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The Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
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Club Meetings

Monthly Meetings

7pm, 4th Tuesday of each month except July, August and December

Location:M'Wikwedong meeting place. 1045 3rd. Ave West. Owen Sound  (former Dufferin school).
Park in the south lot and come in through the SOUTH door right into the hall. The North door is not monitored
The Resource room door will be open at 6:30pm.
Each month at our club meeting we start off with a Tech Talk. Members are encouraged to offer their presentations. Subject can be anything of interest in Ham radio, maybe you installed a new radio or antenna, or discovered something new on youtube. Don't assume that what you have isn't good enough. Bring it along for discussion.

We need a presentation for our next club meeting.  Thanks
NEW -- click here for last months minutes

Breakfast at Elsie's

At Elsie's restaurant 9:00a.m. on the 2nd Saturday of each month. On Hwy 6 by Springmout.


Fox Hunt
Go to the forums on the link below for current details

Listen on 146.565 Mhz.
A thirty second CW message will be sent every 3 minutes.

live on air radio live stream broadcasting

Friends of G.B.A.R.C.   "On the Air"


The club meets Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm  on the air weekly on VE3OSR / VE3GBT and then on 3.783 +/- 

We are also Echolink enabled on node 333014.

Net Control Stations
(and Roster)


July 3rd

Aug 28th

 VE3RQY Greg

July 10th

Sept 4th

VE3BQM Bernie

July 17th

 Sep 11th

VA3EAC Janet

July 24th

Sept 18th

 VE3VCG Marvin

July 31st

Sept 25th

VE3OZW Richard 

Aug 7th

Oct 2nd


Aug 14th

Oct 9th


Aug 21st

Oct 16th

A suggested net preamble is provided here
Net Control Preamble
NB: Don't forget to file a report in the forums after the net closes.
Please consider becoming a Net Control Station (NCS), either to be included on the weekly net schedule or to just fill in when one of the regular controllers is away

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