52 - Forum: Field Day - No Replies

I set up the field Day log on N!mm+  tonight and was reading around a bit... here are a few points I came across

Run N1MM+ in Administrator Mode"

Here are some logging tips from Jim, VE7FO

Q: I always have a problem with the FD GOTA log. Besides just logging the QSO,
I also need to ID the operator, the operators age and the GOTA coach. This has
always been difficult to reconstruct after the fact. Any body else seen this?

A: Just give the GOTA coach the following responsibilities: When a new op comes
on have him hit CTRL-O and enter his call or name followed by a space and his age.
This gets two of the vital pieces of info into the log. Require the coach to keep a log
of his on and off times at the GOTA position; or you could add the coach’s call at the
end of the CTRL-O stuff too. You’ll have to increase the width of the operator column
in the log in order to see all this.

Networking and the GOTA station

If you are networking multiple computers for Field Day and you also have a GOTA
station, do not network the GOTA station with the other stations. The GOTA station
uses a different callsign, and its contacts are not included in the main FD log. Networking
the GOTA station’s logging computer with the rest of the network will result in incorrect
logging at both stations.

 Using FT8 on Field Day

Users planning to operate the FT8 (or related) mode with WSJT-X on Field Day
should read about the WSJT-X to N1MM+ interface in the manual section on the
WSJT Decode List window. Remember to set the Mode category in the
Contest Setup to SSB+CW+DIGITAL.


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  N1MM's spectrum display
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-06-02, 21:21:08 - Forum: Field Day - Replies (1)

I was playing around with N1MM+  and found a neat feature of N1MM's spectrum display. This is easy if you have an icom rig like the 7300 or 7610 plus many others. The programs documentation explains it all.Here is the spectrum window displayed, look in the "window" menu for "Spectrum Display". Some settings are needed  http://adarc.co.uk/pdf/IC7300-N1MM.pdf
I have my com port set to 115000 baud N81


After some reading and trying things out I noticed the red squares. 


These things show the qso in progress and clicking the box with the mouse will qsy the rig to that frequency.

Now I can move up and down the band, a qso at every location.


The noise floor adjustment, the printing on the left side of the screen, changes when you use the mouse wheel to move the
noise floor line up and down. Adjusting the radio's rf gain helps to make the qso signals separate a bit. These signals are detected, counted and then displayed a red squares, which you can then click on and change frequency.

The radio itself was off to one side, other than rf gain adjustments, I didn't touch it.

The band was busy this day with the US memorial day and POTA as well. Not as busy as FieldDaybut it may work. Gotta try it..


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  Inspiring young operator
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-05-29, 12:44:19 - Forum: CW - No Replies

I thought that I should post this since only few ops might work Jenna N4JEH if you don't use CW but you need to check out the https://www.qrz.com page. She is amazing at CW operator and becoming a QRQ operator in less than a year was a great achievement. Her sister K4VRY is following her footsteps. Jenna is very active in the weekly CWOPS activities (>30wpm) and even becoming an advisor at CWOPS Academy helping others achieve CW proficiency. 

Check it out at https://www.qrz.com/db/N4JEH/?dxc=1

I think "white canners" have far greater abilities than rest of us. 

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  GBARC Advertisements
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-05-25, 09:11:05 - Forum: Field Day - No Replies

This thread is to contain various GBARC ads and other materials meant to be given to the public at events we have.  Add more as you see fit...

.doc   GBARC TriFold Brochure V03 MS Office.doc (Size: 168.5 KB / Downloads: 5)

.odt   GARC TriFold Brochure.odt (Size: 137.14 KB / Downloads: 1)

.pdf   GARC TriFold Brochure V03.pdf (Size: 265.19 KB / Downloads: 2)



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  Field Day 2023
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-05-25, 08:42:17 - Forum: Field Day - No Replies

The latest information we have has been posted on our webpage


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  Net Report 24 May 2023
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-05-25, 08:39:46 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

NCS VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake

Open Mic

KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek
VE3FP Adam - West Grey

HF – 3.777 MHz
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound

Thanks to all, 73

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  Net Report 17MAY2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-05-18, 06:40:34 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Mildmay

We need your help by submitting ideas for topics via this forum.  This is a net for all of us.  Help out your fellow club members and net controllers by submitting topics for future nets.  Reply to this thread with any suggestions.

Consider being a GBARC Net Controller (NC).  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.  The only scary part is if your pen runs out of ink while the calls are coming in!  The more Net Controllers available, the less work for everyone.  Currently, we have 4 NC's so each of us has to cover 1 night every 4 weeks.  Imagine if we had more and doubled the number to 8.

Topic for discussion -

1. Power Supplies
    - What do you use?  Linear?  SMPS (Switch mode), battery?
    - Do you or have you used a computer or server power supply?
    - Do you have a back up supply?
    - What are your thoughts?

2. Open Mic is always an option.


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest

HF – 3.777 MHz

VE3BQM Bernie - Red Bay
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest

Thanks to all, 73

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  Net Report May 3rd 2023
Posted by: Bernie ve3bqm - 2023-05-03, 19:27:37 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net control Ve3BQM Topic: Microphone
What is the original microphone?
The crude carbon rod microphone was invented by David Edward Hughes in 1878 and was instrumental in the development of telephony. These devices used the variable electrical resistance of carbon under pressure between metal plates to translate airborne sound waves into an electrical signal.

VE3VCG Marvin
VA3MFO James
VA3EAC Janet
VE3OZW Richard

VE3VCG Marvin
VA3MFO James
VE3FJN Colin
VE3OZW Richard

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  Voice keyer
Posted by: ve3pav - 2023-04-28, 20:26:42 - Forum: Projects, Kits - Replies (2)

Hi,does anyone have a schematic for a voice keyer.

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  UHF Quick Disconnect - Who Knew?
Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2023-04-27, 09:38:51 - Forum: Antennas - No Replies

I didn't know such a thing was available, but found the attached from The Wireman. Could be a useful convenience if you physically disconnect your antennas during storms.

If you're not familiar with The Wireman, have a look at their website.  They have a big selection of antenna-related wire, cable & accessories for the ham market.


Dave, VE3WI

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.pdf   quickconnect.pdf (Size: 71.75 KB / Downloads: 7)
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