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  Reverse Polarity Protection
Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2023-03-03, 12:24:57 - Forum: Projects, Kits - No Replies

Since our modern rigs usually require DC power, there is always the risk that we'll connect positive to negative, maybe releasing some of that magic smoke.  Anderson Powerpoles are popular, but are not polarized and will happily connect red to black if you make a mistake.  There is a standard Powerpole arrangement, e.g.


but this can't completely prevent human error.  One major transceiver manufacturer deliberately installs Powerpoles in reverse of the standard arrangement, to influence buyers to use their supplied power cable.

I found an article on how you can prevent reverse polarity damage by adding circuit component(s).  Both simple and not-so-simple designs are given.  The article was written by John KC9ON who also has a small online store: 3rd Planet Solar/KC9ON, https://kc9on.com/ 

I attached his article.  Good reading.

Dave, VE3WI

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.pdf   Reverse Polarity Protection.pdf (Size: 105.6 KB / Downloads: 7)
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  Net Report 1 March 2023
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-03-01, 20:20:07 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

1 March 2023
Net Controller — VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake

Topic for discussion -

1. Do you use Windows 11, thoughts pro or con
2. Open Mic is always an option.


VE3DGY Doug - Annan
KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton

HF – 3.786 MHz

VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound

Consider being a GBARC Net Controller.

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  Net Report 22Feb2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-02-22, 20:39:58 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

Topic for discussion -

1. In less than 5 weeks, our first Ontario hamfest is scheduled.  Are you planning to attend a hamfest in 2023?
2. Do you think March will come in like a lion or a lamb?  Do you believe in the folklore?
3. Open Mic is always an option.


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3RWY Rob - Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin

HF – 3.777 MHz

VE3MIO Maureen - Wiarton
VE3FJN Colin - Hamilton
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VE3DDU Ray - Nottawasaga

We need your help by submitting ideas for topics via this forum.  This is a net for all of us.  Help out your fellow club members and net controllers by submitting topics for future nets.  Reply to this thread with any suggestions.

Consider being a GBARC Net Controller.  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.  The only scary part is if your pen runs out of ink while the calls are coming in!

Thanks to all, 73

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2023-02-22, 18:32:59 - Forum: Upcoming Events - No Replies

The next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will run Sat-Sun, 25-26 March.

So far they have 41 presentations lined up, list attached.  You can watch the talks, make comments, ask questions, all without leaving your chair Big Grin

Registration is $15.00 US.

Details & registration:  https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/

Dave, VE3WI

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.pdf   ham_expo_list.pdf (Size: 21 KB / Downloads: 1)
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  Ribbit Digital Text VHF/UHF Ham Radio Tactical Communications
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-02-19, 19:11:58 - Forum: Community Service - Replies (8)

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  GBARC 2M net 15 Feb 2023 VE3OSR&VE3GBT
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2023-02-16, 10:36:48 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC 15 Feb 2023 2M net
Tone 97.4
ECHO LINK 333014
every wednesday evening @7:30 local time(Eastern time zone).
After check-ins and topic discussion we move to HF 3.783MHZ or nearby depending on traffic.

Net controller - VE3 RQY Greg Owen Sound,ON

Echo link--  
VE3GIO Larry, Woodstock, ON
                   KO4DXQ Bob, Soddy Daisy, Tennessee, USA

VHF--          VE3BQM Bernie, Georgian Bluffs                     VE3PCP, Rob, Inverhuron
                   VA3DNY Dan, Owen Sound                            VA3MFO, Jim, Mount Forest
                   VA3TS,   Tom, Shallow Lake, Georgian Bluffs    VE3OZW, Richard, Otter Creek
                   VE3MIO, Maureen, Wiarton

HF--   VE3GIO - VA3MFO- VE3BQM -VA3TS - VE3PCP - VE3MIO - VE3OZW - VA3DNY , and VA3GPK, Gary, Stirling,ON

Tonite's topic was Audio and voice adjustments(e.g. compression, Bass, treble, etc.) Does your radio have these? how do you use them? Do they make a difference to your contacts(I.E. intelligibility, clarity, volume?). Any tips?

Thanks to all and 73, Y'all.
Big Grin Wink

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Big Grin GBARC Net Report Feb 8 2023
Posted by: Guest - 2023-02-09, 14:59:43 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
Net Report February 8th 2023

Net Controller Marvin VE3VCG
Note: The scheduled net controller was Bernie VE3BQM. Marvin mistakenly took the net control position by mistake. Apologies to all for the error. 

Topic: Open Mic topic or, optionally “what was your first radio”?
Trivial Question: What major weather event happened in the Great Lakes Region in 1913?
Answer: The White Hurricane (Witch of November).

KO4DXQ Bob in Tennessee

2 Meters:
VE3OZW Richard
VE3WI David
VE3PAV Bobby

80 Meters:
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3OZW Richard
VE3WI David
VE3JMS James
VE3FJN Colin

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  Is this Marvin?
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2023-02-08, 09:54:49 - Forum: Announcements, Ideas, Suggestions, Feedback - No Replies

Does anybody else see the resemblance to our president in this picture?
[Image: Samuel-Morse-Image.jpg]

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  Not enough events?
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-02-04, 14:59:52 - Forum: Announcements, Ideas, Suggestions, Feedback - Replies (1)

If you like chasing POTA, IOTA and other casual QSOs and want to add another activity. VOTA (Volunteers On The Air). Only active till the end of 2023, a celebration that recognizes volunteer support and contributions. Each contact is worth specific number of points corresponding to the QSO points table. https://vota.arrl.org/index.php 
All you need to is make a simple QSO with any W1AW/x station. 
This could be a GBARC challenge for the year. 
     eg: highest score, most states, countries or just highest point contact. 

Just have fun !!!  Big Grin

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  Net Report 1 Feb 2023
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2023-02-02, 14:45:58 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3BQM Bernie - Owen Sound
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3PCP Rob - Inverhuron
VE3FP Adam - West Grey
VE3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

HF – 3.795 MHz

VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3BQM Bernie - Owen Sound
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VE3DGY Doug - Annan
VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek
VE3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VE3PCP Rob - Inverhuron

Topic was:

What Club Social Events would you like to see
- fox hunt and foxhunt prep
- canwarn
- power points for meeting topics
- ssd drive installation
- lighthouse and lightship operating events
- Canadian Islands on the air
- Hammond museum
- family picnics
- hamfest
- tinkering/project building

Note - Galapagos Island DXpedition to take place 1 - 11 of March 2023. Look for HD8M

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