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Wink Winlink Training Group
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-09, 13:17:29 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

I encourage everyone to get Winlink experience, even if you use no other digital modes. You can do this by using Winlink with telnet, which allows you to send and receive message via internet and so only a computer, the Winlink software and a Winlink account is required to do that. However, I couch my comments here by suggesting that having HF / VHF Winlink capability is very useful both personally and potentially as part of an ACS group.

There are various ways to connect a computer and radio together to do digital modes like Winlink. Newer radios like the ICOM 7300, the ICOM 705, The Yaesu 991A have internal sound cards and so require no other external sound card to operate in digital modes. However, other radios may require an external sound card like a Signalink or Soundblaster, just to name two.

When the internet is available Winlink can be used just like other email programs. However, when the internet is unavailable you can still send and receive email using HF via a Winlink Remote Message Server (RMS). This can be done wireless from the middle of the ocean, the middle of the desert or virtually anywhere on earth.

I expect none of that is news to most HAM's but I felt it worth saying in the event that you've been ignoring Winlink because you don't think it's relevant or interesting to you. Here's a point for consideration. CW is a valuable digital communications mode. However it's entirely useless if you need to send an email to someone. It's also not especially useful if you need to transfer information to other parties who don't know or use CW.

Winlink allows messages to be sent and received by anyone using plan English. No transcription is needed. This is especially valuable if you are supporting the Red Cross, or providing radio support in a hospital during an actual emergency. Consider also that a Winlink message can be sent when the recipient is off the air. It will sit on the Winlink server waiting for them to log in and retrieve it. This alone makes Winlink invaluable when working across time zones.

Winlink is an exceptionally valuable communications tool that is really easy to learn and easy to use. It's a great investment for personal use as well as for those operators that volunteer to assist with emergency communications during an actual emergency. All it takes to use Winlink is a little Planning, Preparation and Practice.

Here's the link. Please join us  Big Grin

RAC-ACS Winlink-Net-Group

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  Net report for Oct. 6 2021
Posted by: VE3RQYgreg - 2021-10-09, 10:56:15 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

GBARC 2M net @146.940 MHz tone 97.4 Echo - link node 333014

Net control operator: VE3RQY GREG
Antennas, favorite one, first one, best starter antenna, best limited space antenna, base, mobile, one in use now and most memorable incidents installing.

Echo - link participants:
KO4DXQ Bob, Tennessee
VE3OUI Doug, Elliot Lake
VE3GIO Larry, Woodstock

Regular direct radio participants:
VA3KOT John, Georgian Bluffs
VE3BQM, Bernie, Georgian Bluffs
VA3TS, TOM, Shallow Lake
VE3OZW, Richard, Mildmay
VE3WI, DAVE, Port Elgin

HF ‘73 Round moved to 3.777 MHz from 3.783
VE3GIO Larry

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  RAC Presentation Thursday Oct 7 2021
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-08, 11:01:22 - Forum: Emergency Preparedness - No Replies

RAC’s new Auxiliary Communications Service: A presentation by CSO Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT Thursday, October 7 on Zoom's "Emergency Management's Expectations of Amateur Radio" series

2021-10-05 By Alan Griffin

[Image: Jason-Tremblay-IARU-small--300x209.jpg]
For immediate release:

As part of the transition to the new Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) program, RAC Community Officer (CSO), Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT, has been following a video series presented by the Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee (RATPAC) on Thursday evenings.

This series of weekly disaster communications presentations provided via the Zoom videoconferencing platform is called “Emergency Management’s Expectations of Amateur Radio” and focuses on government, non-government agencies and organizations served by Amateur Radio in one way or another during a disaster. Although the presentations are currently based in America, they cover many similar issues and concerns found here in Canada.

The role of the Auxiliary Communications Service in Canada will also be to supplement, or augment communications for local, provincial or national emergency management groups and non-government organizations when required. 
On Thursday, October 7, Jason will be joining a group of presenters in the RATPAC series to offer a look at the differences in emergency management in Canada and the United States, and to discuss why Radio Amateurs of Canada is developing an Auxiliary Communications program. For more information about the presentation and the video series please visit:
RATPAC Video Presentations Lists – Google Drive

Although not affiliated with the American Radio Relay League, RATPAC is made up of ARRL Section Managers, appointed ARRL field leaders, and other members of the Amateur Radio community.
It hosts Zoom presentations twice weekly for Amateur Radio operators worldwide: Wednesdays on general radio topics; and Thursdays on Amateur Radio emergency communications. The presentation audience participates directly in the Zoom sessions and/or indirectly with video links and related documentation sent out after each session.

RAC will also be hosting a coast to coast Zoom session in January 2022 to cover the new direction in detail. Stay tuned to the RAC website and the pages of The Canadian Amateur magazine for more information.

Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT
RAC Community Services Officer

Filed Under: Amateurs in the News, ARES, Chief Field Services Officer, Emergency communications, Executive, News, News and Features, RAC Bulletins

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Video FEMA and ACS
Posted by: Guest - 2021-10-07, 14:58:04 - Forum: Community Service - No Replies

There are always things we can learn from the experiences of others. This video has a number of valuable lessons and very specific examples of the value of amateur radio emergency communications. I think it's worth the time to watch.

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  Red Cross / ARES deployment to PR after Hurricane Maria
Posted by: Guest - 2021-09-30, 11:51:19 - Forum: Community Service - No Replies

These types of emergency deployments are rare. However, each event contains lessons of value for all HAM's even those with no interest in Emergency Communications. Here in Canada, in specifically in Bruce / Grey Counties such total loss of communications and infrastructure seems a remote possibility - regrettably the potential is all to real, but is to often ignored.

Preparing for such events is something all operators need to consider. We need to think beyond the limited scope of supporting served agencies. A total loss of communications will impact everyone in very personal ways, which can be hard to imagine. It is my considered opinion as the ACS Emergency Coordinator in Bruce County that any operator with a vehicle mounted 2 meter radio is in fact an emergency radio operator.

My reasoning on this point is simple. Every vehicle with a 2 meter radio is a self-powered mobile station. Even with no other radio gear any operator so equipped can become part of an emergency communications net, even where their participation is informal. However, where normal communications are not available then a local amateur radio net will become a valuable means of sharing information. It may go without saying, but still important to state that having such radio communications capabilities offers the ability to call for help if necessary. Expanding on this idea further, having such capabilities affords the opportunity for any operator to also get help for friends, family, neighbors etc.

Here in Bruce County, it is my intention to nurture all licensed HAMs to think of themselves as emergency radio operators, even if they do not formally participate in the Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) group. In an emergency I will be on the air and hopefully doing that with the cooperation and participation of others. I hope you will each follow my work as I reinvigorate emergency communications in Bruce County.

Enjoy the video and please feel free to comment.

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  Net Report September 29 2021
Posted by: Guest - 2021-09-30, 10:54:20 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Net Report
Wednesday September 30, 2021

Net Controller Marvin Double VE3VCG
Topic for this net was “what educational or practical events would you like to see the club organize or support?”
Participants: For 2 meters

K04DXQ (Bob via Echo Link from Tennessee)
VE3MIO (Maureen via Echo link from Wiarton)
VE3BQM Bernie
VA3GIO (Larry via Echo Link from Woodstock)

Participants on 80 meters
VE3MIO Maureen
VA3GIO Larry
VE3BQM Bernie
VE3FJN Collen

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  GBARC Net Report - September 23, 2021
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2021-09-23, 07:02:50 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller - VE3OZW Richard

Topic for discussion -
1. Your amateur radio projects completed in 2021 and what's left to do?
2. Q codes - What are your thoughts for phone?  Should they be used mainly for CW?  Are they needed on 2m?

KO4DXQ Bob (Echolink) 
VE3VCG Marvin
VA3EAC Janet
VA3OAG Lucille

VE3VCG Marvin
VE3FJN Colin
VA3OAG Lucille

Thanks everyone, 73 to all.

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Posted by: VE3WI Dave - 2021-09-16, 07:39:46 - Forum: Meetings and Presentations - No Replies

For those who missed Tim Duffy's Zoom tour of his unbelievable contest station, the following is essentially the same as what he presented to us:


Many thanks to John VA3KOT for persevering & getting it booked.

Dave, VE3WI

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  Net Report 15 September 2021
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2021-09-15, 19:44:02 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

VA3KOT John Owen Sound VHF NCS
KO4DXQ Bob Tennessee
VE3VCG Marvin Paisley
VA3EAC Janet Paisley
VE3WI Dave Port Elgin
VE3FP Adam Elmwood
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay
VE3OUI Doug Elliot Lake
VA3KOT John Owen Sound HF NCS 3777KHz
VE3VCG Marvin Paisley
VE3BQM Bernie Owen Sound
VE3OZW Richard Mildmay
VE3OUI Doug Elliot Lake
VE3FJN Colin Hamilton
VE3RQY Greg Owen Sound

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Video My Go 2 Antenna TN07's 80 - 6 meter "portable" review
Posted by: Guest - 2021-09-14, 11:21:56 - Forum: Antennas - No Replies

The video I'm sharing here is about a new, I will say unique, antenna. It differs in many ways from other portable systems I've seen. It is quickly setup and can be used portable for a POTA activation, as demonstrated in the video, or for use at a home QTH with limited space or some by law or HOA restrictions. It does 80 - 6 meters without a tuner and I expect will also be able to do NVIS given its low position, however I can't confirm that, I'm just speculating.

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