Amateur radio operators use the amateur radio bands for a variety of purposes.
Contacting people all over the world by radio which often leads to developing international friendships
Competing in international competitions to test the effectiveness of their equipment and their skill as a radio operator
Technical experimentation - many of the leaps forward in radio technology have been initiated by radio amateurs
Communication through amateur space satellites or with the International Space Station (which carries an amateur radio station)
Providing communications at times of emergencies and undertaking exercises to maintain that capability
There is no better way to explore the fascinating world of radio communications than by becoming a radio amateur.
What can I do with a ham radio?
Local operation with F.M. repeaters
Long distance (around the world) operation with H.F.
"Chat" with text over the radio with R.T.T.Y. (Radio Teletype)
Network computers over the radio with Packet
Send video over the radio with A.T.V. (Amateur Television)
Design and build antennasEmergency Communications Amateur Radio Emergency Service Grey County
Assist others to join the hobby through radio courses
Many ham radio operators volunteer their time and use ham radio primarily for local public service events such as races, parades, city festivals, etc. Skills learned helping with such things are useful in emergencies when regular local communications such as home telephones and cell phones are not available due to disasters such as terrorism, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.
Some hams like to communicate across the country or the other side of the globe. There are some that like to use satellites or bounce their signal off of the moon and others have even spoken with astronauts on the International Space Station.
Ham radio will begin new friendships for you either through an amateur radio club that may be located in your town or over the air.
Why use ham radio?
Ham radio is still relevant today because it is two-way communication that can endure earthquakes, hurricanes, and most any other disaster. Ham radio operators can make their wireless signal reach far beyond the distance of cell phones, family radios, or even CB radios because of the higher transmitting power allowed to them. It is essential to any emergency situation to include the use of ham radio for communication.
Ham radio helps build communication skills by talking and communicating with others. It is one of the lost skills in this era where we find ourselves talking more to computers than real people.