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The Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
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Events / Activities

Amateur Radio is a great and rewarding hobby but family, work or personal events take priority. By taking part in various events, we improve our communication skills, help out in the community but most of all we have fun doing it.

To attend an event or for more information click the "Contact" link on the footer of any page.

Social Events
When we get together for non-operating social occasions
Breakfast at Elsie's
Breakfast at Elsie's
Sunday, February 07, 2016
At Elsie's restaurant, 8:00 a.m. on the 2nd Saturday of each month. On Hwy 6 by Springmout.

Club Meeting
Club Meeting
Sunday, February 07, 2016
Club meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month except July & August. December meetings are usually a brunch dinner at a local restaurant.



Annual Christmas Luncheon
Annual Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, February 07, 2016

All are welcome, club members, spouses, guests and non-club members as well. Come out for great food and conversation as well as the presentation of the Amateur of the Year Award.
The executive will make announcements as more is known.
Currently planned for the 7th of December 2024 at 1pm.
Amateur of the Year Award
Amateur of the Year Award
Sunday, February 07, 2016

This award is bestowed annually to that special club member who has demonstrated excellence above and beyond the call on behalf of the club and amateur radio in general.

Click here to see the past recipients page.

"On the Air" Operating Events
Anytime we get together as a group and operate on the air
Weekly Friends of GBARC Net
Weekly Friends of GBARC Net
Thursday, July 11, 2019
All are welcome, look for us at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday on VE3OSR repeater 146.940- T 97.4hz. Afterwards QSY to 3.783Mhz for our HF net. Website

Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Winter Field Day is dedicated to Amateur Radio Operators who believe that emergency communications in a winter environment is just as important as the preparations and practice that is done each summer. This event runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 2:00 pm EST Saturday to 2:00 pm EST Sunday.

Ontario QSO Party
Ontario QSO Party
Sunday, February 07, 2016
This Contest Club Ontario event is held annually on the third full weekend of April. In the contest, Ontario stations contact as many amateur radio stations as possible both in Ontario and world-wide.



RAC/ARRL Field Day
RAC/ARRL Field Day
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
When The 4th full weekend in June

Objective To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. Field Day is from 2:00 pm EST Saturday to 2:00 pm EST Sunday. 


Canada Day Contest
Canada Day Contest
Sunday, February 07, 2016
RAC Canada Day Contest is Coming! July 1st is Canada Day. Join in our countrys birthday celebration by entering our Contest.  Start time is 8pm DST 30th of June to 8pm DST 1st July.
ILLW Weekend
ILLW Weekend
Sunday, September 17, 2017
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.

Read More

RAC Winter Contest
RAC Winter Contest
Sunday, September 17, 2017
This is an on-air operating event where Canadian hams contact as many other hams as they can in a 24 hour period. End of December

Link to the RAC website and contest rules

Parks on the Air POTA
Parks on the Air POTA
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Parks on the Air (POTA) is a popular Amateur Radio activity that involves operating portable radios from designated parks and nature reserves around the world. Thousands of parks are available in the program worldwide.

Read More

Fox Hunts
Fox Hunts
Sunday, February 07, 2016
TBD Fox Hunts are planned for several times in a year. There is no fixed time or date set up. This is usually the 3rd Saturday but any time the group prefers. Send email


Winter Challenge
Winter Challenge
Thursday, August 03, 2023
This is our annual winter fun challenge for members and non members. A friendly competition to work Canadian stations during the winter months. Contest Period 1 Dec to 31 March


Public Service Events
Assisting other organizations with their events by providing emergency communications
The Club, from time to time, assists ACS(ARES) or other organizations by providing communication solutions for their events.

This means club volunteers may hold a location along a course or trail to provide event organizers with timely information about event participants, their progress along the course, or to highlight possible hazardous situations and report same. This may also include a centrallly located communications post which communicates with all volunteers and can then inform the host club or group(s) as the case may dictate.

It is important that groups who use our club are aware that we provide communications ONLY.
We do NOT provide traffic or crowd control or event security or any other function that does not involve communications.
Our involvement will be for volunteers to inform our control station who will then relay this information to the appicable group.
Huron Shore Run
Huron Shore Run
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
June  The Club provides support for the Rotary Huron Shore Run. 

2023 Run


Terry Fox Run
Terry Fox Run
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Sept GBARC has been a supporter of the Terry Fox run since 1996

Runners Den

Sun Times


To attend an event or for more information click the "Contact" link on the footer of any page.
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