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Photo Ecoflow Mini II Solar Generator
Posted by: Guest - 2023-01-30, 15:55:12 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

[Image: Webshop-4-1280x1588-da-2-825x1024.jpg]
During my presentation at monthly club meeting on Jan 24, 2023 I stumbled through the description of my EcoFlow Delta Mini II solar generator. I was disappointed at not being able to provide the technical specification for this unit off the top of my head. The unit is worth a second look which includes enough technical data to be properly appreciated. I have some additional comments on why I think units like this are important as they relate to more formal emergency communications planning.

1) The unit features an 820 Wh LiFePo battery and has a rapid recharge circuit which can bring the unit up to full charge from 20% discharge state in just over 6 hours using a 160 + Watt solar panel under ideal conditions or using AC input, however normal charging times can be as long as 11 hours under less than optimal conditions.

I can personally verify that this charging information is correct as I have charged the unit fully using both AC and Solar inputs. Charge times can be highly variable depending on the discharge state of the unit and variable inputs voltages under changing solar conditions over the course of the charging period.

The unit will accept 800 Watts of input from a solar panel or panels. AC input will typically be 110 Volt from any wall outlet. Both charging circuits either AC mains or DC solar are through dedicated inputs on the back of the unit. When using solar to charge the unit it will also throughput to other devices connected to the units output circuits.

The unit has both AC and DC output capacity using multiple output modes. The front of the unit features 4 USB connections, one of which is a C type rapid charger. The rear of the unit features 4 standard AC type plugs which deliver 110 Volt AC power. I've used this to power HF radios, outputting to a power supply. The power is clean and steady with no hash, no sags or spikes.

I have also used the AC outlets to prepared meals using an induction style 1500 watt cook top during a power outage, as well as for fun when cooking for guests on our back deck. Even if the EcoFlow Mini is not power a radio, having a hot meal while operating at a field station could be a real luxury, especially during long sessions. No need to haul a gas powered camping stove or BBQ when you can cook using solar. Having extra power on hand is a valuable resource and clearly an advantage no matter how that power is being used.
It also has a 12 volt DC cigarette type socket which provides 12 volts DC. I can not verify the max available current flow in amps but assume that it is a minimum of 10 Amps as the unit will run a radio or can be used to power various DC appliances such as a mini-fridge. I will dig into the manual and see if I can find an answer to this question but at this moment I do not know the maximum current available from this socket.

At home, running a shack off the EcoFlo Mini or other such device is an obvious use. It can be charged off mains power and left ready to operate off-grid if needed. However, with the addition of a solar panel it will provide power independent of mains power service. As noted above, running a station may not be the only way that this or any other solar generator can be used in an emergency.

A part of emergency communications which is rarely discussed at length are all the other aspects of operator support. When planning emergency radio operations it is important to take into consideration all aspects of what is needed to maintain a station and the operator for 72+ hours. The EcoFlo Mini could be a part of this larger picture as it can be used to power a refrigerator or freezer and as already mentioned cook meals if there is enough solar available. However even when used in combination with a gas powered generator, solar can reduce the need for stored fuel for the generator and so extend run time.

All this in combination will help an off-grid station stay on the air longer or more efficiently.


EcoFlo Min II website

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Video Packet Radio Grid-Down Demonstration
Posted by: Guest - 2023-01-30, 11:50:29 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

Packet Radio is still alive and kicking in amateur radio. While it is not as popular as it was in the 80's it still has a place in amateur radio and is especially useful for emergency messaging. in my opinion packet radio should be a part of the local emergency communications plan for every HAM radio club.

The following brief video by the tech-prepper is a real world demonstration of packet radio communications in a grid down situation. While this is not an exhaustive exploration of packet radio it does illustrate several key points which are important to any discussion on the topic.

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Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-01-29, 14:33:36 - Forum: Contesting - Replies (3)

There appears to be conflict in calculating scores using N1MM logger. WFD went against the norm on the power multiplier of x1 vs x2 100w or less. Means that the scores will be inflated x2 if you claim power of 100 or less. 

I also found Ontario Section GTA would  not let me enter in to the log, it has been changed GH(Golden Horseshoe) effective Jan 1/2023. I hope log checker accept both.

Hope the guys get this sorted out soon. Lot of posts on Group.io forums.

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  How can we attract and retain members?
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2023-01-27, 10:07:25 - Forum: Announcements, Ideas, Suggestions, Feedback - Replies (7)

Dave VE3WI pointed out the following article on qrz.com:

How can ham radio clubs attract and retain members in 2023?

The news that Paul VE3PQ has left the club because (reportedly) he "no longer finds GBARC interesting" shocked me deeply. As GBARC President for the past 2 years I took that revelation very personally. If we summarily dismiss such warning signs we risk losing more members.

The covid situation stopped us from being very active for 2 years, but now we should be scrambling to fix that. I particularly liked one comment on the qrz.com:

"They have to enjoy radio more then Roberts rules. Really they have to enjoy playing radio, and if the club isn’t getting out and doing radio things why even be there. You have to have fun little events. Like a Friday night club QRP POTA . Or a Friday or Saturday night rabbit hunt extravaganza that covers the region. The last hunt of the night leads to a barbecue. But a club has to get out and play radio for fun. Just like a car club gets out and has car fun. Rod runs, poker runs, Dino nights. we have to get out and have radio fun together."

GBARC has become very good at the social aspects of club membership but we have sunk into the doldrums when it comes to hands-on radio activity. Our 2022 ARRL Field Day was a prime example. Would visitors be attracted to the hobby by a group of us sitting around in lawn chairs with no radios in sight? Or would it have been better if we had set up multiple demonstration stations illustrating different aspects of the hobby?

We need to have a conversation about this; but not just a conversation, we have to get motivated and get actively working to turn things around. Maybe drop the PowerPoint presentations and start monthly practical exercises at our meetings. We now have a club radio, let's get it on the air at meetings and learn what we can do with it. Then when the weather gets warmer, do it outside and invite visitors.

Paul VE3PQ is right; the club has become less interesting and I accept part of the blame for that. Now let's hear your ideas.

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  Net Report 25Jan2023
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-01-26, 08:19:36 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

Topic for discussion -
Every week we tune our radios to VE3GBT or VE3OSR for our weekly club net and every day of the week we can join a net around the world.

1. Why do we participate in nets?
2. Have you considered stepping up to be a Net Controller for GBARC or for any other net that you enjoy?
3. Open Mic is always an option. 

Bonus question: What year was the first Rabbie Burns dinner held.  Answer: 1801  https://www.visitscotland.com/about/famo...rns-night/ 


KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VE3PCP Rob - Inverhuron
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3WI Dave - Port Elgin
VE3JMD Jim - Port Elgin
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3BQM Bernie - Owen Sound

HF – 3.783 MHz

VE3XBO Bart - Meaford
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3GIO Larry - Woodstock
VE3BQM Bernie - Owen Sound
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke

We need your help by submitting ideas for topics via this forum.  This is a net for all of us.  Help out your fellow club members and net controllers by submitting topics for future nets.  Reply to this thread with any suggestions.

Consider being a GBARC Net Controller.  It is a positive learning experience and great fun.  The only scary part is if your pen runs out of ink while the calls are coming in!

Thanks to all, 73

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  Hardline splicing
Posted by: Rob_Walker - 2023-01-22, 20:54:04 - Forum: Antennas - Replies (2)

That was a good article in the newsletter regarding hardline splicing.  Thanks Tom.

I didn't get my Yagi up this past summer so my 1/2" Heliax sits in two pieces.  I have an Andrews connector specifically for splicing hardline, and I also have a collection of "N" connectors with bulkhead connectors for joining them.

I was particularly interested in the newsletter article using copper tubing.  I'm curious what one would use for a dielectric after the centre conductor was joined but before the 1/2" copper tubing was installed on the outside jacket?

What I like about this method is it would minimize the weak spot where the hardline might want to kink.  Open to suggestions.

73 Rob

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  Engima Machine Workings
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-01-21, 22:10:39 - Forum: CW - No Replies

July of 2022 Maritime Radio Historical Society https://www.radiomarine.org/mrhs-events sent a commemorative encrypted message using the WW2 German Engima machine on several HF frequencies as a challenge to those willing to decipher it. 

Norm ve3nbj was one who successfully deciphered it. He mentioned it earlier in this forum.

I heard the about the machine but didn't take part in the challenge although I was interested in its working. The other day I came upon the Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybkkiGtJmkM which describes it in great detail. The amazing part it is 99% mechanical operation and quite sophisticated encryption given the era in time.
Worth watching. Enjoy.

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Big Grin GBARC Net Report Jan 18 2023
Posted by: Guest - 2023-01-20, 14:51:32 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC Net Report
Jan 18th 2023

Net Controller :Marvin VE3VCG

Topic: How to attract more members to the club?
KO4DXQ Bob in Tennessee

2 Meters
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3WI David
VE3OZW Richard
VE3P Paul

80 meters
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3WI David

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  LARC planned NVIS exercise for Sunday Feb 5
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2023-01-18, 09:35:34 - Forum: Upcoming Events - Replies (1)

Greetings fellow Hams,

The London Amateur Radio Club and the London ARES team would like to invite you to participate in an NVIS exercise we are planning for Sunday Feb 5.

We don’t use NVIS very often, and to verify you can operate successfully, you need some test stations within a couple of hundred miles. So we thought we’d invite Ontario Amateur Radio Clubs and ARES teams to participate in an exercise. We can all test out our NVIS configurations and get an idea of what the range of NVIS actually is. Feel free to invite others to join in.

We will operate as a directed net with a net controller here in London. We plan on being on the air from 2 PM to 5 PM and our planned 40 meter phone frequencies are (subject to conditions):
    7.225 MHz - primary
    7.190 MHz - secondary
    7.270 MHz - tertiary

As part of the check-in process, we will ask for 2 pieces of information:
    1. Your rough assessment of net control’s transmission quality:  Poor, OK, Good
    2. Your location

We hope to get this information onto a map somehow, and publish it on the LARC.ca website.

Our thanks to Brian Jurkowski VE3KLT for taking on Net Control for this exercise.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the organizer:

Doug Elliott VA3DAE
LARC Education Coordinator
London ARES EC
email: canoe.eh@gmail.com
cell / text: (519) 630-8925

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  No Key no Problem
Posted by: Adam_VE3FP - 2023-01-12, 21:02:50 - Forum: CW - No Replies

Want to learn CW? Don't have CW Key? No problem. 

Most have a laptop or desktop pc, no other investment necessary. Just using the Space Bar as the Key.

I came upon a program that will generate CW and display what you are sending and your speed. 

Give it a try. https://stendec.io/morse/copy.html

Let me know what you think?

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