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  Propagation Upset This Weekend ???
Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2021-10-28, 23:10:12 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

Spaceweather.com is advising that a strong geomagnetic storm and a coronal mass ejection may affect HF propagation on 30-31 October.  Buckle up!


Dave, VE3WI

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  Net Report 27 Oct 2021
Posted by: Tom VA3TS - 2021-10-28, 18:34:25 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Topic --are you ready for the upcoming SET. An excellent discussion on preparations for the simulated emergency test Oct30th. Grey and Bruce EC's were on air to set up the scenario and answer questions. Thanks to all for participating.


VHF Checkins 14
9Z4DX Bertrand
VE3MIO Maureen
VE3GIO Larry
VE3VCG Marvin
VA3GUF Frank
VE3FP Adam
VE3WI Dave
VE3OZW Richard
VE3BQM Bernie
VA3EAC Janet

HF Checkins 7
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3GIO Larry
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3FP Adam
VE3OZW Richard

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Smile Cyber Attacks During an Emergency Event
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-28, 14:01:50 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

This is an excellent article about a topic rarely discussed. However, in reading it you can see that this is a matter of genuine concern to emergency planners and emergency managers. As we all know to well Ransomware attacks have disrupted the normal operation of various infrastructure systems within the last 24 months. It is entirely plausible, even likely that such events will happen again in the future. This article makes the point that cyber criminals could take advantage of any disaster situation to create another layer of complexity to the situation. This then would make the job of anyone dealing with the crisis more difficult. It could in fact endanger those in greatest need of help.

At the risk of being seen as the profit of doom, I continue to point to such matters as clear and present threats to all of us. Having said that, I also believe that simply by seeing such potential problems we can be better prepared to deal with them should they come to pass. When I think of what Emergency Communications really means, I think of people, not radio gear. For me radio communication is just another tool to use to help each other in times of need.

I really enjoy HAM Radio as a hobby. But I also see the practical potential for using it for the benefit of family, friends, neighbors and our communities in general in a time of need. This is why I accepted the role of ACS Emergency Coordinator for Bruce County.

We live in a time of great uncertainty. The world is a complex and connected place today. Even here in Bruce County, were emergencies are rare, various events in distance places, can create unexpected problems which were largely unknown in the past. For that reason I think taking note of articles such as the one I'm sharing here is not only prudent but wise.

Cyber Attacks During an Emergency Event

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  Record number of people participate in amateur radio ShakeOut Drill (California)
Posted by: Bob VE3MPG - 2021-10-26, 16:59:45 - Forum: Traffic Handling and Nets - No Replies

Many people from several locations, including three rural schools, participated with San Benito County Radio Association operators on Oct. 21.

This year 15.1 million people took part in drills to Drop! Cover! and Hold On! – a record-setting year. It was a record-setting year for the San Benito County Radio Association (SBCARA) as well.

The ShakeOut is an international earthquake drill on the third Thursday of October. For 2021, the event took place on Oct. 21 at 10:21 a.m.


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Posted by: VA3-GUF-Frank - 2021-10-25, 13:44:04 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - Replies (1)

Attached is the logsheet for this weekends Simulated Emergency Test (SET).  Use this document or one formated similarly in an EXCEL type document for logging of contact made during the SET.  As indicated in the GBARC newletter, this weekends SET is set up like a contest for those interested in participating from the comfort of their QTH or off grid location.  The contest point structure is as follows;

1 point for each contact to NET control.

1 point for each contact on 2 meters off the mobile repeater frequency. No points for GBARC OSR or Paisley repeater frequency contact.

5 points for both operators of a HF message relay to another operator, relayed to NET control.

Additional 5 points for HF relay message originator. Maximum HF message relay points is 100 for relay operator and 200 for relay message originator.

2 points for both operators of a 2Meter message relay received at NET control.

Double points for operating off grid.

OCTOBER 30th, SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST from 9am to 12 noon
Mobile repeater frequency 147.105+ MHz with a tone of 97.4
Frank Gufler VA3-GUF is net control.

Alternate frequencies in use for integrated Grey and BRUCE county SET
• 09am – 10am / HF phone @                                    3.800MHz
• 10am – 11am / JS8call @                                        3.578MHz
• 11am – 12pm(Noon) / 2 meter simplex @        146.520MHz

Marvin Double as Net Control on alternates

Have fun this weekend.  It should be a blast.


Frank Gufler


Attached Files
.docx   - LOGSHEET SET 20211030.docx (Size: 6.29 KB / Downloads: 12)
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  General Message form ICS-213
Posted by: VA3-GUF-Frank - 2021-10-25, 13:11:30 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

The General Message form attached to this post can be used when operating as a radio operator during an ARES activation at a Municipal or County site.  Simply send the message handed to you and keep the copy on file for possible response or receive and write out the message on a blank General Message form and have it handed to the intended recipient.  Serialize each message sent or received with a YYYYMMDDHHmm number format and log this in your log.  When you receive a message with a subject that has your serial number on it, then simply write the response in the response section of the General Message form and hand it back to the original message originator.

General Messages handed to you with the response section filled out, simply forward on the reply message indicating it is a reply message and file it in a separate response folder.  We therefore would have 2 folders of messages, one with messages originating and sent from your location with no response received and another folder with all the reply messages sent that were responses to first time messages received at your location.




Attached Files
.pdf   - ICS-213 general message 1 pager.pdf (Size: 169.31 KB / Downloads: 5)
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  Net Report 20 October 2021
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2021-10-20, 19:22:09 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Topic: Will you be participating in October's SET?

VA3KOT John Owen Sound VHF NCS
KO4DXQ Bob Tennessee
VE3DGY Doug Annan
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3GIO Larry Woodstock
VE3MIO Maureen Wiarton
VE3WI Dave Port Elgin
VE3UJK John Tiny
VA3KOT John Owen Sound HF NCS 3783KHz
VE3GIO Larry Woodstock
VE3FJN Colin Hamilton
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3DGY Doug Annan
VE3IJD Gene Honey Harbour
VE3IDS Don Owen Sound
VE3MIO Maureen Wiarton

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Wink Emergency Management Strategy for Canada
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-13, 07:56:20 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

I'm sharing the link to a pdf document which is worth downloading as a reference. You will find the link below my comments.

This document clearly lays out the Government of Canada's objectives for developing "resilient" communities. This politically correct wording is code for, communities which are prepared to deal with emergencies without the need for the intervention of large organized top heavy agencies. Note please the specific reference to volunteers.

This document and others like it strongly suggest that the government of Canada wants communities to become more self-reliant in dealing with emergencies. If this assumption is correct then I feel it reinforces my view that amateur radio operators should refocus our efforts towards helping communities organize some manner of local (street level) emergency communications.

In my view this would involve helping local volunteer groups develop their own local emergency communications networks using unlicensed walkie talkies, CB radios or possibly phone based mesh networks. Such groups would interface and work with local HAM's and using our gear and ACS operators in Emergency Operations Centres to forward emergency traffic to one of our served agencies.

Following is the link to the previously mentioned pdf

Emergency Management Strategy for Canada

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  LiFePO4 Battery Charging
Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2021-10-12, 17:59:44 - Forum: Projects, Kits - No Replies

LiFePO4 batteries, although expensive, offer several advantages over lead-acid batteries.  They can be discharged much deeper, hold voltage well during discharge, are good for many more cycles, and are much lighter.  If you've read anything about these batteries, you know they need a charger designed for them.  A proper charger will top up the battery to the correct voltage, using Constant Current at first, then Constant Voltage to maintain the state of charge.

Assuming source power might be from the grid or from solar panels, I wondered if one would need two separate chargers.  i contacted Bioenno, who sell a large line of LiFePO4s.  They sell a 20 amp solar charge controller designed for their batteries, with Max Vin of 50V. 

I asked if it would be OK to supply the charge controller from a DC power supply (e.g. 24 VDC) instead of solar panels.  They said that would be OK if the Vin limit was respected.  (Also Vin must be > battery voltage, as the controller does not boost voltage.)

Could be useful info for anyone contemplating installing solar panels to charge LiFePO4 batteries.

Dave, VE3WI

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  The Storied History of Radio Call Signs
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-10, 08:35:52 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

How did we come to have the modern system of call signs? It's a question I never thought to ask. This video contains some fascinating bit of information on radio history. Most of this was largely unknown to me and so I expected it might be worth sharing.

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